
1.4.1 • Public • Published

doDex, a multi-purpose rolodex widget for menuing and other information

Getting Started

The widget can be attached to any HTML page.

  1. Add to your html document using defaults.
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="(location)/dodex.min.css">

    <!-- JSONEditor is optional - JSONEditor css for editing private content in JSON files -->
    <link href="(location)/jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
      /* Size and location of JSONEditor window */
      .editor {
         width: 80%; height: 400px; position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0;

      <div class="dodex--open">
        <img src="(location)/dodex/images/dodex_g.ico">

      <!-- JSONEditor is Optional - container for the frontend JSON editor - will be positioned based on .editor class -->
      <div id="jsoneditor" class="editor"></div>
      <!-- Note; dodex-input will handle the implementation - see the input popup -->
      <script src="(location)/jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor.min.js"></script>

      <script src="(location)/dodex.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script src="(location)/dodex-input.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script src="(location)/dodex-mess.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
               input: doDexInput, // "private: none" is default so no popup input form
               mess: doDexMess    // defaults to "server: localhost:3087" for websockets
  1. Modifying defaults by adding inline javascript to page.
         var dodex = window.doDex;      // global variable
         var input = window.doDexInput; // global variable
         var mess = window.doDexMess; // global variable

         /* Card content can be customized - returns an object
           This content is used for cards A-Z and static card 27

         // Change size and or position - returns a Promise
            height: 200,
            top: "100px",
            left: "50%",
            input: input,        // required if using frontend content load
            private: "partial",  // frontend load of private content, "none", "full", "partial"(only cards 28-52) - default none
            replace: true,       // append to or replace default content - default false(append only)
            mess: mess,          // required for dodex messaging client
            server: "localhost:3087" // see node_modules/dodex-mess/server for details on demo server

         // Add up to 24 additional cards. Card # must start at 28.
         .then(function () {
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
              dodex.addCard({/*see custom content section*/});
            /* Auto display of widget */
  1. Loading as a module.
  • Using es6 syntax
       import dodex from "dodex";
  • Using commonjs syntax
       var dodex = require("dodex").default;
  • Changing default behavior in an application module
       import dodex from "dodex";
       import input from "dodex-input"
       import mess from "dodex-mess"
       import jsonEditor from "jsoneditor"
       window.JSONEditor = jsonEditor;

       /* This content is used for cards A-Z and static card 27 */

          width: 375,
          height: 200,
          left: "50%",
          top: "100px",
          input: input,        // required if using frontend content load
          private: "partial",  // frontend load of private content, "none", "full", "partial"(only cards 28-52) - default none
          replace: true,       // append to or replace default content - default false(append only)
          mess: mess,          // requireed if using messaging client.
          server: "localhost:3087"  // default demo server - see node_modules/dodex-mess/server
       .then(function () {
           /* Add up to 24 additional cards. */
           for(var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
           /* Auto display of widget */

      var content = {
          cards: {
             card28: {     // Notice, card # starts at 28
               tab: "Me1", // Maximum 3 characters
               front: {
                  content: `<h1>My Personal Stuff</h1>`
               back: {
                  content: `<h1>More personal Stuff</h1>`
  1. Adding content to the dodex cards(content can be from a javascript or JSON file).

    Use the following as a javascript template. You only need to include cards with content. See node_modules/dodex/data for examples.

    Note; The window scoped "dodexContent" is required to load content at initialization. This allows content without using a module.(dodex.setContentFile). The additional card content as well as content loaded from the front-end Input module, use plain objects.

        dodexContent = {
          cards: {
             card1: {
               tab: "A",
               front: {
                  content: ""
               back: {
                  content: ""
             card2: {
                tab: "B",
                front: {
                   content: ""
                back: {
                   content: ""
             card3: {
                tab: "C",
                front: {
                   content: `<h1>Best's Contact Form</h1><a href="#!contact"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-phone"></i>Contact</a>`
                back: {
                   content: `<h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1><a href="" target="_">Yahoo</a>`
             card27: {
                tab: "",
                front: {
                   content: ""
                back: {
                   content: `<h1 style="font-size: 14px;">
                      <svg height="18" width="17" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;">
                      <text x="3" y="18" fill="#059">O</text><text x="0" y="15" fill="#059">D</text></svg> doDex</h1>`


  1. Clicking on the dodex icon will toggle the widget's visibility.
  2. Click a tab to page to desired card.
  3. Click the face or back of a card to flip current cards.
  4. Enter a dial with mouse and with mouse down slowly move up or down to flip cards.
  5. Double-Click on bottom static card or dials to popup the front-end load file form.
  6. Double-Click again to close or click close button.

Note; Firefox works best by only clicking the tabs.


If using dodex-input, browser must support the "indexedDB" storage feature. To clear content from indexedDB, execute from your browser's dev-tools console; indexedDB.deleteDatabase("dodex"). Or use the dodex-input popup to remove personal content stored in "indexedDB".


  1. npm install dodex --save or download from
  2. npm install dodex-input --save or download from
  3. npm install dodex-mess --save or download from
  4. npm install jsoneditor --save or download from is optional).
  5. Optionally copy node_modules/dodex/ javascript, css and images to appropriate directories; If using a bundler like browserify, you may only need to copy the content.js(or create your own) and images.
  6. You can use the Java/rxJava asynchronous server dodex-vertx to serve dodex.
  7. Also, dodex-mess has a node/koa javascript server node_modules/dodex-mess/server to serve dodex.

Note; Content can also be loaded from a JSON file. See dodex-input README for details on the frontend JSON editor.

Here's an example of dodex loaded in a bootstrap environment (view on GitHub



See getting started.


  1. Open in any browser or start a server where node_modules directory is visible.
  2. Load node_modules/dodex/test/index.html

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

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  • daveo