Convenience methods for Electron windows.
npm i --save electron-window
converts this:
const app BrowserWindow } = const path = const url = // Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don't, the window will// be closed automatically when the javascript object is GCed.let mainWindow = null app
to this:
const app = const path = const window = app
API Methods
Class method that creates a new BrowserWindow with
the following default options
: { show: false }
. No need to worry about keeping a global reference
to prevent garbage collection, this is handled for you.
Instance method to parse arguments in window. You would only need to call from your renderer preload script if you pass in
showUrl(httpOrFileUrl, [argsForRenderer], [callback])
Instance method that shows the url. When the url is finished loading, the callback is returned. If the optional argsForRenderer
is set
then __args__
will be a global object for the page in the renderer process. This is a convenient way to pass
arguments from the main process to the renderer process.
Instance method to call if you ever want to remove the global reference. Should only need to be called if
is ever called.
Most likely, you won't need to use this.
API Properties
Class property to get a reference to all windows created and their ids. This is in the form of an object where the keys are window ids, and the values are instances of BrowserWindow
main process
const window = const windowOptions = width: 1000 height: 400 const mainWindow = window // can access at window.__args__ from scripts// ran from index.htmlconst args = data: 'some secret data' mainWindow
renderer process
// only call if `preload` is set in `windowOptions` console// => Object {data: "some secret data"}