
1.3.7 • Public • Published

openIMIS Frontend Claim reference module

This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Frontend Claim reference module. It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-fe_js.

License: AGPL v3

Main Menu Contributions

  • Claims (claim.mainMenu translation key)

    Health Facilities Claims (claim.menu.healthFacilityClaims translation key), displayed if user has at least one of rights [111002, 111004, 111005, 111006 or 111007]

    Reviews (claim.menu.reviews translation key), displayed if user has at least one of the rights [111008, 111009, 111010; 111011]

Other Contributions

  • core.Router: registering the claim/healthFacilities, claim/claim/:claim_uuid, claim/reviews, claim/review/:claim_uuid and claim/feedback/:claim_uuid routes in openIMIS client-side router

Available Contribution Points

  • claim.MainMenu ability to add entries within the main menu entry (known usage: openimis-fe-claim_batch)
  • claim.Filter ability to extend the ClaimFilter (inside the criteria form), used for HealthFacilities and Reviews screens
  • claim.HealthFacilitiesFilter ability to extend the ClaimFilter (inside the criteria form), only for the HealthFacilities screen
  • claim.ReviewsFilter ability to extend the ClaimFilter (inside the criteria form), only for the Reviews screen
  • claim.Searcher ability to extend the ClaimSearcher (between the criteria form and the results table)
  • claim.ClaimForm ability to extend the ClaimForm (entity displayed to add, edit, provide feedback and provide review)
  • claim.MasterPanel ability to extend the first section (paper) of the ClaimForm
  • claim.ClaimFeedback ability to extend the ClaimFeedbackPanel (i.e. feedback form)
  • claim.SelectionAction ability to extend the ClaimSearcher action menu
  • claim.ReviewSelectionAction ability to extend the ClaimReviewSearcher action menu

Published Components

  • claim.ClaimAdminPicker, suggestion-based picker bound to claimAdmins GraphQL query
  • claim.ClaimOfficerPicker, suggestion-based picker bound to claimOfficersGraphQL query
  • claim.ClaimStatusPicker, constant-based picker, translation keys: claim.claimStatus.null, claim.claimStatus.1,...
  • claim.FeedbackStatusPicker, constant-based picker, translation keys: claim.feedbackStatus.null, claim.feedbackStatus.1,...
  • claim.ReviewStatusPicker, constant-based picker, translation keys: claim.reviewStatus.null, claim.reviewStatus.1,...
  • claim.ApprovalStatusPicker, constant-based picker, translation keys: claim.approvalStatus.null, claim.approvalStatus.1,...
  • claim.RejectionReasonPicker, constant-based picker (with tooltip), translation keys: claim.rejectionReason.null, claim.rejectionReason.1,...
  • claim.ClaimMasterPanelExt, ready to use extension for the claim.MasterPanel, loading the policy.InsureePolicyEligibilitySummary published component and displaying the last claim (visit) code, date from and date to

