This is a zero-dependency React adaptation of John W. Long's (jlong) css-spinners library. It should work on any platform that supports css animations.
Install from NPM
npm install css-spinners-react
Import the spinner components
Import all the spinners in a namespaced fashion
You can import all the spinners at once:
and use them in a namespaced manner:
<SpinnersDots />
Import an individual spinner
You can also import a single loader:
and use it without any fancy namespacing:
<Dots />
<Atebits />
<Ball />
<Circles />
<Dots />
<Echo />
<Flower />
<Gauge />
<Heartbeat />
<Hexdots />
<HolePulse />
<InnerCircles />
<Plus />
<Pong />
<Pulse />
<Refreshing />
<Spinner />
<SpinningPixels />
<ThreeQuarters />
<Throbber />
<Timer />
<Whirly />
<Wobblebar />