Falcon Framework
Kohana inspired web development framework
The animal
The Peregrine Falcon is renowned for its speed, reaching over 322 km/h (200 mph) during its characteristic hunting stoop (high speed dive), making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom.
#falcon.js IRC Channel at freenode.net
Module Structure
|-- classes
| |-- controllers
| | |-- admin
| | | |-- categories_controller.js
| | | |-- posts_controller.js
| | | `-- tags_controller.js
| | |-- comments_controller.js
| | `-- posts_controller.js
| |-- models
| | |-- category.js
| | |-- post.js
| | `-- tag.js
| |-- views
| | |-- admin
| | | `-- posts
| | | |-- edit.jade
| | | |-- index.jade
| | | |-- new.jade
| | |-- layouts
| | | `-- application_layout.jade
| | |-- partials
| | `-- posts
| | |-- index.jade
| | `-- show.jade
| `-- helpers
| |-- admin
| | |-- posts_helper.js
| | `-- tags_helper.js
| `-- posts_helper.js
`-- config
|-- database.json
|-- routes.js
|-- tsl.cert
`-- tsl.key