DCP Command Line Utilities
You need to build a local dcp-client. (And for now, to check out the right branch):
git checkout improvement/argv-scheduler
npm link
(link will allow us to use the branch from the other repos)
In dcp:
git checkout improvement/cli-util
npm link dcp-client
./install.sh -N dcp-client
(Some errors will be generated, but it still works ok (I think its due to the symlinks from linking, need to investigate that sometime))
Get dcp-util and install:
git clone git@gitlab.com:Distributed-Compute-Protocol/dcp-util.git
cd dcp-util
npm i
npm link dcp-client
bin/mkad create --passphrase=secret
bin/job-utility listJobs --scheduler=http://my-scheduler.office.kingsds.network
bin/schedmsg announce "Hello, world!" --scheduler=http://my-scheduler.office.kingsds.network