This NPM package provides a straightforward solution for validating the correctness of CPFs and CNPJs.
Install the dependencies:
# yarn
yarn install cpf-and-cnpj-validators
# npm
npm install cpf-and-cnpj-validators
# pnpm
pnpm install cpf-and-cnpj-validators --shamefully-hoist
Simply import the functions and utilize them. They will return true if the CPF or CNPJ is valid and false if it's not.
// Import using CommonJS (require):
const { validateCPF, validateCNPJ } = require('cpf-and-cnpj-validators');
// Import using ES6 import:
import { validateCPF, validateCNPJ } from 'cpf-and-cnpj-validators';
// Call the Functions:
console.log(validateCPF('377.847.960-13')); // Returns true if valid, false otherwise
console.log(validateCNPJ('19.394.478/0001-71')); // Returns true if valid, false otherwise
console.log(validateCPF('37784796013')); // Returns true if valid, false otherwise
console.log(validateCNPJ('19394478000171')); // Returns true if valid, false otherwise