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Check if two values deeply match

deepMatch(object, matcher)

All properties and nested objects mentioned in the matcher are required to be present in object.

Library is version of deep-match. Difference:

  • in deep-match during comparison of arrays order of items do not matters
  • in deep-match2 you can set options = { arrayOrderMatters: true } to force that during comparison order of items in object and matcher should be the same.
// two objects that look exactly the same
deepMatch({ a: 1, b: 2 } }, { a: 1, b: 2 }); // true
// additional properties on the left-hand side are ignored
deepMatch({ a: 1, b: 2 } }, { a: 1 }); // true
// everything on the right-hand side is required
deepMatch({ a: 1 } }, { a: 1, b: 2 }); // false
// same for arrays
deepMatch([1, 2, 3], [1, 2]); // true
deepMatch([1, 2, 3], [3, 4]); // false

Regular expressions and functions in the matcher are run against the corresponding values in the object:

deepMatch('aaa', /a+/); // true
deepMatch('bbb', /a+/); // false
deepMatch(['aaa', 'bbb'], [/a+/]); // true
deepMatch(['aaa', 'bbb'], [/a+/, /b+/]); // true
deepMatch(['aaa', 'ccc'], [/a+/, /b+/]); // false
deepMatch([1, 2, 3], [v => v === 1]); // true

When matching arrays order of items do not matters by default. To change it you can use additional parameter:

let opts = { arrayOrderMatters: true };
deepMatch([1, 2], [1, 2], opts); // true
deepMatch([1, 2], [2, 1], opts); // false
deepMatch([1, 2], [   2], opts); // false
// disable checks for undefined items
// [,2] is the same as [undefined, 2]
deepMatch([1, 2], [ , 2], opts); // true
// arrayOrderMatters applies also to nested arrays:
source  = { a1: [ {i1: []}, {i2: [1, 2,         [31, 32, 33], 4, 5]} ]};
matcher = { a1: [ {i1: []}, {i2: [1, undefined, [32, 33    ],  , 5]} ]};
deepMatch(source, matcher, opts); // false
deepMatch(source, matcher);       // false
// Note that in case of arrayOrderMatters=false undefined is not skipped
source  = { a1: [ {i1: []}, {i2: [1, 2,         [31, 32,        33], 4, 5]} ]};
matcher = { a1: [ {i1: []}, {i2: [1, undefined, [31, undefined, 33],  , 5]} ]};
deepMatch(source, matcher, opts); // true
deepMatch(source, matcher);       // false


Values are compared according to the following rules:

  • Identical values always match.
  • Values of different types never match.
  • Values that are no objects only match if they are identical (see above).
  • Null values (which are also objects) only match if both are null.
  • Arrays match if all items in the matcher match (note different behavior for option arrayOrderMatters).
  • When arrayOrderMatters=true value of undefined matchers are skipped.
  • When arrayOrderMatters=false (default behavior) value of undefined matchers are NOT skipped.
  • Objects match if all properties in the matcher match.



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