The zero client standard Web3 provider for the ethdeploy Ethereum smart-contract deployment system.
Zero Client
The zero-client provider was designed by the @MetaMask team, namely, @kumavis to handle the management of accounts and key signing for web3 RPC interaction.
See more here: zero-client
Provider Object Example
type: 'zero-client',
getAccounts: function(cb) {
cb(null, ['0x2233eD250Ea774146B0fBbC1da0Ffa6a81514cCC']);
signTransaction: function(rawTx, cb) {
const privateKey = new Buffer('c55c58355a32c095c7074837467382924180748768422589f5f75a384e6f3b33', 'hex');
const tx = new Tx(rawTx);
cb(null, ethUtil.bufferToHex(tx.serialize()));
host: '',
port: 8545,
Note, please do not store your accounts or private keys in your ethdeploy provider settings... please! That is stupid and dangerous.
npm install --save ethdeploy-provider-zero-client
Released under the MIT License, see file.