A browserify transform to enable the use of component.js components in browserify client javascript projects.
Installation is via npm:
$ npm install decomponentify
How to use.
Install some components:
# creates files in component/component-moment/
$ component install component/moment
Build out your component file into a place where you can require it from browserify:
# Builds all the components into public/scripts/vendor/component/index.js
$ component build -o public/scripts/vendor/component -n index
Require the build file in your browserify code and access the component modules by their fully qualified name (eg. 'component-moment'):
// File: public/scripts/app.jsvar domready =component =moment = ;;
Build out your browserify bundle using the decomponentify transform:
$ browserify -t decomponentify public/scripts/app.js -o public/scripts/build/bundle.js
Then include your bundle.js in your HTML file and you're done!