
2.1.6 • Public • Published

Eslahan is a DB environment constructor for performing tests.


Eslahan's main task is to simplify the process of DB preparation for testing scenarios. It allows to avoid large generalized DB conditions, which may make tests implicitly dependant. With the help of Eslahan you can describe DB structure once and insert needed data only, ignoring data not important at the given testing scenario. Eslahan will fill in all other fields according to rules specified by user.


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Usage examples can be seen in tests. For example:

var TableDao = require("eslahan/tests/testHelpers").tableDao;
var eslahan = require("eslahan");
var fields = eslahan.fields;
var DBEnv = eslahan.DBEnv;

var env = new DBEnv({
    mother: new TableDao(),
    father: new TableDao(),
    daughter: new TableDao(),
    grandFather: new TableDao()
    .addField("id", fields.uuid(), true);
env.addTable("grandFather", fields.uuid(), true)
    .addField("id", fields.uuid(), true);
    .addField("id", fields.uuid(), true)
    .addField("grandFather", fields.dependency(env.getTable("grandFather")));
    .addField("id", fields.uuid(), true)
    .addField("mother", fields.dependency(env.getTable("mother")))
    .addField("father", fields.dependency(env.getTable("father")));

We've got a system of 4 tables, where mother and grandFather tables consist of single (key) column id each, defined within Eslahan as UUID.

father table depends on grandFather table via grandFather field, and contains a key field id that also is defined as UUID.

daughter table depends on father and mother tables via father and mother fields respectively, and contains a key field id that, again, is defined as UUID.

Now, when we have described DB structure, we are able to generate easily a couple of stepsisters:

var daughterTable = env.getTable("daughter");
var sister1 = daughterTable.insert();
var sister2 = daughterTable.insert(daughterTable.getRow(sister1, {fields: ["father"]}));

Now we've got a couple of sisters who share one father (and one grandfather) but are born from different mothers.

If we wish, we can generate their cousin who will share a grandfather with them, being born from different parents:

var daughter = daughterTable.insert(
            fields: [
                    name: "father",
                    fields: ["grandFather"]
            populated: true

DAO and DB

Eslahan was created on the assumption of using Zatanna or any other DAO offering insert and delete methods. From version 2.0.1 Eslahan expects DAO to support insert, delete and select methods. Where select uses promises and returns whole table as array of objects if run without parameters.

There are two key requirements one should mind when using Eslahan. First is, DAO methods should be synchronous and user has to execute async part himself right when it's needed, except for select method used in saveFixture functionality (from version 2.0.0), while the second point is that DAO must not depend on DB scripts (for example, on sequence generators).

The first requirement is fulfilled easily by wrapping DAO methods with accumulators, while the second one can be walked around by generating sequences through JavaScript (with the help of matching field generators within Eslahan).

By default, Eslahan takes inserted DAO as dictionary of table DAOs. However, you can delegate to Eslahan a function of table DAO choosing.

var env = new DBEnv(new TableDao(), function (tableName, dao) {
    return dao;


DBEnv object

Accessible via

var DBEnv = require("eslahan").DBEnv;

Main Eslahan object. Allows to describe system as whole and to manipulate with it. To construct it you must provide DAO object and (optionally) tableGetter - function choosing table DAO from given DAO. By default Eslahan chooses DAO[tableName] as table DAO. Example can be found below.

var env = new DBEnv(DAO, tableChooser);

DBEnv.addTable(name) -> Table

Method is usable only if Environment is not finalized. Adds new table with given name, choose DAO for it and returns added table.

DBEnv.getTable(name) -> Table

Method returns table with given name if it's exists, or throws exception.


Method finalizes all created tables, makes all needed preparations inside Environment makes impossible to add or change tables makes possible to cleanUp tables.


Method says to DAO (synchronously) that all tables can bee cleaned up and defines right order for table cleaning.

DBEnv.saveFixture() -> Promise

(new in version 2.0.0)

Method says to Eslahan to save DB state in memory for later DB restoring. Method returns Promise and is asynchronous.


(new in version 2.0.0)

Method says to Eslahan to restore DB state to that which was when DBEnv.saveFixture() has been called. Method is synchronous. It is strongly recommended to envelope execution plan with transaction. (dao.execute(true) in Zatanna for example).

