📌📌 Breaking change: With the 1.0
release of customize-cra breaking changes have been made to the addLessLoader
customizer to support the changes to create-react-app
in #7876. Please follow the migration guide in #253.
This project provides a set of utilities to customize create-react-app
versions 2 and 3 configurations leveraging react-app-rewired
core functionalities.
How to install
This project relies on react-app-rewired
. You'll need to install that in order for customize-cra
to work.
yarn add customize-cra react-app-rewired --dev
❗ Warning
"Stuff can break" - Dan Abramov
Using this library will override the default behavior and configuration of create-react-app
, therefore invalidating the guarantees that come with it. Use with discretion!
takes advantage of react-app-rewired
's config-overrides.js
file. By importing customize-cra
functions and exporting a few function calls wrapped in our override
function, you can easily modify the underlying config objects (webpack
, webpack-dev-server
, babel
, etc.) that make up create-react-app
Note: all code should be added to config-overrides.js
at the same level as package.json
See the api docs for documentation for each function.
With To use these plugins, import the override
function, and call it with whatever plugins you need. Each of these plugin invocations will return a new function, that override
will call with the newly modified config object. Falsy values will be ignored though, so if you need to conditionally apply any of these plugins, you can do so like below.
For example:
const override addDecoratorsLegacy disableEsLint addBundleVisualizer addWebpackAlias adjustWorkbox } = ;const path = ; moduleexports = ;
With You can use the overrideDevServer
function to override the webpack-dev-server
config. It works the same way as override
const override disableEsLint overrideDevServer watchAll } = ; moduleexports = webpack: devServer: ;
With If you want CRA 2 to work with MobX, use the addDecoratorsLegacy
and disableEsLint
for documentation on the functions provided by customize-cra
For more information about contributing to this project, like a directory map or a how-to for reporting an issue about the project, please see
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
dqu 💬 |
Breeze 💻 |
Terryand 💻 |
m-weeks 🐛 |
吴超 💡 |
James Thistlewood 💻 |
taddj 💬 |
MeiLin 💻 |
Graham Crockford 🤔 |
afei 💻 |
zoomdong 💻 |
Danilo Campana Fuchs 💻 |
Rodrigo Narvaez 💻 |
blackmatch 💻 |
billypon 💻 |
Juetta 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!