This is a standalone Doubly Linked List data structure from the data-structure-typed collection. If you wish to access
more data structures or advanced features, you can transition to directly installing the
complete data-structure-typed package
npm i doubly-linked-list-typed --save
yarn add doubly-linked-list-typed
text editor operation history
const actions = [
{ type: 'insert', content: 'first line of text' },
{ type: 'insert', content: 'second line of text' },
{ type: 'delete', content: 'delete the first line' }
const editorHistory = new DoublyLinkedList<{ type: string; content: string }>(actions);
console.log(editorHistory.last?.type); // 'delete'
console.log(editorHistory.pop()?.content); // 'delete the first line'
console.log(editorHistory.last?.type); // 'insert'
const browserHistory = new DoublyLinkedList<string>();
browserHistory.push('home page');
browserHistory.push('search page');
browserHistory.push('details page');
console.log(browserHistory.last); // 'details page'
console.log(browserHistory.pop()); // 'details page'
console.log(browserHistory.last); // 'search page'
Use DoublyLinkedList to implement music player
// Define the Song interface
interface Song {
title: string;
artist: string;
duration: number; // duration in seconds
class Player {
private playlist: DoublyLinkedList<Song>;
private currentSong: ReturnType<typeof this.playlist.getNodeAt> | undefined;
constructor(songs: Song[]) {
this.playlist = new DoublyLinkedList<Song>();
songs.forEach(song => this.playlist.push(song));
this.currentSong = this.playlist.head;
// Play the next song in the playlist
playNext(): Song | undefined {
if (!this.currentSong?.next) {
this.currentSong = this.playlist.head; // Loop to the first song
} else {
this.currentSong = this.currentSong.next;
return this.currentSong?.value;
// Play the previous song in the playlist
playPrevious(): Song | undefined {
if (!this.currentSong?.prev) {
this.currentSong = this.playlist.tail; // Loop to the last song
} else {
this.currentSong = this.currentSong.prev;
return this.currentSong?.value;
// Get the current song
getCurrentSong(): Song | undefined {
return this.currentSong?.value;
// Loop through the playlist twice
loopThroughPlaylist(): Song[] {
const playedSongs: Song[] = [];
const initialNode = this.currentSong;
// Loop through the playlist twice
for (let i = 0; i < this.playlist.length * 2; i++) {
this.currentSong = this.currentSong!.next || this.playlist.head; // Loop back to the start if needed
// Reset the current song to the initial song
this.currentSong = initialNode;
return playedSongs;
const songs = [
{ title: 'Bohemian Rhapsody', artist: 'Queen', duration: 354 },
{ title: 'Hotel California', artist: 'Eagles', duration: 391 },
{ title: 'Shape of You', artist: 'Ed Sheeran', duration: 233 },
{ title: 'Billie Jean', artist: 'Michael Jackson', duration: 294 }
let player = new Player(songs);
// should play the next song
player = new Player(songs);
const firstSong = player.getCurrentSong();
const nextSong = player.playNext();
// Expect the next song to be "Hotel California by Eagles"
console.log(nextSong); // { title: 'Hotel California', artist: 'Eagles', duration: 391 }
console.log(firstSong); // { title: 'Bohemian Rhapsody', artist: 'Queen', duration: 354 }
// should play the previous song
player = new Player(songs);
player.playNext(); // Move to the second song
const currentSong = player.getCurrentSong();
const previousSong = player.playPrevious();
// Expect the previous song to be "Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen"
console.log(previousSong); // { title: 'Bohemian Rhapsody', artist: 'Queen', duration: 354 }
console.log(currentSong); // { title: 'Hotel California', artist: 'Eagles', duration: 391 }
// should loop to the first song when playing next from the last song
player = new Player(songs);
player.playNext(); // Move to the second song
player.playNext(); // Move to the third song
player.playNext(); // Move to the fourth song
const nextSongToFirst = player.playNext(); // Should loop to the first song
// Expect the next song to be "Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen"
console.log(nextSongToFirst); // { title: 'Bohemian Rhapsody', artist: 'Queen', duration: 354 }
// should loop to the last song when playing previous from the first song
player = new Player(songs);
player.playNext(); // Move to the first song
player.playNext(); // Move to the second song
player.playNext(); // Move to the third song
player.playNext(); // Move to the fourth song
const previousToLast = player.playPrevious(); // Should loop to the last song
// Expect the previous song to be "Billie Jean by Michael Jackson"
