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0.2.7 • Public • Published


This library was created to facilitate repetitive functions in Firebase projects, easy-firebase-react makes it easy for us to manage users, Firestore database and upload files to storage.

This library comes equipped with ready-to-use classes and methods, and if you're using react, there are some custom hooks available.

Content list

  • Before Start
  • Installation
  • Project Settings
  • Usage
  • Manage Errros
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Firestore
  • Firebase Storage

Before Start

  • Before starting I would like to mention that the examples I use are with async functions but you can use promises without problems, except for the functions that receive callbacks, those are already promises.

  • the documentation is somewhat incomplete but there are already several functions ready to use


npm install easy-firebase-react

  • You dont need install firebase! becouse is a dependency of this library


create a config file like this.. and only need set your credentials.

import {
} from "easy-firebase-react";

//your credentials app
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "",
  authDomain: "",
  projectId: "",
  storageBucket: "",
  messagingSenderId: "",
  appId: "",

//pass your credentials to EasyFirebase and this return your app instance
const app = initEasyFirebase(firebaseConfig);

//create new instance of classes
const auth = new Authentication(app);
const firestore = new Firestore(app);
const storage = new Storage(app);

//export your instances
export { auth, firestore, storage };


  1. import the instances created in your configuration

import { auth, firestore, storage } from 'YOUR_CONFIG_FILE'

  1. use the functions avalibles with async/await...
const res = await firestore.addDoc("products", {
  name: "tv smart 3",
  price: 500,
//Manage Errors
if (res.error) {
  console.log(`error adding doc: ${res.message}`);
} else {
  console.log("doc added: ",;

Manage Errors

  • all functions of this library return firebase errors or custom errors
  • for better information you can log the response to the console
const res = await auth.loginGithub();

//manage errors
if (res.error) return alert(res.message);
if (!res.error) return alert(res.message);

Firebase Authentication

All auth functions avalibles

    email: string,
    password: string,
    name?: string
  loginAccount(email: string, password: string);
    password: string,
    newPassword: string,
    callback?: Function
  UpdateProfile(data: IUpdateProfile, callback?: Function);
  reAuthUser(password: string, callBack: Function);
  sendVerification(callback?: Function);
  sendResetPassword(email: string, callback: Function);
  deleteAccount(password: string, callback: Function);
    password: string,
    newEmail: string,
    callback?: Function
  closeSession(callback?: Function);

Create Account With Email

  1. Remenber activate the email auth options in your firebase console

  2. make async function like this.. (if you want, you can use promises)

import { auth } from "YOUR_CONFIG_FILE";

const onSubmit = async () => {
  const res = await auth.createAccount(
    "NameUser" //name user is optional
  //manage errors
  if (res.error) return alert(res.message);
  if (!res.error) return alert(res.message);

Login With Email Account

  1. Remenber activate the email auth options in your firebase console

  2. make async function like this..

import { auth } from "YOUR_CONFIG_FILE";

const onSubmit = async () => {
  const res = await auth.loginAccount("", "pass1234");
  //manage errors
  if (res.error) return alert(res.message);
  if (!res.error) return alert(res.message);

Login With Google Provider

  1. Remenber activate the google auth options in your firebase console

  2. make async function like this..

import { auth } from "YOUR_CONFIG_FILE";

const onClickButton = async () => {
  const res = await auth.loginGoogle();

  //manage errors
  if (res.error) return alert(res.message);
  if (!res.error) return alert(res.message);

Login With Github Provider

  1. Remenber activate the github auth options in your firebase console and set config needs in github. Read more in firebase docs auth with github

  2. make async function like this..

import { auth } from "YOUR_CONFIG_FILE";

const onClickButton = async () => {
  const res = await auth.loginGithub();

  //manage errors
  if (res.error) return alert(res.message);
  if (!res.error) return alert(res.message);

Manage User Authenticated

you can manage the current user auth with a custom hook from EasyFirebase lib


import { useAuthHook } from "easy-firebase-react";

const HomeView = () => {

  const user = useAuthHook();

        user ? (<p>{user.displayName}</p>) : (<p>user not auth<p/>)

Close Session

to close a session you can use the next function

import { auth } from "YOUR_CONFIG_FILE";


Firebase Firestore

All firestore functions avalibles

addDoc(col: string, data: any, id?: string);
    col: string,
    docId: string,
    newData: any,
    merge: boolean
  deleteDoc(col: string, idDoc: string);
    col: string,
    id: string,
    field: string,
    data: any
    col: string,
    id: string,
    field: string,
    data: any
    col: string,
    docId: string,
    field: string,
    number: number
  deleteField(col: string, docId: string, field: string);
  getDocById(col: string, id: string);
    col: string,
    field: string,
    condition: WhereFilterOp,
    param: string
  getAllInCol(col: string);
    col: string,
    id: string,
    callBack: Function
    col: string,
    field: string,
    condition: WhereFilterOp,
    param: string,
    callBack: Function
    col: string,
    field: string,
    array: Array<any>
  arrayContains(col: string, field: string, value: any);
  getMultipleCol(arrayCollections: Array<string>);

Add new document

  • you can create a new document with the 'addDoc' function
  • the id is automatically generated but if you need a custom id you can pass it as the third parameter
const newDoc = await firestore.addDoc("products", {
  name: "tv smart 3",
  price: 500,
  active: true,
//Manage Errors
if (newDoc.error) {
  console.log(`error adding doc: ${newDoc.message}`);
} else {
  console.log("doc added: ", newDoc);

Update or Replace existend document

  • You can update a document with the 'updateDoc' function
  • by default it does a data merge, but you can replace the entire document by passing the value of false in the fourth parameter
const update = await firestore.updateDoc("products", "a7BTAeEnYbbXi2vCjoql", {
  price: 600,

Delete existend document

  • you can delete a document passing it the collection and the id of the document
const docDelete = await firestore.deleteDoc("products", "89btftioa87SQjEIswjP");

Add data in array

  • adds data to an array, it can be anything, a string, object, array, etc.
  • if the array does not exist yet it will create it and add the data
const addA = await firestore.addInArray(
  "products", //collection
  "8RvHtf437D4clakqBtNO", //idDoc
  "categories", //array field
  "category1" // data to add

Delete data in array

  • to delete data from an array you have to pass the complete data so that it is deleted correctly
const delA = await firestore.deleteInArray(
  "products", //collection
  "8RvHtf437D4clakqBtNO", //docId
  "categories", //Array field
    //All data of document to delete
    description: "desc of category",
    name: "category one",

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npm i easy-firebase-react

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  • freddy-gutierrez