Collection of data structures(LinkedList, DoubleLinkedList, Stack, Queue, Dictionary and etc...) for TypeScript.
npm i datastructure-ts --save
Data Structures
getHead(): LinkedNode
Returns the 'Head' node
isEmpty(): boolean
Returns 'true' if 'LinkedList' is empty and 'false' if no.
size(): number
Returns the amount of nodes
append(value: T): LinkedList
Append given value to the 'linkedList' and returns updated 'LinkedList'
getLast(): LinkedNode
Returns the 'Last' node
toArray(): T[]
Returns array of all items.
const linkedList: LinkedList<number>; // _head = null, _last = null
linkedList.getHead(); // null
linkedList.getHead(); // 1
linkedList.isEmpty(); // false
linkedList.size(); // 2
linkedList.toArray(); // [1,2]
linkedList.getLast(); // 2
getHead(): DoubleLinkedList
Returns the 'Head' node
isEmpty(): boolean
Returns 'true' if 'DoubleLinkedList' is empty and 'false' if no.
size(): number
Returns the amount of nodes
append(value: T): LinkedList
Append given value to the 'DoubleLinkedList' and returns updated 'DoubleLinkedList'
getLast(): LinkedNode
Returns the 'Last' node
toArray(): T[]
Returns array of all items.
insert(afterPosition: number, value: T): DoubleLinkedList
Inserts given value to the DoubleLinkedList and returns updated DoubleLinkedList.
insertLast(value: T): DoubleLinkedList
Inserts given value to the DoubleLinkedList and returns updated DoubleLinkedList.
insertLast(value: T): DoubleLinkedList
Insert given value to the 'DoubleLinkedList' at the end and returns updated 'DoubleLinkedList'.
insertFirst(value: T): DoubleLinkedList
Inserts given value to the 'DoubleLinkedList' at the beginning and returns updated 'DoubleLinkedList'.
get(index: number): DoubleLinkedList
Get node by given index.
const doubleLinkedList: DoubleLinkedList<number>; // _head = null, _last = null
doubleLinkedList.getHead(); // null
doubleLinkedList.getHead(); // 1
doubleLinkedList.isEmpty(); // false
doubleLinkedList.size(); // 2
doubleLinkedList.toArray(); // [1,2]
doubleLinkedList.getLast(); // 2
size(): number
Returns the number of entries (distinct keys) in this dictionary.
isEmpty(): boolean
Returns 'true' if Dictionary is empty and 'false' if no.
put(key: string, value: T)
Add new item to dictionary.
get(key: string): T
Returns item by given key.
remove(key: string)
Removes item from dictionary.
Removes all items from dictionary.
keys(): string[]
Returns string array of items keys.
toArray(): T[]
Returns array of all items.
containsKey(key: string): boolean
Checks is item with given key exist.
const dictionary = new Dictionary<number>();
dictionary.isEmpty(); // true
dictionary.size(); // 0
dictionary.put('someKey', 1);
dictionary.put('key1', 1);
dictionary.put('key2', 2);
dictionary.put('key3', 3);
dictionary.keys(); // ['key1', 'key2', 'key3']
dictionary.toArray(); // [1, 2, 3]
dictionary.size(); // 0
push(value: T)
Pushes value to stack
pop(): T
Fetchs the last value from the stack
peek(): T
The method returns the element at the top of the Stack else returns NULL if the Stack is empty.
size(): T
Returns the size of stack
toArray(): T[]
Returns array of all items
const stack = new Stack<number>();
stack.pop(); // 3
stack.size(); // 2
push(value: T)
Pushes value to stack
pop(): T
Fetchs the first value from the stack
peek(): T
The method returns the element at the top of the Queue else returns NULL if the Queue is empty.
size(): T
Returns the size of queue
toArray(): T[]
Returns array of all items
const queue = new Queue<number>();
queue.pop(); // 1
queue.size(); // 2
getRoot(): BinaryTreeNode
Returns 'root' node
findNode(value: T, node: BinaryTreeNode = null): BinaryTreeNode
Returns node with a given value
const binaryTree = new BinaryTree<number>(1);
// 1
// / \
// 2 3
// / \ / \
// 4 5 6 7
binaryTree.findNode(6).getValue(); // 6
HashMap<K, V>
put(key: K, value: V): void
Inserts the specified key-value pair into the map. If the key already exists, its value will be updated with the new value.
get(key: K): V | null
Returns the value associated with the specified key, or null if the key is not present in the map.
remove(key: K): boolean
Removes the entry with the specified key from the map, if it exists. Returns true if the entry was removed, false if it did not exist in the map.
containsKey(key: K): boolean
Returns true if the map contains the specified key, otherwise false.
containsValue(value: V): boolean
Returns true if the map contains the specified value, otherwise false.
keySet(): Set<K>
Returns a Set of all the keys in the map.
values(): V[]
Returns an array of all the values in the map.
entrySet(): Set<[K, V]>
Returns a Set of all the key-value pairs (as tuples) in the map.
size(): number
Returns the number of key-value pairs in the map.
isEmpty(): boolean
Returns true if the map is empty, otherwise false.
clear(): void
Removes all entries from the map.
Returns the value of the node.
setValue(value: T)
Sets the value of the node.
Returns the parent of the node.
setParent(parent: TreeNode<T>)
Sets the parent of the node.
Returns the children of the node.
addChild(child: TreeNode<T>)
Adds a child to the node.
removeChild(child: TreeNode<T>)
Removes a child from the node.
Removes all children from the node.
Returns the height of the node.
Returns the depth of the node.
traversePreorder(callback: (node: TreeNode<T>) => void)
Traverse the tree in preorder (root, left subtree, right subtree) and apply the given callback function to each node.
traversePostorder(callback: (node: TreeNode<T>) => void)
Traverse the tree in postorder (left subtree, right subtree, root) and apply the given callback function to each node.
traverseInorder(callback: (node: TreeNode<T>) => void)
Traverse the tree in inorder (left subtree, root, right subtree) and apply the given callback function to each node.
traverseLevelOrder(callback: (node: TreeNode<T>) => void)
Traverse the tree level by level, starting at the root, and apply the given callback function to each node.
Returns the root node of the tree.
addChild(parent, childValue)
Adds a child node to a given parent node. Returns the newly created child node.
Removes a node and all of its children from the tree.
Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
Checks if the tree is empty (i.e., has no nodes).
Traverse the tree in breadth-first order and apply the given callback function to each node.
1) Graph
If you have an advice, please feel free to contact with me