ExpressoGo - Your Express.js Project Initialization Tool
ExpressoGo is a command-line tool that simplifies the process of creating a new Express.js project. With ExpressoGo, you can quickly generate the basic structure for your Express.js application, including CRUD route files, middleware setup, and common npm package installation.
- Express.js Project Initialization: Create a new Express.js project with just a few simple commands.
- CRUD Route Files: Automatically generate CRUD route files for creating, reading, updating, and deleting items.
- Middleware Setup: Set up commonly used Express.js middleware for JSON parsing, URL encoding, logging, and more.
- Common npm Packages: Install essential npm packages commonly used in Express.js projects.
- Development Environment: Use Nodemon for development to auto-restart the server during code changes.
You can install ExpressoGo globally using npm:
npm install -g expressogo
To initialize a new Express.js project using ExpressoGo, follow these steps:
- Run the following command to start
- Follow the prompts to customize your Express.js project, such as choosing the Express.js version.
- ExpressoGo will create a new project directory with the basic structure and files needed for your Express.js application.
- After initialization, navigate to the project directory and run the development server using:
npm run dev
- Your Express.js application will be running at http://localhost:3000. You can start building your routes and logic from there.
Project Structure
The generated project structure will look like this:
your-express-app/ │ ├── app.js ├── package.json ├── routes/ │ ├── createRoute.js │ ├── readRoute.js │ ├── updateRoute.js │ └── deleteRoute.js │ ├── node_modules/ └── ...other files and directories
Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements for ExpressoGo, please open an issue or create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License