console.log(previousToLast); // { title: 'Billie Jean', artist: 'Michael Jackson', duration: 294 }
// should loop through the entire playlist
player = new Player(songs);
const playedSongs = player.loopThroughPlaylist();
// The expected order of songs for two loops
console.log(playedSongs); // [
// { title: 'Bohemian Rhapsody', artist: 'Queen', duration: 354 },
// { title: 'Hotel California', artist: 'Eagles', duration: 391 },
// { title: 'Shape of You', artist: 'Ed Sheeran', duration: 233 },
// { title: 'Billie Jean', artist: 'Michael Jackson', duration: 294 },
// { title: 'Bohemian Rhapsody', artist: 'Queen', duration: 354 },
// { title: 'Hotel California', artist: 'Eagles', duration: 391 },
// { title: 'Shape of You', artist: 'Ed Sheeran', duration: 233 },
// { title: 'Billie Jean', artist: 'Michael Jackson', duration: 294 }
// ]
Use DoublyLinkedList to implement LRU cache
interface CacheEntry<K, V> {
key: K;
value: V;
class LRUCache<K = string, V = any> {
private readonly capacity: number;
private list: DoublyLinkedList<CacheEntry<K, V>>;
private map: Map<K, DoublyLinkedListNode<CacheEntry<K, V>>>;
constructor(capacity: number) {
if (capacity <= 0) {
throw new Error('lru cache capacity must be greater than 0');
this.capacity = capacity;
this.list = new DoublyLinkedList<CacheEntry<K, V>>();
this.map = new Map<K, DoublyLinkedListNode<CacheEntry<K, V>>>();
// Get cached value
get(key: K): V | undefined {
const node = this.map.get(key);
if (!node) return undefined;
// Move the visited node to the head of the linked list (most recently used)
return node.value.value;
// Set cache value
set(key: K, value: V): void {
// Check if it already exists
const node = this.map.get(key);
if (node) {
// Update value and move to head
node.value.value = value;
// Check capacity
if (this.list.length >= this.capacity) {
// Delete the least recently used element (the tail of the linked list)
const removedNode = this.list.tail;
if (removedNode) {
// Create new node and add to head
const newEntry: CacheEntry<K, V> = { key, value };
// Save node reference in map
const newNode = this.list.head;
if (newNode) {
this.map.set(key, newNode);
// Move the node to the head of the linked list
private moveToFront(node: DoublyLinkedListNode<CacheEntry<K, V>>): void {
// Delete specific key
delete(key: K): boolean {
const node = this.map.get(key);
if (!node) return false;
// Remove from linked list
// Remove from map
return true;
// Clear cache
clear(): void {
// Get the current cache length
get length(): number {
return this.list.length;
// Check if it is empty
get isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.list.isEmpty();
// should set and get values correctly
const cache = new LRUCache<string, number>(3);
cache.set('a', 1);
cache.set('b', 2);
cache.set('c', 3);
console.log(cache.get('a')); // 1
console.log(cache.get('b')); // 2
console.log(cache.get('c')); // 3
// The least recently used element should be evicted when capacity is exceeded
cache.set('a', 1);
cache.set('b', 2);
cache.set('c', 3);
cache.set('d', 4); // This will eliminate 'a'
console.log(cache.get('a')); // undefined
console.log(cache.get('b')); // 2
console.log(cache.get('c')); // 3
console.log(cache.get('d')); // 4
// The priority of an element should be updated when it is accessed
cache.set('a', 1);
cache.set('b', 2);
cache.set('c', 3);
cache.get('a'); // access 'a'
cache.set('d', 4); // This will eliminate 'b'
console.log(cache.get('a')); // 1
console.log(cache.get('b')); // undefined
console.log(cache.get('c')); // 3
console.log(cache.get('d')); // 4
// Should support updating existing keys
cache.set('a', 1);
cache.set('a', 10);
console.log(cache.get('a')); // 10
// Should support deleting specified keys
cache.set('a', 1);
cache.set('b', 2);
console.log(cache.delete('a')); // true
console.log(cache.get('a')); // undefined
console.log(cache.length); // 1
// Should support clearing cache
cache.set('a', 1);
cache.set('b', 2);
console.log(cache.length); // 0
console.log(cache.isEmpty); // true
finding lyrics by timestamp in Coldplay's "Fix You"
// Create a DoublyLinkedList to store song lyrics with timestamps
const lyricsList = new DoublyLinkedList<{ time: number; text: string }>();
// Detailed lyrics with precise timestamps (in milliseconds)
const lyrics = [
{ time: 0, text: "When you try your best, but you don't succeed" },
{ time: 4000, text: 'When you get what you want, but not what you need' },
{ time: 8000, text: "When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep" },
{ time: 12000, text: 'Stuck in reverse' },
{ time: 16000, text: 'And the tears come streaming down your face' },
{ time: 20000, text: "When you lose something you can't replace" },
