const docs = options
// file globs to be parsed to get the documentation files: 'app/**/*' 'src/**/*' '*.md' // files to be ignored ignore: '.*' // all dot files 'node_modules/' 'bower_components/' 'jspm_packages/' // package managers 'dist/' 'build/' 'docs/' // normal folders 'tests/' 'coverage/' // unit tests and coverage results page_fallback: 'general' // used if `@page` isn't defined // this stops the current block from adding lines if there're `n` // blank line lines between code, and starts a new block. blank_lines: 4 debug: false warning: false timestamps: false // stop adding code to the token.code.contents if the indent is less than the starting line indent indent: true // plugins to use plugins: // folders locations to where assets are located assets: // folder that has assets to be loaded project_assets: path // global variables available to use with templates global: {} // the theme to use theme: '' // debugging levels debug: false warning: false timestamps: false // sort order for annotations sort: 'name<=0' 'access<=1' 'author<=1' 'deprecated<=1' 'description<=1' 'markdown>6' 'markup>5' 'states>5' 'note>=-3' 'raw-code>6' 'todo>=-2' 'type<=1' 'version<=1' 'blockinfo>=-1' languages: default: // annotation identifier that can be change on a file specific basis if needed. // While this is a setting, it probably should probably never be changed. If it does // need to be changed it should be changed to be a special character. prefix: '@' // header comment style // @note {10} only 1 of these can be used per file header: start: '////' line: '///' end: '////' type: 'header' // body comment style body: start: '' line: '///' end: '' type: 'body' // inline comments for body comments inline: start: '' line: '///#' end: '' type: 'inline' // this is used for any interpolations that might occur in annotations. // I don't see this needing to change but just incase I'm making it a setting. // @note {10} This setting is used to create a RegExp so certain characters need to be escaped interpolation: start: '\\${' end: '}' css: header: start: '/***' line: '*' end: '***/' body: start: '/**' line: '*' end: '**/' inline: start: '/**#' line: '' end: '**/' 'rb, py, coffee, sh, bash, pl': header: start: '###' line: '##' end: '###' body: line: '##' inline: line: '##$' // dono why markdown supports so many file extensions 'html, md, markdown, mark, mdown, mkdn, mdml, mkd, mdwn, mdtxt, mdtext, text': header: start: '<!----' line: '' end: '---->' body: start: '<!---' line: '' end: '--->' inline: start: '<!---#' line: '' end: '--->' 'jade, pug': header: start: '//-//' line: '//-/' end: '//-//' body: line: '//-/' inline: line: '//-#' cfm: header: start: '<!-----' line: '' end: '----->' body: start: '<!----' line: '' end: '---->' inline: start: '<!----#' line: '' end: '---->' // annotations object annotations: {}
Usage: docs [options] [command] Commands: server [options] Start a docs server compile [output] Compile project to static assets Options: -h, --help output usage information -V, --version output the version number -r, --require <pkg, ...pkgs> Require packages before