The FRESH Résumé & Employment Schema
The FRESH résumé schema is an open source, standards-friendly, JSON/YAML-driven format for résumé / CVs and other employment artifacts.
FRESH is supported as a native format by both FluentCV Desktop and Command Line and can be trivially converted to and from JSON Resume.
What It Does
FRESCA establishes an optimized, human-readable, computer-friendly representation for your résumé and career data based on JSON or equivalent YAML...
// Pared-down FRESH/FRESCA resume representation (JSON) "name": "Jane Doe" "info": /* Basic info */ "contact": /* Contact information */ "location": /* Location / address */ "meta": /* Resume metadata */ "employment": /* Employment history */ "projects": /* Project history */ "skills": /* Skills and technologies */ "education": /* Schools, training, certifications */ "affiliation": /* Clubs, groups, and associations */ "service": /* Volunteer, military, civilian service */ "disposition": /* Disposition towards work, relocation, schedule */ "writing": /* Writing, blogging, and publications */ "reading": /* Books and publication a la StackOverflow Careers */ "speaking": /* Writing, blogging, and publications */ "governance": /* Board memberships, committees, standards groups */ "recognition": /* Awards and commendations */ "samples": /* Work samples and portfolio pieces */ "social": /* Social networking & engagement */ "references": /* Candidate references */ "testimonials": /* Public candidate testimonials */ "extracurricular": /* Interests & hobbies */ "interests": /* Interests & hobbies */ "languages": /* languages spoken */
..which you can use to generate resumes and other career artifacts in specific concrete formats (HTML, LaTeX, Markdown, PDF, etc.) as well as enable 21st-century analysis of your resume and career data... a way that's not possible with traditional, 20th-century resume tools and formats.
Anatomy of a FRESH Resume
FRESCA resumes are:
- Text-based.
- Versionable.
- Standards-compliant.
- Human-readable/editable.
- Computer-friendly / easily parsable by tools.
- Built from JSON or equivalent YAML.
- Used to generate specific formats like HTML, PDF, or LaTeX.
- Free from proprietary structures or site- and/or tool-specific lock-in.
The FRESH resume schema is licensed under MIT. Go crazy.