Command for importing tags, categories, media, posts and pages from Wordpress to Flotiq.
npm install -g flotiq-wordpress-import
Clone this repository:
git clone
Enter the directory:
cd flotiq-wordpress-import
Install dependencies:
npm install
Check settings defined in:
flotiq-wordpress-import import [flotiqApiKey] [wordpressUrl]
or in development:
node bin/flotiq-wordpress-import import [flotiqApiKey] [wordpressUrl]
- API key to your Flotiq account, it must be read and write API key (more about Flotiq API keys in the documentation)
- full link to your Wordpress site
, -j
- Error and console output will be additionally written into json file named output.json
If you wish to talk with us about this project, feel free to hop on .
If you found a bug, please report it in issues.
To make your life and ours easier, we have prepared an error codes.
Flotiq API bad response.
Problem with adding Content Object.
Incorrect Flotiq API key.
Incorrect wordpress url.
To publish a new package in NPM, you need to update the version in the packages.json file and then commit the changes with the message "Release x.y.z". Where x.y.z is the new version of the package. Commit about this on the master branch will start building a tag about this version and publishing a new version to npm.