A javascript library for doing fractional arithmetic.
First do an npm install fractional-arithmetic
Then, load the library into your code: var Fraction = require('fractional-arithmetic').Fraction;
You're good to go.
Example usage
var f = new Fraction( 7, 24 );
var g = Fraction( 11, 30 );
console.log( 'f=', f, 'g=', g );
console.log( 'f + g = ', );
console.log( 'f - g = ', f.minus(g) );
console.log( 'f x g = ', f.times(g) );
console.log( 'f / g = ', f.dividedBy(g) );
console.log( 'latex f:', f.toLatex() );
console.log( 'number f:', f.toNumber() );
var pi= Fraction( 3.1415926 );
console.log( 'from decimal pi:', pi, pi.simplify() );
creates the fraction "n
over d
" (n
and d
must be integers)
if f is fraction, creates a new fraction equal to fraction f
if f is decimal number, creates a new fraction equal to decimal number d
Arithmetic methods (can be chained)
, .plus(f)
both add fraction f
to this fraction
, .plus(n,d)
both add "n
over d
" to this fraction (n
and d
must be integers)
subtracts fraction f
from this fraction
subtracts "n
over d
" from this fraction (n
and d
must be integers)
, .multiply(f)
both multiply this fraction with fraction f
, .multiply(n,d)
both multiply this fraction with fraction "n
over d
" (n
and d
must be integers)
, .div(f)
both divide this fraction with fraction f
, .div(n,d)
both divide this fraction with fraction "n
over d
" (n
and d
must be integers)
returns the inverse of this fraction (flips numerator & denominator)
Conversion methods
, toS()
, inspect()
return a human-readable string of this fraction
returns the fraction as a LaTeX command string
returns the fraction as a MathML string
returns the fraction as a decimal number (divides numerator by denominator)
If you need to use these you can import them separately, like so:
var gcd = require('fractional-arithmetic').gcd;
computes the Greatest Common Divisor of a
and b
computes the Least Common Multiple of a
and b
true iff n
is an integer
If an invalid fraction is specified, a NotAFractionError
is thrown. For example, Fraction('foobar')
will throw an error.
Grunt targets
These targets are available
Run jshint and nodeunit tests
grunt test
Build the minified version
grunt build
Run tests and build the minified version
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