DFMC Calculator
npm install dfmc-wildfire-calculator
Table of Contents
What is it
Dead fuel moisture responds solely to ambient environmental conditions and is critical in determining fire potential. This library estimate the percentage of Dead Fuel Moisture Content (DFMC) (< 6mm) for a prediction input values.
It can be used both in the browser and in Node.js.
import { estimateDFMC } from 'dfmc-wildfire-calculator';
console.log(estimateDFMC("15:00", 2, "12:00", 21, 12, "Exposed", 13, "W")); // print 4 => 4% (DFMC with <6mm)
const wildfire = require('dfmc-wildfire-calculator');
console.log(wildfire.estimateDFMC("15:00", 2, "12:00", 21, 12, "Exposed", 13, "W")); // print 4 => 4% (DFMC with <6mm)
* @description This function estimate the DFMC (Dead Fuel Moisture Content DFMC estimation)
* @param {string} predictionTime - The time of prediction [hh:mm]
* @param {number} predictionMonth - The month of prediction in number [1-12]
* @param {SolarTime} solarTime - Time (sun hour) is equal to local time - 2 (summer) and local time - 1 (winter). Values: "08:00", "10:00", "12:00", "16:00", "18:00"
* @param {number} airTemperature - The temperature of air (Centigrade scale)
* @param {number} relativeHumidity - The relative humidity in percentage (%)
* @param {Soil} soil - Soil type. Values: "Exposed" (Less than 50% shading of surface fuels), "Shaded" (50% or more shading of surface fuels)
* @param {number} slope - Terrain slope is reported in degrees from zero (horizontal) to 90 (vertical)
* @param {AspectValues} aspect - Values: "N" (North), "S" (South), "W" (West), "E" (East)
* @returns {number} Dead Fuel Moisture Content estimation (< 6mm) in percentage (%)