CSS Relative URL Processor
A small module designed to convert relative asset URL's in CSS files into absolute URL's for deployment to a combo handled CDN (yui.yahooapis.com).
When you request a CSS file from a server with a ComboHandler on it, relative CSS assets are broken by default.
If your CSS looks like this:
Located in a file with this path: foo/bar/baz/main.css
Loaded from a ComboHandler like this: /combo?foo/bar/baz/main.css
Your Image will resolve to: /combo/foo.png
When it should resolve to: /foo/bar/baz/foo.png
That's what this module does!
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npm install cssproc
As a file (from examples/file/
var cssproc = path = fs = ; var file = path; fs;
It could also be used inside of a combo handler
The value of base
could be:
where protocol will be forced to HTTPhttps://foobar.com/path/to
where protocol will be forced to SSL//foobar.com/path/to
which is protocol agnostic where it uses the protocol for the css file that contains the images./path/to
for absolute paths where it uses the domain and protocol from the css file that contains the images.['http://server1.com/path/to', '//server2.com/path/to', etc]
an array of hosts to loop through and alternate in the file to support domain sharding.