
0.1.0 • Public • Published


A small lib to replace text asynchronously (or not) in the HTML.


For the moment you can download replacer.js that is inside src folder and include in your HTML files.


The best way you can use this lib is executing the code right after the opening of the body tag. This way you avoid seeing "raw" texts with the marks for a second before it is replaced. Once the DOM is ready, create a new Replacer instance then call run and the magic will begin.

    // make sure it's being executed after DOM is ready
    var replacer = new Replacer('replacer');;

Plese keep reading for more configuration and details.

In our example above, Replacer will look for every tag with replacer CSS class and will try to rewrite every text marked by ; in the beginning and the end of a word. For example:

  Some ;example; text

will become:

  Some example text

This is the default behavior of the lib. To make it really useful we should change some settings, informing an object with keys and values either to the constructor or the run method.

    // make sure it's being executed after DOM is ready
    var replacer = new Replacer(cssClass, options);;

Notice that options informed to the run method will have preference over the constructor and will not replace the settings informed to constructor.

cssClass: A CSS class existent in the HTML that marks inside which HTML element Replacer should search for words/phrases. Different of what we are used to write in jQuery selectors or even javascript querySelector, you can't inform the class beginning with the dot. For example, '.replacer' would throw errors.

options: All the possible configuration options with the default values:

var options = {
  template: ';content;',
  newElement: function (text, elements) {
    return text;
  • template: Here we make a "mark" so we can search for it in the elements inside the one that was selected with the CSS class (replacer in the example). content represents a word or a phrase. By default we look for a word/phrase that is between two semi-colons and no spaces between the semi-colons and the content. You could change it to =%content%=, for example. Then every word/phrase that begins with =% and ends with %= will be rewritten to what we have in newElement.

  • newElement: Here you can implement a callback that returns what will be placed over the texts found in the HTML following the template.

The callback receives two parameters: text and elements.

  • text contains the word/phrase without the marks of the template. If you didn't change the default template, text will contain content without the semi-colons (;).

  • elements is a reference to a nodeList. Here we have all the elements found in the search. Changing this elements will cause change in the HTML. The default behavior is to only remove the semi-colons, once the default function only returns text. You can make this function make asynchronous calls and return the result right after the call ends and the elements will be replaced asynchronously too.


MIT License.



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  • brunoschmello