fix2json is a command-line utility to present FIX(TV) protocol message files as JSON or YAML (fix2yaml).
Some scenarios where fix2json might be of use are:
Within the ingestion pipeline of trading venue drop copy files into ElasticSearch
Performing command-line ETL or manipulation of FIX data, often in concert with other CLI utilities such as jq or XMLStarlet
As a pre-processor for inserting FIX records into JSON-conformant NoSQL repositories, such as Google BigQuery or MongoDB.
fix2json does not attempt any affirmative context validation, although syntax validation is performed as required for parsing of repeating groups. As such, users should consider ensuring the contextual validity of all FIX messages upstream. For satisfactory results, fix2json should be paired with the appropriate target FIX version data dictionary.
There is a high likelihood that the data dictionaries in dict
will need to be adjusted to conform to the FIX specification of the particular message generator. In particular, the processing of repeating groups relys upon the specified dictionary to determine the end of any particular group. If the FIX message data uses custom fields that are not present in the supplied data dictionary, the dictionary really should be patched accordingly. See the files dict/FIX50SP2.CME.xml
and dict/FIX42-bloomberg-step.xml
for examples of vendor-specific tags retroactively patched to a stock QuickFIX XML data dictionary.
npm install -g fix2json
$ fix2jsonUsage: fix2json [-p] <data dictionary xml file> [<path to FIX message file>] $ fix2json -p dict/FIX50SP2.CME.xml XCME_MD_GE_FUT_20160315.gz ... $ fix2json dict/FIX42.xml fixmsg_11212014.txt | mongoimport --drop --collection FIXconnected to: dropping: test.FIX2015-08-20T15:19:24.013-0400 15600 5200/second2015-08-20T15:19:27.000-0400 34600 5766/second2015-08-20T15:19:30.005-0400 53400 5933/second2015-08-20T15:19:33.009-0400 72900 6075/second2015-08-20T15:19:36.005-0400 88500 5900/second2015-08-20T15:19:39.010-0400 108200 6011/second2015-08-20T15:19:42.005-0400 127300 6061/second2015-08-20T15:19:45.001-0400 146800 6116/second2015-08-20T15:19:48.001-0400 166000 6148/second2015-08-20T15:19:51.429-0400 183600 6120/second2015-08-20T15:19:54.010-0400 200200 6066/second2015-08-20T15:19:55.980-0400 check 9 2129932015-08-20T15:19:55.981-0400 imported 212993 objects $ head -1 testfiles/100FIX42.dat | fix2json -p dict/FIX42.xml $ head -3 MDFF_CME_20130714-20130715_7819_0 | fix2yaml -p dict/FIX50SP2.CME.xmlApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 274MsgType: MARKETDATAINCREMENTALREFRESHSenderCompID: CMEMsgSeqNum: 2918SendingTime: '20130714212647805'TradeDate: '20130715'NoMDEntries: 3MDEntries: - MDUpdateAction: NEW SecurityIDSource: 'EXCHANGE SYMBOL' SecurityID: '2975' RptSeq: 6 SecurityDesc: 6EU4 MDEntryType: 'SIMULATED SELL PRICE' MDEntryPx: 13157 MDEntryTime: '212647000' - SecurityIDSource: 'EXCHANGE SYMBOL' SecurityID: '2975' RptSeq: 7 SecurityDesc: 6EU4 MDEntryType: 'SIMULATED BUY PRICE' MDEntryPx: 13069 MDEntryTime: '212647000' MDUpdateAction: NEW - SecurityIDSource: 'EXCHANGE SYMBOL' SecurityID: '2975' RptSeq: 8 SecurityDesc: 6EU4 MDEntryType: OFFER MDEntryPx: 13157 MDEntrySize: 10 MDEntryTime: '212647000' TradingSessionID: '0' NumberOfOrders: 1 MDPriceLevel: 1CheckSum: '092' ApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 277MsgType: MARKETDATAINCREMENTALREFRESHSenderCompID: CMEMsgSeqNum: 2916SendingTime: '20130714212639044'TradeDate: '20130715'NoMDEntries: 3MDEntries: - MDUpdateAction: NEW SecurityIDSource: 'EXCHANGE SYMBOL' SecurityID: '22195' RptSeq: 6 SecurityDesc: 6EZ4 MDEntryType: 'SIMULATED SELL PRICE' MDEntryPx: 13171 MDEntryTime: '212639000' - SecurityIDSource: 'EXCHANGE SYMBOL' SecurityID: '22195' RptSeq: 7 SecurityDesc: 6EZ4 MDEntryType: 'SIMULATED BUY PRICE' MDEntryPx: 13083 MDEntryTime: '212639000' MDUpdateAction: NEW - SecurityIDSource: 'EXCHANGE SYMBOL' SecurityID: '22195' RptSeq: 8 SecurityDesc: 6EZ4 MDEntryType: OFFER MDEntryPx: 13171 MDEntrySize: 10 MDEntryTime: '212639000' TradingSessionID: '0' NumberOfOrders: 1 MDPriceLevel: 1CheckSum: '227' ApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 134MsgType: MARKETDATAINCREMENTALREFRESHSenderCompID: CMEMsgSeqNum: 1371SendingTime: '20130714180142945'TradeDate: '20130715'NoMDEntries: 1MDEntries: - MDUpdateAction: NEW SecurityIDSource: 'EXCHANGE SYMBOL' SecurityID: '9296' SettlDate: '20130712' RptSeq: 1 SecurityDesc: 6EH4 MDEntryType: 'SETTLEMENT PRICE' MDEntryPx: 13077 MDEntryTime: '180142000'CheckSum: '107' # If streaming gzipped files over the network, let gunzip do the uncompression $ curl -s| gunzip - | fix2yaml -p dict/FIX50SP2.CME.xmlApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 278MsgType: MARKETDATAINCREMENTALREFRESHSenderCompID: