
1.1.0 • Public • Published

Column layout

This layout renders its content in two or more columns, looking something like

+-----------------------+   +-----------------------+
|                       |   |                       |
|                       |   |                       |
|                       |   |             +------+  |
|    Text       Text    |   |    Text     |      |  |
|                       |   |             +------+  |
|                       |   |                       |
|                       |   |                       |
+-----------------------+   +-----------------------+

The content is provided via layoutData.

Layout data

This layout accepts the following options:

  • divider: A string that is used to separate the columns in the content. Defaults to ###. The divider must be always alone in one line.
  • alignment: An array of alignments corresponding to each column. This defines the horizontal position of the content and can be either left (default), center or right. Example: [left, right].
  • position: An array of positions corresponding to each This defines the vertical position of the content in the column, and can be either top (default), middle or bottom. Example: [top, middle]. middle and bottom will align the content relative to the largest column.

Layout content

The content consists for several blocks of text (one block per column) separated by the divider. For example:

This is the left column.
This is the right column.

CSS classes

Each column has the class .Column-column. Columns are wrapped inside an element with class .Column-wrapper. Each column gets assigned a class containing its index, e.g. .Column-1 for the first column, .Column-2 for the second column, and so on.

Each alignment and position also adds a class to each column element (e.g.
.Column-left, .Column-middle, etc.). You can use these classes to override the default behavior.

Columns have a default min-width of 150px. You can set a column to a specific width using

style: |
  .Column-1 {
    min-width: 50px;
    max-width: 50px;

(which sets the width of the first column to 50px)

Note: If you have more than two columns, you likely want to override the max-width of #exerslide-slide > *, e.g. with

style: |
  #exerslide-slide > * {
    max-width: 80%;


id: two_column_example
title: TwoColumn layout example
layout: TwoColumn
  alignment: [left, center]
  position: [top, middle]
This is an example that shows text content on the left and a picture on
the right.

Example with [Markdown][]:
- For example:
- bullet lists

Check out the image on the right.
![Example image on the right hand side](http://placehold.it/200x150/A8C5FC/?text=+)




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  • fkling