
1.6.5 • Public • Published

fba-cli: A CLI (command line interface) to execute FBA (fishbone analysis icon) files with DLT-logs/adlt


Executes fishbone-analysis files (fba) from the Visual Studio Code(tm) extension 'fishbone' Visual Studio Marketplace Version standalone - without vscode - on the console.

Execution performs:

  • run all badges queries on a list of provided DLT logs
  • generate a markdown report with any output from either the upper or the lower badge of all root causes.

Other features

  • Can be used to export embedded dlt-filters from the fishbone to be used with DLT-Viewer.

How to use


  • Installed adlt and available in path. Check in terminal/console e.g. via adlt --version
  • node.js v22 or higher installed. Check via node --version
  • Install fba-cli via npm install fba-cli -g
  • If adlt plugins shall be used a config file in json/jsonc/json5 format with
example json config file...
    // all plugins from dlt-logs/adlt are supported
     { // e.g. NonVerbose plugin
      "name": "NonVerbose",
      "enabled": true,
      "fibexDir": "<...path to non-verbose fibex files...>",
      "name": "SomeIp",
      "enabled": true,
      "fibexDir": "<...path to someip fibex files...>"
      "name": "Rewrite",
      "enabled": true,
      "rewrites": [
          "name": "SYS/JOUR timestamp",
          "filter": {
            "apid": "SYS",
            "ctid": "JOUR"
          "payloadRegex": "^.*? .*? (?<timeStamp>\\d+\\.\\d+) (?<text>.*)$"
      "name": "CAN",
      "enabled": true,
      "fibexDir": "<...path to can fibex files...",

Call from terminal/console

# fba-cli exec -c <config_file> <list of fba files> <list of DLT files>
# e.g.
fba-cli exec -c config.json analysis.fba recorded.dlt recorded_p2.dlt > analysis_report.md

if you dont have adlt in path you can start it manually with the options

cd 'path where adlt binary is installed'
adlt remote -p 7777

and then use fba-cli:

# fba-cli exec -p host:port -c <config_file> <list of fba files> <list of DLT files>
# e.g.
fba-cli exec -p -c config.json analysis.fba recorded.dlt recorded_p2.dlt > analysis_report.md

Export filters in DLT-Viewer format:

# fba-cli export -f dlt-viewer <name of fba file> <name of zip file containing the .dlf filters>
fba-cli export -f dlt-viewer analysis.fba analysis_filters.zip

Planned Features

  • included messages from all badge queries that provided an output
  • support graphical reports as well

Known Issues

  • embedded markdown background descriptions will not be properly formatted


Any and all test, code or feedback contributions are welcome. Open an issue or create a pull request to make this tool/lib work better for all.

Donations Donations are welcome!

Third-party Content

This project leverages third party content. For details see the dependencies and devDependencies section in package.json.

Thanks to all contributors!



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  • mbehr1