CMETradeDate: '20160315'MsgSeqNum: 3254145SendingTime: '20160314214500015068553'TransactTime: '20160314214500001107404'MatchEventIndicator: '00001000'NoMDEntries: 3MDEntries: - MDUpdateAction: NEW MDEntryType: 'OPENING PRICE' SecurityID: '827723' Symbol: ZSK6 RptSeq: 717363 MDEntryPx: 894.25 OpenCloseSettlFlag: 'THEORETICAL PRICE VALUE' - MDUpdateAction: NEW MDEntryType: 'OPENING PRICE' SecurityID: '401316' Symbol: ZSN6 RptSeq: 621346 MDEntryPx: 898 OpenCloseSettlFlag: 'THEORETICAL PRICE VALUE' - MDUpdateAction: NEW MDEntryType: 'OPENING PRICE' SecurityID: '253214' Symbol: ZSX6 RptSeq: 617653 MDEntryPx: 904.5 OpenCloseSettlFlag: 'THEORETICAL PRICE VALUE'CheckSum: '098' ApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 131MsgType: SECURITYSTATUSSenderCompID: CMEMsgSeqNum: 3254151SendingTime: '20160314214500017078341'TransactTime: '20160314214500001107404'TradeDate: '20160315'MatchEventIndicator: '00000000'SecurityGroup: ZSSecurityTradingStatus: 'PRE OPEN'HaltReasonInt: 'NEWS DISSEMINATION'SecurityTradingEvent: 'CHANGE OF TRADING SESSION'CheckSum: '072' ApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 180MsgType: MARKETDATAINCREMENTALREFRESHSenderCompID: CMETradeDate: '20160315'MsgSeqNum: 3254163SendingTime: '20160314214500086778208'TransactTime: '20160314214500086645710'MatchEventIndicator: '00000100'NoMDEntries: 1MDEntries: - MDUpdateAction: CHANGE MDEntryType: OFFER SecurityID: '827723' Symbol: ZSK6 RptSeq: 717364 MDEntryPx: 895.75 MDEntrySize: 12 NumberOfOrders: 7 MDPriceLevel: 5CheckSum: '156' ApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 178MsgType: MARKETDATAINCREMENTALREFRESHSenderCompID: CMETradeDate: '20160315'MsgSeqNum: 3254164SendingTime: '20160314214500088853511'TransactTime: '20160314214500088741888'MatchEventIndicator: '00000100'NoMDEntries: 1MDEntries: - MDUpdateAction: NEW MDEntryType: OFFER SecurityID: '401316' Symbol: ZSN6 RptSeq: 621347 MDEntryPx: 902 MDEntrySize: 1 NumberOfOrders: 1 MDPriceLevel: 2CheckSum: '025' ApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 179MsgType: MARKETDATAINCREMENTALREFRESHSenderCompID: CMETradeDate: '20160315'MsgSeqNum: 3254165SendingTime: '20160314214500505311711'TransactTime: '20160314214500505220176'MatchEventIndicator: '00000100'NoMDEntries: 1MDEntries: - MDUpdateAction: CHANGE MDEntryType: BID SecurityID: '253214' Symbol: ZSX6 RptSeq: 617654 MDEntryPx: 898 MDEntrySize: 21 NumberOfOrders: 2 MDPriceLevel: 9CheckSum: '078' ApplVerID: FIX50SP2BodyLength: 178MsgType: MARKETDATAINCREMENTALREFRESHSenderCompID: CMETradeDate: '20160315'MsgSeqNum: 3254166SendingTime: '20160314214500524996190'TransactTime: '20160314214500524917388'MatchEventIndicator: '00000100'NoMDEntries: 1MDEntries: - MDUpdateAction: NEW MDEntryType: OFFER SecurityID: '122779' Symbol: ZSQ6 RptSeq: 553424
Gzipped files being read from the filesystem and having a .gz extension will be uncompressed automatically
Data dictionary discrepancies will throw a monkeywrench into the processing of repeating groups. This is because fix2json refers back to the data dictionary during repeating group processing to determine when any individual group tags ends. However, if a group member contains a tag does not reside in the specified dictionary, fix2json will truncate the group prematurely, triggering rage in its victims. In this case, the best approach is to reconcile the data dictionaries employed and adjusted the dictionary accordingly. Unrecognized individual tags (not part of a repeating group) will simply be represented as the FIX tag number and its corresponding value, indicating a data dictionary mismatch less destructively.
fix2json makes few semantic judgements about the FIX data being processed and blindly applies the specified data dictionary to the input FIX file. Feedback from the community on an appropriate level of validation is welcomed.
fix2json uses streams instead of loading up the entire source file in one go. This means that you can process 2G+ files and receive output almost immediately. What this also means is that fix2json does not emit a canonical JSON array as it's output. Individual JSON objects will be output that correspond to the individual messages in the source file. For this reason, pretty printing is disabled by default. Use
as the first argument for pretty printed output JSON. -
fix2json will replace underscores ('_') with spaces (' ') for all mnemonic tag descriptions found in the input data dictionary. Hence, a description for EventType will be in the data dictionary as "LAST_ELIGIBLE_TRADE_DATE", but will be interpreted by fix2json as "LAST ELIGIBLE TRADE DATE"
See Also
MIT. See license text in LICENSE.
Copyrights and Names
Copyright © FIS 2015-2016. Licensed under the MIT license.