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🧐 About

This is zigvy expo template using react-query

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them.

Require system

Bun: https://bun.sh/docs/installation

Require CLI development

Understand Expo Cli: https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli/

Require CLI for build to "DEV" or deployment

Eas Cli: Make a build (dev, zigvy, staging, production)
   1. to installing
   2. to login expo cloud project
   4. to config (Require logged in step 2)
     In app.json - (Setup only one times for first times)
       Remove "expo.updates" before run "eas update:configure" (This is auto in create-zigvy-app CLI)
       Remove "expo.extra.eas" before run "eas build:configure" (This is auto in create-zigvy-app CLI) - the ./eas.json file is exist


Init project

  • bunx create-expo-app --template expo-template-react-query

You need a simulator(IOS) or emulator(Android) before OR "real device" - Android can install dev apk - IOS require "Apple Dev Account" to build

-------------- Emulator - Simulator --------------
  - Android Studio Emulator (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKGESzemfdw) or 
  - Android Emulator Image Beta (https://developer.android.com/design-for-safety/privacy-sandbox/download#emulator)
  - Other option (https://www.genymotion.com/)
  - XCode (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835?mt=12)
  - Run a simulator (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/running-your-app-in-simulator-or-on-a-device)
-------------- Real device --------------
- Enable develop mode 
  - Android (https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options)
  - IOS >= 16 (https://docs.expo.dev/guides/ios-developer-mode/)
  • Make a CLOUD BUILD script
IOS: bun build:dev-simulator (Simulator), build:dev-ios (Real device) - Require Apple Dev Account To Run
Android: bun build:dev-android (Both real device and emulator)
  • Make a LOCAL BUILD script
Require system: https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/local-builds/#limitations

IOS: bun build:dev-simulator-local (Simulator) or build:dev-ios-local (Real device)
Android: bun build:dev-android-local

Install dev build (For real device need connect by cable if using script)

  • Can select yes after build

alt text


  • Install a CLOUD BUILD
- Using script to select the latest existing cloud build to install
  - bun install:android
  - bun install:ios

- QR Code in https://expo.dev/
  • Install a LOCAL BUILD
 - See the build in archive folder
 - Android
   - Drag dev build to "emulator"
   - Can transmit to real device to install
   - Or other way use "adb install" script (https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/)
 - IOS
   - Extract and Drag Simulator Build to a "simulator"
   - Using for ios dev build - real device https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/apple-configurator/id1037126344?mt=12

Start Dev

  • Run bun start
  • Press i to start terminal to start IOS, a to start Android
  • May be you can see a error in terminal and the simulator not open - Copy the error and follow stack overflow run script only first times to fix
  • Or scan the QR code in the terminal for real device
  • From now on, you only need to do this to start the local project

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  • thienvu22