Table object

Accessible via addTable and getTable methods of DBEnv object.

Table allows to describe DB table and to manipulate with it.

Table.addField(name, generator, key) -> Table

Method allows to add field int not finalized table. You should provide name for field, field generator (could be found among require("eslahan").fields) and optionally flag of key column.Method is chainable.

var TableDao = require("eslahan/tests/testHelpers").tableDao;
var eslahan = require("eslahan");
var DBEnv = eslahan.DBEnv;
var env = new DBEnv({"NewTable" : new TableDao()});
var table = env.addTable("NewTable");
    .addField("id", eslahan.fields.uuid(), true)
    .addField("data", eslahan.fields.text());

Creates table NewTable with uuid key field id and text field data.

Table.insert(data) -> keyValue

Method allows to insert data into finalized table and get key of inserted row. Data is optional parameter providing demands to inserted row or any daughter rows. For example:

var TableDao = require("eslahan/tests/testHelpers").tableDao;
var eslahan = require("eslahan");
var DBEnv = eslahan.DBEnv;
var env = new DBEnv(new TableDao(), function (tableName, dao) {
    return dao;
var mother = env.addTable("Mother")
    .addField("id", eslahan.fields.uuid(), true)
    .addField("name", eslahan.fields.text());
var daughter = env.addTable("daughter")
    .addField("id", eslahan.fields.uuid(), true)
    .addField("name", eslahan.fields.text())
    .addField("mother", eslahan.fields.dependency(mother));

var daughter1 = daughter.insert();
var daughter2 = daughter.insert({name: "Ekaterina", mother: {name: "Anastasia"}});

First insert method create daughter with random fields and dependant mother with random fields. Second creates daughter with random key and name "Ekaterina" and dependant mother with name "Anastasia". From version 2.1.0 some fields may write down to DB one variant of input and return another. For example datetime field returns Date object, but write down to DB string in ISO format.


Commands DAO to clean up table and cleans up cache. Normally should be called by Environment.


Sets given field as key in not finalized table. Normally should not be called manually, and supposed to be called by Table.addField with key parameter set in true.

Table.getRow(key, options) -> rowData

Returns copy of row with given key. Options allow to restrict returning fields, demand to populate dependent fields. Also options can be passed to populating tables recursively. If we continue previous example, we can:

var daughterRow1_1 = daughter.getRow(daughter1);
var daughterRow1_2 = daughter.getRow(daughter1, {fields: ["name", "mother"]);
var daughterRow2_1 = daughter.getRow(daughter2, {populated: true});
var daughterRow2_1 = daughter.getRow(daughter2, {fields: [{name: "mother", fields: ["name"]}, "name"], populated: true});

So we'll get daughter1_1 - all fields of daughter1 row, and mother will be just an id of dependent table.

daughter1_2 will be an object with fields name and mother where mother would be just an id of dependent table.

daughter2_1 will be an object with all fields of daughter2 row and mother is object with copy of all fields of respective mother row.

daughter2_2 will be equal to {name: "Ekaterina", mother: {name: "Anastasia"}} due to our demand to inserted rows.

It's important to remember, that getRow method works with cache and returns initial data which was inserted during preparation for testing scenario. And it can be used as example control data, not affected by test scenario.

Table.hasRow(key) -> boolean

Method returns if there is a row with given key.


Method finalizes table. Checks if it's consistent restrict constructing methods and allows insert method. Normally it would be called by DBEnv.finalize() method, but some dependency structures may demand finalization of table before of finalization of environment.

Table.addIndex(fieldName) -> Table

Method mark field as index allowing usage of Table.getRowByIndex method with this field. Can be called before and after finalization.

Table.dropIndex(fieldName) -> Table

qgMethod drops index made by Table.addIndex method and frees memory got by destroyed index.

Table.getRowsByIndex(fieldName, fieldValue, options) -> [rowData...]

Returns array of rows with field fieldName equal to fieldValue. If no rows found returns empty array. If options are used in rows extracting identically to Table.getRow options. Only works with fields declared as indexes by Table.addIndex method.

Table.addPlugin(name, plugin) -> Table

Method adds plugin to table and gives given name to it. Plugins are called after every insert and get table as this, keyValue of just inserted row and parameters passed to insert method in field equal to name.

