A CLI tool to deploy web apps and save captured webpage to IPFS & Filecoin using Web3.Storage and Moralis
npm install dearwebthree -g
yarn add global dearwebthree
Run dearwebthree
or dw3
in terminal for more information regarding how to use the CLI.
$ dw3
Usage: dearwebthree [options] [command]
A CLI tool to deploy web apps and save captured webpage to IPFS & Filecoin using and Moralis
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
setup setup Web3.Storage and Moralis API Keys
deploy [options] deploy web app to Web3.Storage and Moralis
capture [options] <url> capture url single page webpage, screenshot and metadata to Web3.Storage and Moralis
backup [options] backup deployments and captures information
init-action <type> initialize deployment or capture github action
deployments display all your deployments
captures display all your captures
config-path display config path
help [command] display help for command
Github Actions Created and Used
add-to-web3: Github Action forked from add-to-web3 to add Moralis support to deploy apps to IPFS & Filecoin.
- A demo project using add-to-web3 Github Action: web3-action-deploy
w3name-action: Github Action to Publish IPNS name using w3name service.
web3-capture-action: Github Action to capture single page html and screenshot of websites and save to Web3.Storage and Moralis.
- A demo project using web3-capture-action to capture list of urls and save it to a JSON file: web3-capture-cronjob
Usage: dearwebthree setup [options]
setup Web3.Storage and Moralis API Keys
-h, --help display help for command
Run the following command and select service and provide API Key for the service.
dearwebthree setup
To display the path where dearwebthree
config is save:
dearwebthree config-path
Currently supported are the applications using
Usage: dearwebthree deploy [options]
deploy web app to Web3.Storage and Moralis
-n, --no-build deploy without building the app if it is already build
-s, --service <service> select service (choices: "", "moralis", default: "")
-h, --help display help for command
Run this command in the app folder to deploy the app to Web3.Storage or use service option to select the service you are deploying to.
dearwebthree deploy
Or with desired service,
dearwebthree deploy -s moralis
If you already build the project already and don't want cli to build again then run the command below:
dearwebthree deploy --no-build
To display all the deployments made:
dearwebthree deployments
Usage: dearwebthree capture [options] <url>
capture url single page webpage, screenshot and metadata to Web3.Storage and Moralis
url capture url to Web3.Storage or Moralis
-s, --service <service> select service (choices: "", "moralis", default: "")
-h, --help display help for command
Run this command to save single page html and screenshot for the given url with default service as Use service option for selecting desired ones.
dearwebthree capture
Or with desired service,
dearwebthree capture -s moralis
To display all the captures made:
dearwebthree captures
Github Actions for Deployment and Capture
Usage: dearwebthree init-action [options] <type>
initialize deployment or capture github action
type type of github action to initialize (choices: "capture", "deployment")
-h, --help display help for command
Run the following commands to initialize capture and deplyment github actions for your project. For deployment:
dearwebthree init-action deployment
For capture:
dearwebthree init-action capture
- Github: @pawanpaudel93
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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Copyright © 2022 Pawan Paudel.