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User Documentation: Paginator Class

The Paginator class is a powerful tool that allows you to retrieve data from a MongoDB database using Mongoose. It provides convenient methods for finding and aggregating data with pagination, filtering and sorting capabilities. This documentation will guide you on how to use the class effectively to retrieve the data you need.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Using the Paginator Class
  4. The pageData property
  5. Example Usage
  6. Summary


The Paginator class simplifies the process of querying and retrieving data from a MongoDB database using Mongoose. It provides a convenient way to specify query parameters, apply filters, and paginate through results. Whether you need to find individual documents or perform complex aggregations, the Paginator class can handle it.

Getting Started


Before you can use the Paginator class, ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed. These dependencies include Mongoose and any other required packages for your project. You can install them using npm or yarn:

npm install mongoose
# or
yarn add mongoose

Importing the Paginator Class

To use the Paginator class in your project, import it into your JavaScript or TypeScript file:

import Paginator from './path/to/Paginator';

Make sure to replace './path/to/Paginator' with the correct path to the Paginator class file in your project.

Using the Paginator Class

Initializing the Paginator

To get started with the Paginator class, create an instance of it by providing the necessary parameters:

const paginator = new Paginator(Model, config);
  • Model (Mongoose Model): The Mongoose model representing the collection from which you want to retrieve data.
  • config (Object): An object containing configurations such as pageSize, page, sortBy, direction, searchBy, and search.

Performing a Find Operation

To find documents in the collection, use the find method of the Paginator instance:

const filters = { category: 'Work' };
const results = await paginator.find(filters);
  • filters (Object): An object containing additional filters to apply to the find operation. It's the same as for the find method of the MongooseModel

The find method will return an array of documents that match the specified filters and query parameters.

Performing an Aggregate Operation

To perform complex aggregations on the collection, use the aggregate method of the Paginator instance:

const stages = [
    { $match: { status: 'Active' } },
    { $group: { _id: '$category', count: { $sum: 1 } } },
const aggregatedData = await paginator.aggregate(stages);
  • stages (Array): An array of stages representing the aggregation pipeline to be executed.

The aggregate method will execute the specified stages in the provided order and return the aggregated result.

The pageData Property

The Paginator class provides a property called pageData that contains information about the pagination details for the executed query. This property allows you to retrieve metadata about the total number of pages, the current page, and the number of data items per page.

The pageData property is updated internally by Paginator class. It is accessible after executing a query using the find or aggregate methods.

The pageData object has the following properties:

  • totalPages (Number): The total number of pages based on the query and pagination settings.
  • totalData (Number): The total number of data items that match the query and filters.
  • currentPage (Number): The current page number.
  • pageSize (Number): The number of data items per page.

Here's an example of how to access and use the pageData property:

const paginator = new Paginator(Model, query, filtersAllowed);
const results = await paginator.find(filters);

// Access the pageData property
const { totalPages, totalData, currentPage, pageSize } = paginator.pageData;

console.log(`Total Pages: ${totalPages}`);
console.log(`Total Data: ${totalData}`);
console.log(`Current Page: ${currentPage}`);
console.log(`Page Size: ${pageSize}`);

You can use the pageData property to implement pagination controls in your application or display information about the current page and total data count to the user.

Note: The pageData property is populated after executing a query using the find or aggregate methods. Ensure that you have executed a query before accessing the pageData property.

Example Usage

To illustrate the usage of the Paginator class, let's consider an example scenario where we have a MongoDB collection of contacts and we want to retrieve paginated and filtered results sorted by name.

Assuming you have already set up the Mongoose connection and defined a Mongoose model for the Contact collection, we can proceed with the following example:

const Contact = require('./models/Contact'); // Import the Mongoose model
const Paginator = require('datasource-mongoose'); // Import the Paginator

// Define the configurations
const config = {
    pageSize: 10,
    page: 1,
    sortBy: 'name',
    direction: 1,
    searchBy: 'name',
    search: 'John',
    category: 'Work',
    status: 'Active',

// Create an instance of the Paginator class
const paginator = new Paginator(Contact, config);

// Perform a find operation
const filters = { age: { $gte: 25 } };
const results = await paginator.find(filters);

// Access the pageData property
const { totalPages, totalData, currentPage, pageSize } = paginator.pageData;

// Display the results
results.forEach(contact => {

// Display pagination details
console.log(`Page: ${currentPage}/${totalPages}`);
console.log(`Total Contacts: ${totalData}`);
console.log(`Contacts per Page: ${pageSize}`);

In this example, we create an instance of the Paginator class, passing the Contact model and config. We then perform a find operation with additional filters, such as age greater than or equal to 25.

After executing the query, we can access the retrieved results and the pageData property to display the contacts, pagination details, and total number of contacts.

Feel free to customize the example code according to your specific use case and the structure of your data.


The Paginator class simplifies data retrieval from a MongoDB database using Mongoose. By providing an intuitive interface for specifying configs, filters, and pagination, it enables you to find and aggregate data efficiently. Use the methods find and aggregate to retrieve the data you need based on your requirements.

Refer to the documentation comments within the Paginator class implementation for more detailed information on its functionalities and options.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please consult the official Mongoose documentation or reach out to the development team for support. Happy data querying!




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