Crummy Ledger
Crummy Ledger is a Node JS module for creating distributed ledgers. Important features include:
- Fully NodeJS (no built dependancies)
- Fully Decentralized (no coordinators - no miners)
- Byzantine Fault Tolerant (secure up to 1/2 faulty/dishonest, able to progress up to 1/3 faulty/dishonest)
Currently UNLICENSED - working on appropriate liscensing
Basic Documentation
npm install crummyledger
const Ledger = require("crummyledger");
async function main(){
//initialize a distributed database with a base state, a directory for storing events locally, and a private key
var database = new Ledger({
base_state: { counter: 0 },
store_path: "./test_db",
private_key: "0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f"
//Reducers define how different events effect the overall state
database.setReducer('increment', function (state, issuer, payload) {
database.setReducer('add', function (state, issuer, payload) {
state.counter += payload.amount;
//subscribe to milestone events to get notified of state changes
database.onMilestone(async function () {
console.log(await database.getState());
await database.init();
//connect to tpeers to join the network
database.connectTo(hostname_or_ipaddress, port, function () {
console.log('connnected to a peer!');
//open a socket for incoming connections if you want others to be able to connect to you
database.startServer(local_port, function () {
console.log('I\'m ready for connections!');
//when you're all done
database shutDown();