
0.1.14 • Public • Published

WebApp Theme Builder



The Covata/WebApp Theme Builder tool allows you to build themes (locally on your own computer) for SafeShare's web-based interfaces.

Themes allow the color schemes and logos utilised throughout the SafeShare web application user interface to be customised for individual organisations, where each individual organisation is associated with its own theme. (For more information about adding/configuring organisations through SafeShare Administration, see Administering organisations in the SafeShare Administrator's Guide.)

These color scheme and logo customisations are also utilised throughout:

Newly installed instances of SafeShare are pre-packaged with the Covata default theme. This theme is initially used for all organisations' SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces, email notifications, as well as the SafeShare Administration interface.

Using this WebApp Theme Builder tool, you can generate different themes - one for each organisation - as well as your own default theme (aka the 'system' theme), which is used for:

  • any organisation that does not have a theme defined for it,
  • the SafeShare Administration interface and
  • the My Account feature.

Be aware that:

  • This default/'system' theme is distinct from the Covata default theme (pre-packaged with SafeShare).
  • When using the WebApp Theme Builder tool, you must generate the 'system' theme.


The WebApp Theme Builder tool requires the following to be installed on your local machine:

For each organisation you wish to create a theme for, make a note of its Organisation ID. A SafeShare administrator can obtain an Organisation's ID through the Organisations page of SafeShare Administration. (For more information, see Administering organisations in the SafeShare Administrator's Guide.)

Getting started

Tip: You should only need to run through this Getting Started procedure once. If you are updating existing and/or creating more themes, please skip to the Creating/updating themes section below.

  1. Ensure you have met the Requirements (above).

  2. Open your terminal/command prompt.

  3. Run the command sudo npm install covata-theme-builder -g to install the WebApp Theme Builder tool.

  4. Do either of the following to set up your local 'working' sources directory (which the WebApp Theme Builder tool will use to generate themes):

    • Manually set up your sources directory:

      1. Create a directory named sources at an appropriate location on your computer.

      2. Within this sources directory, create subdirectory named system.

      3. Visit Covata's public BitBucket repository for the source of the WebApp Theme Builder tool and click through to the sources/system folder.

      4. At this location:

        1. Click the file to access its content.

        2. Copy and paste this content into a text editor.

        3. Save this text file with the same name ( in the system subdirectory created above.

      5. Navigate back to the sources/system folder and note the image/logo files. These types of files are required for this tool to successfully build a theme.

    • Set up your sources directory from the example provided within the WebApp Theme Builder tool's installation directory:

      1. Identify the directory where the WebApp Theme Builder tool was installed by the npm command. This directory should be named covata-theme-builder.

        Note: On Mac OS X / Linux-based computers, this directory is typically within /usr/local/lib/node_modules. On Microsoft Windows-based computers, this directory is the location of the node.exe binary.

      2. Copy the sources directory (within the covata-theme-builder installation directory) to an appropriate location on your computer.

Note: The directory named system (within sources) contains the theme resources - i.e. color schemes and logos - for the default/'system' theme.

Creating/updating themes

Ensure you have completed the Getting Started procedure above before proceeding.


  • If you are only updating existing themes, begin at step 3, although skip steps 3 and 4 for any existing themes you do not intend to change.
  • Check if you are running the latest version of the WebApp Theme Builder tool using the command buildthemes --version. If you are not, follow the Upgrading the WebApp Theme Builder tool procedure below before continuing.
  1. Create new directories (one for each new organisation a theme will be created for) immediately inside the sources directory you set up (above).

    Important: The names of these directories must match their respective Organisation IDs (obtained in Requirements above) and each of these directories must be siblings of the system directory.

  2. For each (sub-)directory you created in the previous step, copy the file from the sources/system subdirectory to each of these other sources/{OrganisationID} subdirectories.

  3. For each theme, copy their image/logo files to their respective sources/{OrganisationID} subdirectories (similar to the sources/system subdirectory for the default/'system' theme):

    • header-logo.(png|jpg|gif|bmp) - The image/logo used in the header of the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces.


      • The image/logo in the system directory is used for the default organisation theme, as well as for the SafeShare Administration interface. This principle applies to the other logo files described below.
      • For simplicity (espcially when upgrading the WebApp Theme Builder tool), ensure your image/logo file names match the names mentioned in this list.
    • footer-logo.(png|jpg|gif|bmp) - The image/logo used in the footer of the SafeShare web application on the main Sign-in page.

    • footer-logo-white.(png|jpg|gif|bmp) - The image/logo used in the footer of the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces after user sign-in.

    • favicon.ico - A 16x16 pixel (organisation-specific) favicon used by web browsers (e.g. on browser tabs).

    • email-logo.(png|jpg|gif|bmp) - The image/logo used for all email notifications sent out by the Covata Platform.

