
0.10.0 • Public • Published

Declick Engine

Declick Engine is a javascript interpreter and runtime environment that can be used with graphical and non-graphical objects. Object names and methods are fully internationalized, as well as runtime environemnt itself. Graphical objects are rendered using Phaser library. Declick Engine has been built primarily as an educational tool to teach children how to code and allow them to easily create small graphical games.


A demonstration page is available here:

How to build

install dependencies

npm install

build library

npm run build

Generated library is located in dist directory. Currently two versions are generated:

  • declick-engine.js, CommonJS library
  • declick-engine-esm.js ES module (no size optimization)


When library is built, a demo web page is generated at demo/dist/index.html


Objects (Work in progress)

Documentation in English

Documentation en français

Sprites and maps

How to add objects


Classes names and exposed methods are internationalized, using two tools:

These tools make it really easy to define a translated name for a class or a method:

import 'reflect-metadata'

@Reflect.metadata('translated', 'MyClass')
class MyClass {
  @Reflect.metadata('translated', 'exposedMethod')
  @Reflect.metadata('help', 'exposedMethod_help')
  exposedMethod(value) {
    this._value = value

For internationalization of exposedMethod, two parameters are defined:

  • i18._(exposedMethod) is the translated name
  • i18n._(exposedMethod_help) is the help text that will be used for this method

Translation texts are stored in json files within directory translations.

Note: in Visual Studio Code, the use of i18n ally extension makes it really easy to manage translation texts.

Adding a basic class

Classes are stored in directory src/objects/classes. A basic class should derive from BaseClass:

import 'reflect-metadata'

class MyClass extends BaseClass {

export default MyClass

Adding a graphical class

Graphical classes are stored in directory src/objects/classes. They derive from GraphicClass:

import GraphicClass from '../graphic-class'

class MyGraphicClass extends GraphicClass {

  constructor() {
    this._object = // _object holds reference to the actual graphics object, handled by Phaser

  static setup() {
    // this static method is called once at setup: it can be used e.g. to load some assets used by every instance

  tick(delta) {
    // called by graphics framework, may be used to animate the instance

  getX() {
    // should be implemented to give the X coordinate of the instance

  getY() {
    // should be implemented to give the Y coordinate of the instance

  setLocation(x, y) {
    // should be implemented to position the object


Adding an instance

Instances are stored in directory src/objects/instances. An instance should derive from BaseInstance:

import BaseInstance from '../base-instance'

class MyInstance extends BaseInstance {}

export default MyInstance

Checking arguments of exposed methods

Since exposed metohds will be used from outside of Declick, there is a strong need for checking the type of provided arguments.To do so, Declick object may use @checkArguments as a decorator for the exposed method:

import { checkArguments } from '../utils/checks'

  myExposedMethod(value) {
    // value should be an integer, otherwise an error is thrown

  @checkArguments(['integer', 'string'])
  myExposedMethod2(value1, value2) {
    // value1 should be an integer, value2 should by a string

  @checkArguments(['integer', 'string', 'array'], 2)
  myExposedMethod3(value1, value2, value3) {
    // value1 should be an integer, value2 should by a string, value3 should by an array
    // the two last parameters are optional

  @checkArguments(['integer', 'integer|string|boolean'])
  myExposedMethod4(value1, value2) {
    // value1 should be a en integer
    // value2 should be an integer OR a string OR a boolean

Available types are: integer, string, array, number, boolean, object, function, canvas, any

Handling events

Classes and instances may manage events using the following methods:

  • this.addListener('eventName', function) adds a listener for event eventName
  • this.dispatch('eventName') dispatches event eventName


Declick Engine uses the following libs:

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npm i declick-engine

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  • colombbus