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1.0.1 • Public • Published

Rust-like utils for JavaScript

Start using match pattern, enums with generics and other features similarly to the Rust programming language.


const a = Some("hello");
const b: Option<string> = None();
const c = None<string>();

  None: () => "",
  Some: (v) => v + " world!"

  None: () => "",
  Some: (v) => v

// Data validation

const opt = Option.from<number>(undefined);

const x2Num = opt.match({
  Some: (num) => num * 2,
  None: () => panic("null or undefined")

Result<T, E>

const fooOk: Result<{result: boolean}, {}> = Ok({result: true});
const fooErr: Result<{result: boolean}, {}> = Err({});

// Data validation

const result = Result.from<{data: Data[]}>(null);

const data = result.match({
  Err: () => panic("null or undefined"),
  Ok: (value) =>

// Error interception
Result.fromNever(() => { throw "Thrown" }).unwrapErr() // Thrown

  .then(r => r.unwrapErr()) // Rejected

Result.fromAsync(async () => await fetch("You should learn Rust"))
  .then(r => r.unwrapErr()) // Response error


match("hello", [
  (hello) => [hello, () => hello + " world" ], // wrap arm in function for matching with `ref` value
  ["foo", "bar", () =>  /* anything */] // list many things for matching
], _ => "" ) // default expression

matches compare values. Returns boolean

matches(lhs, rhs, optCondition)

eqType compares types. Returns boolean

const o1 = {
    a: 1,
    barFn() {}

const o2 = {
    a: 1,
    fooFn() {}

eqType(o1, o2) // false. Compares all the properties


It can be useful for guarding values like empty strings or zeros which give you false result in comparisons. Also when you need to store null or undefined deliberately

[undefined, null, ...].find(value => value === undefined) // ???
// it returns undefined when nothing is found but array includes undefined as actual value

// Another example
function foo(): void { }

function bar(): void {
  return undefined;
// They are the same but what if...

function bar(): Box<undefined> {
  return new Box(undefined);

// or
// box function also added if you don't like `new` keyword
function bar(): Box<undefined> {
  return box(undefined);

const boxed = bar();
boxed.leak() // undefined as value


class Foo {
  #x: number;
  a: string;

  constructor(self: Self<Foo>) {
    // Assigns all the Self<S> properties except methods
    // Seals `this` by default with third argument
    // Be cautious. `this` - is the FIRST ARGUMENT
    impl(this, self);

  f() {

new Foo({
  a: "hello" // Self<S> checks only fields


// 1..10
range(1, 10) // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]

// 1..=10
rangeInc(1, 10) // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]

// 'v'..='x'
rangeCharsInc('v', 'x', "stuvwxyz") // [ 'v', 'w', 'x' ]

// It works in the opposite way
range(5, -5) // [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 ]
rangeInc(5, -5) // [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 ]

// For reveresed result with strings you need to use rangeCharsRev() and rangeCharsRevInc() though
rangeCharsRev('b', 'f', "abcdefghI") // [ 'f', 'e', 'd', 'c' ]

// If omitted started/ended by empty string, you get tail/head respectively
rangeChars('c', '', "abcd12553") // ['c', 'd', '1', '2', '5', '5', '3']

// However it does work with distinctive characters
// You can see 5 two times so takes first one. If you need advanced approach then use string slice method
rangeChars('', '5', "abcd12553") // ['a', 'b', 'c','d', '1', '2', '5']


function syncChannel<T>(): [SyncSender<T>, SyncReceiver<T>];

const [tx,rx] = syncChannel();

tx.send(1) // returns Result<{}, SenderError> to check if valid value has been sent
rx.recv() // returns Option<T>. In this case Some(1)

// Async channel
const [tx, rx] = channel<{data: string[]}>();

tx.send(Promise.resolve({data: ["foo"]}));
tx.send(Promise.resolve({data: ["bar"]}));

const last = 5

range(1, last).forEach(async (current) => {
  const result = await rx.recv();

  result.mapErr((err) => current !== 2 ? "Empty" : err).match({
    Ok:(data) => console.log("ok ==> ", data, current),
    Err:(err) => console.error("err ==> ", err, current)

rx.recv().then(result => {
  result.mapErr(() => "Completed").match({
    Ok:(data) => console.log(data),
    Err:(err) => console.error("err ==>", err, last)

// Output:

// ok ==>  { data: [ 'foo' ] } 1
// err ==>  ERROR 2
// ok ==>  { data: [ 'bar' ] } 3
// err ==>  Empty 4
// err ==> Completed 5