Table.deletePlugin(name) -> Table

Method deletes plugin with given name.

Table.getAllRows(options) -> [rowData...]

(new in 0.1.7)

Returns array of all rows in table. If there are no rows, returns empty array. May accept options working identically to Table.getRow.

Table.saveFixture() -> Promise

(new in version 2.0.0)

Method says to Eslahan to save Table state in memory for later DB restoring. Method returns Promise and is asynchronous.


(new in version 2.0.0)

Method says to Eslahan to restore Table state to that which was when Table.saveFixture() has been called. Method is synchronous. It is strongly recommended to envelope execution plan with transaction. (dao.execute(true) in Zatanna for example).


Fields is a collection of field generators for Eslahan. You can use your oun fieldGenerators but Eslahan gives you some predefined generators. They are available as eslahan.fields.

Example of field generators usege can be seen in example for Table.addField method. When generator passed to addField method it can get options like:

table.addField("SomeInt",{from: 5, to: 10}));

All fields support nullable option, which allows to define probability that value will be equal to null.

boolean(options) -> fieldGenerator new in version 2.1.1

Defines boolean field. It returns true or false with probability of option probability (0.5 by default).

datetime(options) -> fieldGenerator

Defines datetime field. It returns now by default. If only from passed, field will be a random datetime from from to now. If only to passed, field will be random datetime from now to to. If from and to passed, field will be random datetime from from to to. From version 2.1.0 writes down to DB string in ISO format. And allows transformer parameter. Transformer may be a function to transform value before DB writing, or null to suppress default transformation.

decimal(options) -> fieldGenerator

Defines decimal field. It returns string with number from from to to with fractionalDigits digits after dot. By default it returns number in trange 0-100 with two digits after dot.

dependency(table) -> fieldGenerator

Defines field that depends on other table. If table has dependency to other table, every insert to this table will cause insertion (if needed and possible) to dependant table. Generator takes table object, to make dependency. You can look Table.addField example to see usage of dependency field.

(new in 0.1.8)

Also dependsOnExistent parameter may be given. If it is true and no value passed to generator, it will return only existent ids or null. Generator will ignore dependsOnExistent if value passed.

email(options) -> fieldGenerator

Defines field with random email. Gets addressFrom (default 3), addressTo (default 8), serverFrom (default 3), serverTo (default 8), domainFrom (default 1), domainTo (default 3). Field generates email with lengths in ranges (addressFrom - addressTo)@(serverFrom - serverTo).(domainFrom - domainTo).

url(options) -> fieldGenerator new in version 2.1.3

Defines random url field. Supports following options:

domainsOptions - is array of objects like {from: 3, to: 5} or {value:"com"}, describing rules of domain generating. Elements in array describe according domain level.

For example:

    domainsOptions: [
            value: "com"
            from: 3,
            to: 8

Will generate random domain in "com" zone.

path - option allows to declare path. For example:

    domainsOptions: [
            value: "com"
            value: "example"
    path: "random"

Will always generate url:

pathFrom and pathTo - parameters defining length range for path after domain name.

point(options) -> fieldGenerator new in version 2.1.4

Defines random point field. It generates points in format of (x,y) and returns objects like {x:1,y:1}. Also gets input parameters and transform them in the same way. Also may accept options object with parameters x and y, working in the same way as float field. Defaults are:

    x: {from: -1, to: 1},
    y: {from: -1, to: 1}

float(options) -> fieldGenerator

Defines random float point field in range from from to to. By default 0-100.

increment(options) -> fieldGenerator

Defines incrementing field generator returning row of numbers from from. From 1 by default. (1, 2, 3)

int(options) -> fieldGenerator

Defines integer field. Returns integer in range from from to to. By default 0-100.

multiDependency(table, fieldName, options) -> fieldGenerator

Defines field that depends on many rows of other table. Generates (if needed and possible) from from to to dependent rows (2-8 by default). Can pass common elements if value for field is object, or allows to define every daughter element if value for field is an array.