Dispatched Redux Actions

  • CLAIM_CLAIM_ADMINS_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: loading the claim admins cache
  • CLAIM_CLAIM_ADMIN_SELECTED: when claim administrator is selected in filter (enable claim add button)
  • CLAIM_CLAIM_HEALTH_FACILITY_SELECTED: when health facility is selected in filter (enable claim add button)
  • CLAIM_CLAIM_SEARCHER_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: querying for claims (filter updates or refresh button pushed)
  • CLAIM_CLAIM_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: loading a claim (double click on claim in result table)
  • CLAIM_LAST_CLAIM_AT_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: loading the last (other) claim of the claim insuree at the claim health facility (cfr. claim.ClaimMasterPanelExt)
  • CLAIM_MUTATION_{REQ|ERR}: sending a mutation (update, deliver feedback,...)
  • CLAIM_CREATE_CLAIM_RESP: recieving the result of create claim mutation
  • CLAIM_UPDATE_CLAIM_RESP: recieving the result of update claim mutation
  • CLAIM_SUBMIT_CLAIMS_RESP: recieving the result of submit claim(s) mutation
  • CLAIM_DELETE_CLAIMS_RESP: recieving the result of delete claim(s) mutation
  • CLAIM_SELECT_CLAIMS_FOR_FEEDBACK_RESP: recieving the result of select claim(s) for feedback mutation
  • CLAIM_BYPASS_CLAIMS_FEEDBACK_RESP: recieving the result of bypass claim(s) feedback mutation
  • CLAIM_SKIP_CLAIMS_FEEDBACK_RESP: recieving the result of skip claim(s) feedback mutation
  • CLAIM_DELIVER_CLAIM_FEEDBACK_RESP: recieving the result of deliver claim feedback mutation
  • CLAIM_SELECT_CLAIMS_FOR_REVIEW_RESP: recieving the result of select claim(s) for review mutation
  • CLAIM_BYPASS_CLAIMS_REVIEW_RESP: recieving the result of bypass claim(s) review mutation
  • CLAIM_SKIP_CLAIMS_REVIEW_RESP: recieving the result of skip claim(s) review mutation
  • CLAIM_DELIVER_CLAIM_REVIEW_RESP: recieving the result of deliver claim review mutation
  • CLAIM_PROCESS_CLAIMS_RESP: recieving the result of process claim(s) mutation
  • CLAIM_PRINT: emit print claim request
  • CLAIM_PRINT_DONE: recieved print claim response (pdf)
  • CLAIM_EDIT_HEALTH_FACILITY_SET: selected health facility in claim edit form. Known usage: medical_pricelist (to load the corresponding pricelist)

Other Modules Listened Redux Actions


Other Modules Redux State Bindings

  • state.core.user, to access user info (rights,...)
  • state.medical_pricelist, retrieving medical pricelist once health facility of claim selected (changed)
  • state.loc.userHealthFacilityFullPath, retrieving user's heath facility (and its district and region)

Configurations Options

  • debounceTime: debounce time (ms) before triggering search in ClaimFilter (Default: 800)
  • newClaim.visitType: default (pre-selected) visity type when creating a claim (Default: 'O' - Other)
  • claim.CreateClaim.feedbackStatus: value set to feedback status when creating a claim (Default: 1)
  • claim.CreateClaim.reviewStatusvalue set to review status when creating a claim (Default: 1)
  • claimFilter.rowsPerPageOptions: pagination page size options in Claim Searcher component (Default: [10, 20, 50, 100])
  • claimFilter.defaultPageSize, pagination pre-selected page size options in Claim Searcher component (Default: 10)
  • claimFilter.highlightAmount, amount triggering the primary highligh (default bold) for claims in claim searcher result. Default: 0, menaing no highlight threshold
  • claimFilter.highlightAltInsurees, boolean to trigger the secondary highligh (default italic) for claims of the same insuree. Default: true
  • claimForm.codeMaxLength, the max size of a claim code (id), default 8;
  • claimForm.fixedPricesAtEnter, boolean to prevent user to adapt prices at claim entry (fixed to price list). Default: false (user can change the price)
  • claimForm.fixedPricesAtReview, boolean to prevent user to adapt prices at claim review (fixed to price list). Default: false (user can change the price)
  • claimForm.showJustificationAtEnter, boolean to display justification field(s) for items and services at claim entry. Default false;
  • claimForm.showAdjustmentAtEnter, boolean to display adjustment field at claim entry. Default false;
  • claimForm.insureePicker, the insuree picker to use when filling a claim. Default insuree.InsureeChfIdPicker (the exact chfid entry picker). Other pre-canned option (from insuree reference module): insuree.InsureePicker (dialog picker with search on chfid, last name and other names)
  • canSaveClaimWithoutServiceNorItem, wherever user can save a claim without service nor item, default: true
  • canSubmitClaimWithZero, wherever user can submit with 0 as claimed amount (probably a claim without service/item), default: false
  • claimAttachments, boolean to enable/disable claim attachments. Default true;
  • claimForm.referHF, boolean to enable/disable referal HF (mandatory when visit type = Referal, optional without). Default true;




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  • seboka.matsoso