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0.1.2 • Public • Published


deep-shape-equals is a library that allows you to see if two or more objects have the same shape. Meaning, the keys that they have are the same.


I needed an effective way to check the shape of API calls. I didn't care what the actual data was, just that keys to the objects and that their types matched what I had from another set. One can use this library to see if an object has the same keys

Getting started

import { areObjectsSameShape } from 'deep-shape-equals';
const basic = {
  a: 1,
  b: 'Ryan',
const basicCompliment = {
  a: 2,
  b: 'Jerue',
const bad = { ...basic, a: 'hello' };
const isTrue = areObjectsSameShape([basic, basicCompliment]);
const isFalse = areObjectsSameShape([basic, bad]); //because a is a string in one object, but not the other


There is a second argument called ignoreArrayOrder. See the following below tests to see how this works. This is false by default.

// positive case
() => {
  const left = { ...basic, array: [1, '2', true] };
  const right = { ...basicCompliment, array: ['2', 11, false] }; //array position ignored, only checks if all types are satisfied
  expect(areObjectsSameShape([left, right], true)).toEqual(true);
//negative case
() => {
  const left = { ...basic, array: ['1', 2, true] };
  const right = { ...basicCompliment, array: [11, '22', false] }; //the number here is in the first array position
  expect(areObjectsSameShape([left, right], false)).toEqual(false);

TSDX Bootstrap

This project was bootstrapped with TSDX.

Local Development

Below is a list of commands you will probably find useful.

npm start or yarn start

Runs the project in development/watch mode. Your project will be rebuilt upon changes. TSDX has a special logger for you convenience. Error messages are pretty printed and formatted for compatibility VS Code's Problems tab.

Your library will be rebuilt if you make edits.

npm run build or yarn build

Bundles the package to the dist folder. The package is optimized and bundled with Rollup into multiple formats (CommonJS, UMD, and ES Module).

npm test or yarn test

Runs the test watcher (Jest) in an interactive mode. By default, runs tests related to files changed since the last commit.

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npm i deep-shape-equals

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  • rjerue