Important! System doesn't allow to check loop of multi dependency but it is plain and easy way to insert infinite rows by one insert.


var TableDao = require("eslahan/tests/testHelpers").tableDao;
var eslahan = require("eslahan");
var DBEnv = eslahan.DBEnv;
var env = new DBEnv(new TableDao(), function (tableName, dao) {
    return dao;
var things = env.addTable("Things")
    .addField("id", eslahan.fields.uuid(), true)
    .addField("name", eslahan.fields.text())
    .addField("owner", eslahan.fields.uuid());
var person = env.addTable("person")
    .addField("id", eslahan.fields.multiDependency(things, "owner", {from: 1, to: 3}), true)
    .addField("name", eslahan.fields.text());

var person1 = person.insert();
var person2 = person.insert({id:{name:"SomeThing"}});
var person3 = person.insert({id:[{name:"Picture"}, {name:"Paintings"}]});

person1 will insert one person and 1-3 things with owner=person1.

person2 will insert one person and 1-3 things and all ow them will have name="SomeThing" and owner=person2.

person3 will insert one person and two things one of them will have name="Picture" and other will have name="Paintings" and both of them will have owner=person3.

(new in 0.1.8)

Also dependsOnExistent parameter may be given. If it is true and no value passed to generator, it will return only existent ids or null. Generator will ignore dependsOnExistent if value passed.

text(options) -> fieldGenerator (changed in 0.1.7)

Defines text field. Returns text of wordsFrom-wordsTo words divided by delimiter of length wordFrom-wordTo and consists from symbols in symbols. Some predefined symbols strings may be found in text.symbols. By default generates text of one word in latin symbols of length 2-8. Default delimiter is space. From version 2.2.0 accepts transformer parameter. It must be a function that transforms string before writing down to DB. It may be used to calculate hash for password for example.

uuid() -> fieldGenerator

Defines UUID field. Generating uuid.

json() -> fieldGenerator

(new in 0.1.6)

Defines JSON field. Returns json string made using template. Template is an object, defining objects that may be in your JSON by default. Default template defines JSON of empty string.

template consists of fields with objects which may have up to three fields: probability describes probability of this field, if omitted field will be generated always, generator describes generator function, or object, describing template of object in this field, value value in this field if generator and field a both presented in object - value would be passed to generator. Also if you don't need generator and probability and your value not an object - you may path it directly to field.

var fields = require("eslahan").fields;
var field = fields.json({
    template: {
        fieldOne: 1,
        fieldTwo: { generator: fields.uuid() },
        fieldThree: { value: 25, probability: 0.5 },
        fieldFour: { generator: fields.uuid(), value: 5 },
        complexField: {
            generator: {
                fieldFive: 5,
                fieldSix: { value: 6 }
var result = field();

Will generate JSON of objects like

    fieldOne: 1,
    fieldTwo: 'Some UUID here',
    fieldThree: 25,
    fieldFour: 5,
    complexField: {
        fieldFive: 5,
        fieldSix: 6

fieldThree will appear only in half objects, fieldTwo will be some real UUID, fieldFour always equal to 5 because UUID generator passes it.


Is a collection of plugins for Tables. Plugins allow to make some action on insertion to Table. They are available by eslahan.plugins.

oneToManyDependency(baseTable, table, fieldName, options) -> pluginFunction

Describes reversed one to many dependency, when for example one table has dependency on the other (and allows it to be many to one dependency) but it is easier to insert data int dependent table. For example:

var TableDao = require("eslahan/tests/testHelpers").tableDao;
var eslahan = require("eslahan");
var DBEnv = eslahan.DBEnv;
var env = new DBEnv(new TableDao(), function (tableName, dao) {
    return dao;

var user = env.addTable("user");
    .addField("id", eslahan.fields.uuid(), true)
var right = env.addTable("right");
    .addField("id", eslahan.fields.uuid(), true)
    .addField("user", eslahan.fields.dependency(user))
    .addField("shortName", eslahan.fields.uuid())
user.addPlugin("rights", pluginGenerator(user, right, "user", {from 2, to: 3}));

var key = user.insert({rights:{shortName:"SomeName"}});
var elements = right.getRowsByIndex("user", key, {fields:["shortName"]});

Here would be created user row and 2-3 right rows with shortName="SomeName". You must pass baseTable to oneToMany plugin just for security checks, it never used in process. It's important not to allow loop many to one dependency. You can pass values for plugin creating tables passing parameter equal to plugin name in value object.



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