Ember CLI Addon Tests
Test helpers for testing Ember CLI addons inside the context of a real Ember app.
Previously, it was difficult to do real integration testing with Ember
CLI addons because the process of creating a new Ember app is very slow, due
to the required npm install
and bower install
This package automates the process of creating a new Ember CLI app and caching its npm and Bower dependencies, so each test run can get a fresh app in very little time. Best of all, you'll be testing your addon in a real app so you can catch integration issues early.
Stability Note: API likely to change
npm install ember-cli-addon-tests --save-dev
'use strict'; const expect = expect;const denodeify = ;const request = ;const AddonTestApp = AddonTestApp; ;
See the ember-cli-fastboot tests for real world examples.
Defining a New App
Creates a new app for testing.
const AddonTestApp = AddonTestApp;app = ;
Creating the App
This starts the process of actually creating a new Ember CLI app on
disk. The first run may take several minutes while the npm install
happens. Subsequent runs will be faster. Pass the name of the
application as the first argument.
// returns a promiseapp;
"Precooking" Node Modules
You can "precook" (essentially pre-install) the node modules for the test
applications by using scripts/precook-node-modules.js
. This will speed up
test runs by configuring a node_modules
directory that will be reused.
You can customize the app by supplying an options hash:
// returns a promiseapp;
The following options exist:
option | description | defaults to |
emberVersion | Set the ember version the app should be created with, as you would in your bower.json |
canary |
emberDataVersion | Set the version of ember-data, as you would in your package.json |
emberjs/data#master |
fixturesPath | The path to look for your fixture files (see below) | test/fixtures |
noFixtures | Disables the use of fixture files | false |
skipNpm | Useful if you want to edit the package.json and install later (skips the default blueprint) |
false |
You will probably want to add files to the Ember application that you want to test your addon with. Ember CLI Addon Tests will automatically copy fixtures on top of the base Ember CLI app, based on the name of the application that you created.
For example, if you call app.create('my-app')
, the test helper will
look for a file called test/fixtures/my-app
in your addon's directory
and will copy them to the test app, overwriting any files that exist.
If you do not need fixture files in your test, you can disable them by
specifying the noFixtures
Once the promise resolves, you can inspect the temporary location of the
app under test via app.path
Editing App's If your addon depends on end developers configuring their application's
, you can edit the test app's package.json
with the
// runs synchronouslyapp;
You should not call app.editPackageJSON()
until after the create()
promise has resolved.
Starting the Server
To test the assets served by Ember CLI, you can start the server (i.e.,
ember serve
) via the startServer()
// returns a promiseapp;
You can also pass additional command line arguments via the
// equivalent to `ember serve --production`app;
You can run your own command like ember foo
instead of ember serve
Then you need to tell it what to look for in the console to know it is ready.:
Stopping the Server
After your tests, stop the development server via stopServer()
Running Commands
You can run arbitrary commands inside the test app via the run()
method. Takes a command and optional arguments.
// returns a promiseapp;
Running Ember CLI Commands
You can run commands using the app's version of Ember CLI via the
// equivalent to `ember build --environment production`app;
Temporary directories are automatically deleted once the process exits.