
0.9.2 • Public • Published



The CustomConsentPopup class is designed for creating and managing a customizable confirmation modal window. This modal window can be used for various purposes, such as user consent for cookies, terms of service, or other custom notifications.


  • Customizable Appearance: The modal window's position and text can be customized.
  • Flexible Consent Management: Offers various ways to manage user consent, including once per session, once per lifetime, or never showing the modal again.
  • Interactive Options: Includes functionalities for positive and negative responses, with customizable callback functions.

Configuration Options

The modal window's behavior and appearance can be configured with the following properties:

  • show: Determines if the modal window is initially visible (true) or hidden (false).
  • backgroundBlock: If true, the modal window overlay is non-interactive; if false, it allows interaction.
  • backgroundBlockColor: Sets the color of the background overlay when backgroundBlock is true.
  • position: A predefined stylesheet value ("center", "bottom", or "top") determining the modal window's position and size.
  • consentExpirationTime: Manages the display of the consent modal based on user interactions.
    • If a number, represents the time in seconds to reappear after consent.
    • If false, shown only once per lifetime.
    • If true, shown once per browser session.
  • modalWindowHeaderHTML: HTML content for the modal window's header.
  • modalWindowBodyHTML: HTML content for the main body of the modal window.
  • positiveButtonText: Text for the positive (confirmation) button.
  • negativeButtonText: Text for the negative (decline) button.
  • hidemodalWindowOnNegativeClick: Whether to hide the modal window on clicking the negative button.
  • localStorageObjectName: Name for the local storage object to store consent date.
  • blockScroll: Blocks page scrolling when the modal window is displayed if set to true.
  • removeAllContentOnNegativeClick: If true, removes all content from the document body on a negative button click.
  • onlyPositiveButtonOnModalWindow: If true, removes negative button from the modal window. False is default.
  • onPositiveButtonClickcallback: Callback function for when the positive button is clicked.
  • onNegativeButtonClickCallback: Callback function for when the negative button is clicked.
  • onPreviousConsentFoundCallback: Callback function for when previous consent is found.
  • onmodalWindowRenderedCallback: Callback function for when the modal window is rendered.


You can find demonstrational sample in examples/main.js To use CustomConsentPopup, create an instance with your custom settings and initialize it when the DOM is fully loaded. This can be done using the DOMContentLoaded event:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
  // Define your custom settings 
  const options = {
    // Your options here
    position: 'center',
    consentExpirationTime: true,
    // ... other options ...

  // Initialize the CustomConsentPopup with your options


const options = {
  consentExpirationTime: 5,
  position: 'top',
  backgroundBlock: true,
  backgroundBlockColor:'rgba(125, 125, 125, 0.5)',
  blockScroll: false,
  onPositiveButtonClickCallback: function() {



Step 1: Install the Package

Open your terminal or command prompt and install CustomConsentPopup by running:

npm install custom-consent-popup@0.9.0

Step 2: Importing in Your Project

Import CustomConsentPopup in your JavaScript or TypeScript project after installation.


import CustomConsentPopup from 'custom-consent-popup';

Step 3: Implement in HTML

To use ES6 modules like the import statement in a browser, ensure your HTML script tag includes type="module":

<script type="module" src="path/to/your/script.js"></script>

Package Sidebar


npm i custom-consent-popup

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