{ time: 24000, text: 'When you love someone, but it goes to waste' },
{ time: 28000, text: 'Could it be worse?' },
{ time: 32000, text: 'Lights will guide you home' },
{ time: 36000, text: 'And ignite your bones' },
{ time: 40000, text: 'And I will try to fix you' }
// Populate the DoublyLinkedList with lyrics
lyrics.forEach(lyric => lyricsList.push(lyric));
// Test different scenarios of lyric synchronization
// 1. Find lyric at exact timestamp
const exactTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 36000);
console.log(exactTimeLyric?.text); // 'And ignite your bones'
// 2. Find lyric between timestamps
const betweenTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 22000);
console.log(betweenTimeLyric?.text); // "When you lose something you can't replace"
// 3. Find first lyric when timestamp is less than first entry
const earlyTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= -1000);
console.log(earlyTimeLyric); // undefined
// 4. Find last lyric when timestamp is after last entry
const lateTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 50000);
console.log(lateTimeLyric?.text); // 'And I will try to fix you'
class Process {
public id: number,
public priority: number
) {}
execute(): string {
return `Process ${this.id} executed.`;
class Scheduler {
private queue: DoublyLinkedList<Process>;
constructor() {
this.queue = new DoublyLinkedList<Process>();
addProcess(process: Process): void {
// Insert processes into a queue based on priority, keeping priority in descending order
let current = this.queue.head;
while (current && current.value.priority >= process.priority) {
current = current.next;
if (!current) {
} else {
this.queue.addBefore(current, process);
executeNext(): string | undefined {
// Execute tasks at the head of the queue in order
const process = this.queue.shift();
return process ? process.execute() : undefined;
listProcesses(): string[] {
return this.queue.toArray().map(process => `Process ${process.id} (Priority: ${process.priority})`);
clear(): void {
// should add processes based on priority
let scheduler = new Scheduler();
scheduler.addProcess(new Process(1, 10));
scheduler.addProcess(new Process(2, 20));
scheduler.addProcess(new Process(3, 15));
console.log(scheduler.listProcesses()); // [
// 'Process 2 (Priority: 20)',
// 'Process 3 (Priority: 15)',
// 'Process 1 (Priority: 10)'
// ]
// should execute the highest priority process
scheduler = new Scheduler();
scheduler.addProcess(new Process(1, 10));
scheduler.addProcess(new Process(2, 20));
console.log(scheduler.executeNext()); // 'Process 2 executed.'
console.log(scheduler.listProcesses()); // ['Process 1 (Priority: 10)']
// should clear all processes
scheduler = new Scheduler();
scheduler.addProcess(new Process(1, 10));
scheduler.addProcess(new Process(2, 20));
console.log(scheduler.listProcesses()); // []
API Docs
Live Examples
Examples Repository
Data Structure |
Unit Test |
Performance Test |
API Docs |
Doubly Linked List |
DoublyLinkedList |
Standard library data structure comparison
Data Structure Typed |
C++ STL |
java.util |
Python collections |
DoublyLinkedList<E> |
list<T> |
LinkedList<E> |
- |
test name |
time taken (ms) |
executions per sec |
sample deviation |
1,000,000 push |
221.57 |
4.51 |
0.03 |
1,000,000 unshift |
229.02 |
4.37 |
0.07 |
1,000,000 unshift & shift |
169.21 |
5.91 |
0.02 |
1,000,000 insertBefore |
314.48 |
3.18 |
0.07 |
Built-in classic algorithms
Algorithm |
Function Description |
Iteration Type |
Software Engineering Design Standards
Principle |
Description |
Practicality |
Follows ES6 and ESNext standards, offering unified and considerate optional parameters, and simplifies method names. |
Extensibility |
Adheres to OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) principles, allowing inheritance for all data structures. |
Modularization |
Includes data structure modularization and independent NPM packages. |
Efficiency |
All methods provide time and space complexity, comparable to native JS performance. |
Maintainability |
Follows open-source community development standards, complete documentation, continuous integration, and adheres to TDD (Test-Driven Development) patterns. |
Testability |
Automated and customized unit testing, performance testing, and integration testing. |
Portability |
Plans for porting to Java, Python, and C++, currently achieved to 80%. |
Reusability |
Fully decoupled, minimized side effects, and adheres to OOP. |
Security |
Carefully designed security for member variables and methods. Read-write separation. Data structure software does not need to consider other security aspects. |
Scalability |
Data structure software does not involve load issues. |