Provide reliable method to read Credstash secrets on-demand within Lambda functions. Problem: How do we load values from Credstash (AWS KMS and DynamoDB) smartly and reliably given Lambda's lifecycle? This module provides a simple way to "load" secrets once as part of a Lambda's handler and provide a simple local copy of secrets during the life of the Lambda process.
$ npm install --save credstash-lambda
- table: (STRING) the name of the DynamoDB table which stores encrypted secrets
- region: (STRING) the AWS region i.e. us-west-2
- keys: (Array[STRING]) the keys for the values you are retrieving from Credstash
- [defaults]: (Array[STRING]) optional array of values to use in lieu of Credstash values, used for local test
Credstash.load() / Credstash.get(key)
const Credstash = table: 'TABLE_NAME' region: 'AWS_REGION' keys: 'SAMPLE_KEY'; { ... ;} moduleexports { Credstash;}