
0.11.10 • Public • Published

Template Import extension for Fepper

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WARNING! Importing from the backend will overwrite your frontend files!


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fp import

fp import will import assets, scripts, styles, and templates from the backend into the Fepper frontend. This works in the opposite direction of the standard Fepper tasks fp frontend-copy, fp template, and fp syncback.

In order for any files to be imported, the following preferences must be set (optionally per file type):

  • assets_dir
  • scripts_dir
  • styles_dir
  • templates_dir
  • templates_ext

They can be set in one of two ways:

  • In pref.yml under backend.synced_dirs.
  • In a .yml file with a basename that matches the basename of the file to be imported, in the directory of the destination in the frontend.

The {file type}_dir preference must be a directory path relative to the backend directory in your Fepper project. It must not contain leading or trailing slashes. The files in this directory will be imported into the corresponding frontend directory as declared in patternlab-config.json. Be sure to understand that Fepper's naming convention differs from Pattern Lab's, but they map intuitively:

  • assets -> images
  • scripts -> js
  • styles -> css

Things may be little tricky regarding the subdirectory nesting of assets, scripts, and styles. In the frontend, the _assets, _scripts, and _styles directories each have src and bld subdirectories. This is for the purpose of processing source files into builds destined for the consumer.

For assets, scripts, and styles, if backend.synced_dirs.{file type}_dir is set in pref.yml, there must be a corresponding src or bld directory in the backend. If {file type}_dir is set in a local .yml file, the backend directory maps directly to the frontend directory, with no nesting subdirectories. src and bld directories are not necessary in this case.

Templates do not concern themselves with src or bld subdirectories.

Assets, scripts, and styles will retain their file extensions. Templates will not. fp import identifies template languages by the extension of the backend template, and changes it to .mustache for the translated frontend template. For the basic fp import command, backend template extensions must match these spellings exactly:

  • .erb
  • .hbs
  • .jsp
  • .php
  • .twig

Templates in the backend can contain Feplet (Mustache) code intended for import into the Fepper frontend. They can be left unrendered in the browser by being wrapped in HTML comment tags:

<!--{{> 03-templates/partial }}-->

This combination of HTML comment and Feplet tags will be imported into the Fepper frontend as just Feplet tags. (They will be stripped of the HTML comment tags.) The YAML must look like the following so the HTML comment tags get reinstated when the frontend template gets exported back to the backend, i.e., by running fp template or fp export. (In YAML, double curly braces must be escaped):

'> 03-templates/partial': |2
  <!--\{\{> 03-templates/partial \}\}-->

fp import:erb -f <path to backend file>
fp import:erb -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted import for an Embedded Ruby template. This type of import allows for alternate file extensions since the language is declared in the command.

fp import:hbs -f <path to backend file>
fp import:hbs -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted import for a Handlebars template. This type of import allows for alternate file extensions since the language is declared in the command.

fp import:jsp -f <path to backend file>
fp import:jsp -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted import for a Java Server Pages template. This type of import allows for alternate file extensions since the language is declared in the command.

fp import:php -f <path to backend file>
fp import:php -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted import for a PHP template. This type of import allows for alternate file extensions since the language is declared in the command.

fp import:twig -f <path to backend file>
fp import:twig -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted import for a Twig template. This type of import allows for alternate file extensions since the language is declared in the command.

fp import:asset -f <path to backend file>
fp import:asset -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted import for an asset file.

fp import:script -f <path to backend file>
fp import:script -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted import for a script file.

fp import:style -f <path to backend file>
fp import:style -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted import for a style file.

fp export -f <path to frontend file>

A targeted export of a frontend file to the backend. For assets, scripts, and styles, this just copies to the backend, like fp frontend-copy, except targeted. For templates, this translates as well, like fp template, except targeted.

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  • e2tha-e
  • electric-el