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0.5.0 • Public • Published


An Unofficial API for OvernetData's Edulink.

This API provides abstractions over the undocumented Edulink API. It is not official and could be subject to breaking changes.

The Edulink_API class is the main API class, it provides heavy abstractions over the raw data returned by Edulink. The Edulink_Raw class houses the raw requests to the edulink API.



$ npm install edulink-api

Usage Examples

Importing the module:

import Edulink_API from 'edulink-api';

Creating the API object and authenticating:

You need to login to Edulink first before using the API methods. This is done like this:

const edulink_api = new Edulink_API();

await edulink_api.Authenticate({
  school_code: 'your_school_name',
  username: 'your_username',
  password: 'your_password',

Now we can use the API methods on the Edulink_API instance (edulink_api).

Getting the latest homework:

Here we:

  • query for all homework.
  • select only the currently active homeworks.
  • sort the homeworks by due-date and find the one due soonest.
  • print some of the homework's data.
import Edulink_API from 'edulink-api';

const edulink_api = new Edulink_API();

await edulink_api.Authenticate({
  school_code: 'your_school_name',
  username: 'your_username',
  password: 'your_password',

const homework = await edulink_api.Homework();
const latest_homework = homework.sort(
  (a, b) => new Date(a.due_date) - new Date(b.due_date)

  title: 'Finish Graph and Questions',
  due_date: '2022-01-19',
  subject: 'Chemistry',
  description: "Complete and hand in the questions on page 60",
  completed: false,
  status: 'Not submitted',
  set_by: 'teacher_name',
  due_text: 'Due in 3 days',
  available_date: '2022-01-16 00:00:00',

Getting tomorrow's lessons:

import Edulink_API from 'edulink-api';

const edulink_api = new Edulink_API();

await edulink_api.authenticate({
  school_code: 'your_school_name',
  username: 'your_username',
  password: 'your_password',

// Getting tommorow's date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
const tomorrow = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

// Get the lessons from tomorrow
// after we get the response we get the 0th element, the first day, and access its lessons
const lessons = (await edulink_api.Timetable(tomorrow))[0].lessons;

console.log( => [lesson.start_time, lesson.lesson_name]));
  [ '08:40', 'English' ],
  [ '09:30', 'Biology' ],
  [ '10:20', 'Form Period' ],
  [ '10:50', 'Break' ],
  [ '11:20', 'History' ],
  [ '12:10', 'Mathematics' ],
  [ '13:00', 'Lunch' ],
  [ '13:55', 'D&T(Product)' ],
  [ '14:45', 'Computer Studies' ]


Documentation is still a work in progress, the documentation readme can be found in the file. Direct links to the documentation are also available below.


  • [ ] Add more examples
  • [x] Document the API
  • [ ] Add missing methods
  • [x] Improve error messages
  • [ ] Add missing return type properties, because of the way the types were created some properties that could be returned might not exist.
  • [ ] I used the edulink DEMO when creating types and methods. This turns out to be really outdated and is missing a lot of properties. I will need to re do these types using the API with a real login.
  • [x] Update examples
  • [ ] Missing Homework Descriptions, some homeworks need an additional Homework_Details request to get the description.

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  • ahmad-a0