A Cytoscape.js layout extension for tree layouts which allows for variable sizes of nodes while using a non-layered tree layout and moving nodes further down than its siblings. Uses van der Ploeg's extension of the Reingold-Tilford algorithm from the paper Drawing Non-layered Tidy Trees in Linear Time.
All demos are available on GitHub Pages
Both bundled and unbundled files are available:
for files bundled by esbuild./dist/cytoscape-tidytree.js
for unbundled files compiled by tsc as ES module- Entrypoint
- Entrypoint
npm install cytoscape-tidytree
Preferably use jsdelivr.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cytoscape-tidytree/dist/cytoscape-tidytree.js"></script>
You can also use any other CDN which can serve npm packages automatically.
Available in Releases
<script src="./cytoscape.min.js"></script>
<script src="./cytoscape-tidytree.js"></script>
The extension is automatically registered into Cytoscape.js
import cytoscape from "cytoscape";
import tidytree from "cytoscape-tidytree";
Call the layout
method and run
on the returned layout object:
cy.layout({ name: "tidytree" }).run()
You can also run the layout only for some nodes and edges:
// collection of nodes and edges with the "tree" class
const elesToLayout = cy.$(".tree")
// run the layout as if elesToLayout were the only elements in the graph
elesToLayout.layout({ name: "tidytree" }).run()
options = {
name: "tidytree",
horizontalSpacing: 20,
verticalSpacing: 40,
// run layout with the options specified
Following options are currently available:
class DefaultOptions implements TidytreeLayoutOptions {
//** Needed to for the layout to be called from cytoscape */
name: "tidytree" = "tidytree" as const;
* Specific layout options
dataOnly: boolean = false; // when enabled, nodes' positions aren't set, only data is calculated
horizontalSpacing: number = 20; // the width of the space between nodes in cytoscape units
verticalSpacing: number = 40; // the height of the space between parent and child in cytoscape units
// an object from node's id to how much space should be added between it and its parent
extraVerticalSpacings: Record<string, number> = {};
// an object from node's id to how much space should be added for the node to have this y position
// overrides extraVerticalSpacings if both are set for a particular node
// if the y position would result in the child not being below the parent, the setting is ignored and a warning is printed
customYs: Record<string, number> = {};
// the width of the space left after a node is moved down
lineWidth: number = 5;
// forces nodes to be positioned on multiples of this value if set
layerHeight: number | undefined = undefined;
// a sorting function for the children array of the tree representation
// if undefined, the order is based on the order of the collection the layout was called on
edgeComparator: ((edgeA: EdgeSingular, edgeB: EdgeSingular) => number) | undefined = undefined;
// when not changed, the width and height of each node is read directly from the node
// this parameter allows to supply your own sizes
// if the h or w property is missing from the returned object, it is taken from the node
sizeGetter: ((node: NodeSingular) => { w?: number, h?: number }) = () => ({});
* Layout options passed to nodes.layoutPositions()
* https://js.cytoscape.org/#nodes.layoutPositions
fit: boolean = true; // if true, fits the viewport to the graph
padding: number = 30; // the padding between the viewport and the graph on fit
pan: Position | undefined = undefined; // pan to a specified position, ignored if fit is enabled
zoom: number | undefined = undefined; // how much to zoom the viewport, ignored if fit is enabled
// a positive value which adjusts spacing between nodes (>1 means greater than usual spacing)
spacingFactor: number = 1;
// allows to transform a given node's position before it is applied
transform: (node: NodeSingular, position: Position) => Position = (n, p) => p;
animate: boolean = false; // animate the layout`s changes
animationDuration: number = 500; // duration of the animation in ms
animationEasing: Css.TransitionTimingFunction | undefined = undefined; // easing of animation
// returns true for nodes that should be animated, or false when the position should be set immediately
animateFilter: (node: NodeSingular, index: number) => boolean = () => true;
ready: ((e: LayoutEventObject) => void) | undefined = undefined; // callback for the start of the layout
stop: ((e: LayoutEventObject) => void) | undefined = undefined; // callback for the layout`s finish
* Layout options passed to node.layoutDimensions()
* https://js.cytoscape.org/#node.layoutDimensions
nodeDimensionsIncludeLabels: boolean = true; // if overflowing labels should count in the width or height of the node
git clone git@github.com:chuckzel/cytoscape-tidytree.git
cd ./cytoscape-tidytree
npm install
npm run prepare
will run automatically and build all .js
and .d.ts
After that, you can use one of:
npm run build # builds for development (no minified version)
npm run build:all # builds everything
npm run watch # runs "build" task in watch mode
For more see scripts
in package.json
- Paper with the details of the algorithm and the original implementation
PLOEG, Atze van der. Drawing non-layered tidy trees in linear time. Software: Practice and Experience. 2014, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 1467–1484. Available from doi: 10.1002/spe.2213.
- d3-flextree - A D3.js plugin using the same algorithm
- AEON Client - An example of advanced usage and the project for which this library was developed