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File specific icons for the browser from Atom File-icons, https://github.com/file-icons/atom
Use npm
to install as follows,
npm i websemantics/file-icons-js
Or, Bower
bower i websemantics/file-icons-js
Getting Started
Include css
styles from css/style.css
in the header of an html document.
Get an instance of FileIcons
var icons = windowFileIcons;
Get the class name of the icon that represent a filename (for example text-icon
var filename = 'src/app.js';var class_name = icons;
You can also get a class name of the associated icon color,
var filename = 'README.md';var class_name = icons;
Use the class name to generate html, for example,
documentbodyinnerHTML = "<a><i class=" + class_name + "></i>$filename</a>";
- Atom File Icons, file specific icons for improved visual grepping.
- Markdown Browser Plus, Github flavoured, local file browser for markdown docs.
Need help or have a question? post at StackOverflow.
Please don't use the issue trackers for support/questions.
Star if you find this project useful, to show support or simply for being awesome :)
Contributions to this project are accepted in the form of feedback, bugs reports and even better - pull requests.
MIT license Copyright (c) Web Semantics, Inc.