ESLint: AI
eslint-ai is an cli tools that help us to lint and view suggestion from ai if we had a code error with eslint support.
Get your OPENAI_KEY from OpenAi
You'll have to create a account and get your api key
Set your configuration:
eslint-ai config set OPENAI_KEY=<your key> # for api key
eslint-ai config set OPENAI_MODEL=<your model> # for specifing your prefered model
eslint-ai config set OPENAI_API_ENDPOINT=<your api endpoint> # for specifing your api endpoint
eslint-ai config ui # to use ui prompt directly
npx eslint-ai # basic usage
npx eslint-ai <file> # you can specify a list of file to lint
Using global installation
npm install -g eslint-ai # npm
yarn add global eslint-ai # yarn
eslint-ai # basic usage
eslint-ai <file> # you can specify a list of file to lint
To update to the latest version, use:
eslint-ai update
eslint-ai is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support.
eslint-ai is MIT licensed.