Keep track of your Ember.js apps asset sizes over time. Each deploy the addon will push your apps assets sizes to keen.io.
Use ember-dashboard to display your deloy data.
ember install ember-cli-deploy-asset-sizes
Add you keen.io keys
Add your keen.io key to config/deploy.js
ENV'asset-sizes' = KEEN_PROJECT_ID: <your-keen-project-id> KEEN_WRITE_KEY: <your-keen-write-key>;
Customize tracking
By default, this will use the keen.io dependency, together with KEEN_PROJECT_ID & KEEN_WRITE_KEY, to track the file sizes.
However, if you require custom functionality, you can configure your own sendDeployData
ENV'asset-sizes' = { // Manually do something with the assets // 'assets' is an array of objects with 'name', 'size' and 'gzipSize' }
ember deploy
Running Tests
npm test
For more information on using ember-cli-deploy, visit ember-cli-deploy.com.