// Be aware `recv` has to be called in async scope


function match<T, A>(value: T, arms: Array<Arm<T, A> | ArmFn<T, A>>, defaultArm: (value: T) => A): A;
function matches<T>(lhs: T, rhs: T, condition?: boolean): boolean;

type Self<S> = { [K in keyof S as S[K] extends Function ? never : K]: S[K] }

class Option<T> {
    private constructor();
    static None<T>(): Option<T>;
    static Some<T>(value: T): Option<T>;
    static from<T>(value: T | null | undefined): Option<T>;
    match<A>(option: OptionArms<T, A>): A;
    unwrap(): T;
    unwrapOr(value: T): T;
    unwrapOrElse(f: () => T): T;
    expect(message: string): T;
    inspect(f: (value: T) => any): Option<T>;
    insert(value: T): T;
    getOrInsert(value: T): T;
    getOrInsertWith(f: () => T): T;
    isNone(): boolean;
    isSome(): boolean;
    isSomeAnd(f: (value: T) => boolean): boolean;
    intoResult<E>(error: E): Result<T, E>;
    map<F>(predicate: (value: T) => F): Option<F>;
    mapOr<V>(value: V, f: (value: T) => V): V;
    mapOrElse<V>(defaultF: () => V, f: (value: T) => V): V;
    filter(predicate: (value: T) => boolean): Option<T>;
    flatten(): Option<T>;
    take(): Option<T>;
    takeIf(predicate: (value: T) => boolean): Option<T>;
    replace(value: T): Option<T>;
    zip<U>(other: Option<U>): Option<[T, U]>;
    zipWith<O, R>(other: Option<O>, f: (self: T, other: O) => R): Option<R>;
    unzip<U>(): [Option<T>, Option<U>];
    transpose<E>(): Result<Option<T>, E>;
    okOr<E>(err: E): Result<T, E>;
    okOrElse<E>(err: () => E): Result<T, E>;
    and<U>(option: Option<U>): Option<U>;
    andThen<U>(f: (value: T) => Option<U>): Option<U>;
    or(option: Option<T>): Option<T>;
    orElse(f: () => Option<T>): Option<T>;
    xor(option: Option<T>): Option<T>;
    [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<T | undefined, void, unknown>;
    iter(): (T | undefined)[];

class Result<T, E> {
    private constructor();
    static Err<E, T>(value: E): Result<T, E>;
    static Ok<T, E>(value: T): Result<T, E>;
    static from<T>(value: T | null | undefined): Result<T, null | undefined>;
    static fromNever<T, E>(fn: () => T): Result<T, E>;
    static fromPromise<T, E>(promise: Promise<T>): Promise<Result<T, E>>;
    static fromAsync<T, E>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<Result<T, E>>;
    match<A>(arms: ResultArms<T, E, A>): A;
    isErr(): boolean;
    isErrAnd(f: (value: E) => boolean): boolean;
    isOk(): boolean;
    isOkAnd(f: (value: T) => boolean): boolean;
    ok(): Option<T>;
    err(): Option<E>;
    unwrap(): T;
    unwrapOr(value: T): T;
    unwrapOrElse(f: (err: E) => T): T;
    unwrapErr(): E;
    expect(message: string): T;
    intoOk(): T;
    intoErr(): E;
    intoOption(): Option<T>;
    map<F>(predicate: (ok: T) => F): Result<F, E>;
    mapOr<V>(value: V, f: (ok: T) => V): V;
    mapOrElse<F, V>(defaultF: (err: E) => V, f: (ok: T) => V): V;
    mapErr<F>(predicate: (err: E) => F): Result<T, F>;
    flatten(): Result<T, E>;
    transpose(): Option<Result<T, E>>;
    inspect(f: (ok: T) => any): Result<T, E>;
    inspectErr(f: (err: E) => any): Result<T, E>;
    and<U>(res: Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
    andThen<U>(f: (ok: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
    or<F>(res: Result<T, F>): Result<T, F>;
    orElse<F>(f: (err: E) => Result<T, F>): Result<T, F>;
    [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<T | E, void, unknown>;
    iter(): (T | E)[];

class Box<T> implements Sized<T> {
    constructor(boxed: T);
    leak(): T;

box<T>(boxed: T): Box<T>;
function range(start: number, end: number): number[];
function rangeInc(start: number, end: number): number[];
function rangeChars(start: string, end: string, str: string): string[];
function rangeCharsInc(start: string, end: string, str: string): string[];
function rangeCharsRev(start: string, end: string, str: string): string[];
function rangeCharsRevInc(start: string, end: string, str: string): string[];
function clone<T>(value: T): T; // structuredClone but with methods
function syncChannel<T>(): [SyncSender<T>, SyncReceiver<T>];
function channel<T>(): [Sender<T>, Receiver<T>];
function impl<S>(target: S, self: S, seal: boolean): void;
function eqType<T>(lhs: T, rhs: T): boolean;
function eq<T>(lhs: T, rhs: T): 1 | -1 | 0;
function panic(reason: string): never;

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