
0.1.1 • Public • Published


Rate limit any APIs/functions by using this rate limiter.

This module has been used extensively in http://www.ecosystm.co .

How to use

  1. Installation

    $ npm install ffratelimiter

  2. Create an constructor.

    var RateLimiter = require('./node_modules/ffratelimiter');

  3. Create a rate limited queue with the above constructor.

    var params = { limit: NUMBER, // default: 0 window: NUMBER, // default: 0 concurrency: NUMBER, // default: 1 attempts: NUMBER, // default: 1 runforever: BOOLEAN // default: false };

    var ratelimiter = new RateLimiter(params);

    Here is a description of arguments of the constructor.

    1. limit = max. number of calls (ignored if window is 0)
    2. window = time window for rate limiting (0 if there is no window)
    3. concurrency = number of parallel
    4. attempts = number of attempts to make before failing
    5. runforever = forever keep running

    NOTE: when using runforever, if there is a roll-over from last item to first item, then any new items added to work_queue will have to wait until all the earlier items are processed. (where items refer to the arguments for rate-limited function).

    This is simply bad algo and has been done to keep things simple. We were observing issues with using shift and push in the work_queue inside

  4. Start inserting functions to be called into the queue, using the below function.

    this.callWrapper (fn, params, callback, scope)

    1. fn = function to be called each time. It will be called with arguments in params, followed by an internal callback function
    2. params = arguments passed to function fn
    3. callback = Called after successfully or unsuccessfully executing fn (in case of unsuccessful execution, and if attempts (say to 'n') is set, we try calling the function again for n times)
    4. scope = a scope for the callback [optional]


Check under tests folder.




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  • navalsaini