      Note: SafeShare only makes use of the image/logo contained in the system directory. Therefore, copy this image/logo file contained in the system directory to all other organisation directories. (If an email-logo image file is not present in any organisation directory, then running the buildthemes command towards the end of this procedure will fail.)

    • login-logo.(png|jpg|gif|bmp) - The image/logo used on the Covata/SafeShare Sign-in page.

      Note: SafeShare only makes use of the image/logo contained in the system directory. Therefore, for the same reason that applies to the email-logo file (above), copy the login-logo image file contained in the system directory to all other organisation directories.

  4. For each theme, configure the values of each property in its file (copied to the theme's subdirectory within sources above), with the theme's colors and image file names:

    Tip: Refer to the Themable areas of the SafeShare web application and Other themable SafeShare areas sections of the SafeShare Administrator's Guide for diagrams that depict where the following properties affect SafeShare's user interfaces.

    • header-logo - The name of the header image/logo file (located in this directory).

    • footer-logo - The name of the footer image/logo file as seen on the sign-in page (located in this directory).

    • footer-logo-white - The name of the footer image/logo file as seen after user sign-in (located in this directory).

    • email-logo - The name of the email image/logo file (located in this directory).

    • login-logo - The name of the sign-in page image/logo file (located in this directory).

    • favicon - The name of the favicon file (located in this directory).

    • header-color - The background color used for the header bar of the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces, which also includes the header of email notifications.

      Note: The value of this property defined in the system directory's file is used for the default organisation theme, the SafeShare Administration interface and all email notifications. This principle applies to the other color properties described below.

    • header-text-color - The text color used in the header bar of the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces. Be aware that this excludes the color of any text forming part of the header-logo image/logo (described above).

    • hyperlink-active-color - The text color used when the Application menu at the top-right of the SafeShare web application or Organisation Administration interface (which contains the signed-in user's email address) is selected.

    • primary-color - The main application color used for:

      • The Folder button in the SafeShare web application.

      • The background color of dialog box headers throughout the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces.

      • The background color of the left selected option on the Organisation Administration interface.

      • The SIGN IN button on the sign-in page.

        Note: SafeShare only makes use of the value of this property defined in the system directory's file.

    • primary-button-color - The color used for buttons associated with (i.e. to complement) areas where the primary-color is expressed. This can be considered the secondary color of SafeShare's web-based interfaces, which includes:

      • The Upload button in the SafeShare web application.

      • Action buttons on:

        • Dialog boxes used throughout the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces.

        • Pages throughout SafeShare's web-based My Account feature and on pages throughout the Organisation Administration interface.

    • create-button-color - The color used for the Create button in the SafeShare web application.

    • email-divider-color - The color used for the underlining band below the header-color block in email notifications, whose value is defined in the system directory's file.

      Note: SafeShare only makes use of the value of this property defined in the system directory's file. Therefore, copy this property's value to the file in all other organisations' directories. (If a valid value is not specified for this property in the file of any organisation directory, then running the buildthemes command towards the end of this procedure will fail.)

    • selected-item-color - The color used for a selected item on the main SafeShare page.

    • selected-item-text-color - The text color used for a selected item on the main SafeShare page.

    • footer-color - The background color used for the footer bar of the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces.

    • footer-text-color - The text color used in the footer bar of the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces. Be aware that this excludes the color of any text forming part of the footer-logo image/logo (decsribed above).

    • alert-success-color - The background color used for the success alert popup of the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces.

    • alert-success-text-color - The text color used in the success alert popup of the SafeShare web application and Organisation Administration interfaces. Be aware that this excludes the color of any text forming part of the footer-logo image/logo (decsribed above).

  5. If you do not intend to use any Additional buildthemes command options (see below for details), ensure your current directory is the parent directory of sources.

  6. Compile your themes by running the command buildthemes.

    Assuming you have followed the procedure above correctly, the buildthemes command generates an output directory (based on the contents of the sources directory), whose content is deployed to the SafeShare web application installation directory.

    Tip: The buildthemes command can be run without the need to specify a path.

Deploying themes

Once you have created/updated your themes (above), copy the output directory to the root directory of the SafeShare web application (of the Covata Platform instance) and rename this output directory to themes.

Typically, this process would be conducted by a systems administrator who installed your SafeShare/Covata Platform instance, which is deployed using Puppet. Therefore, this theme deployment process would also be managed by Puppet.

Covata provides two BitBucket repositories for managing Puppet-based deployments of SafeShare instances:

  • SafeShare Puppet module - contains Puppet configurations for the core components of the SafeShare instance.

  • Reference tree - contains additional Puppet configurations that support the SafeShare Puppet module above, as well as additional configurations for assisting with deployments of SafeShare to virtual machines (using Vagrant) and other hardware.

Note: All themes compiled by running buildthemes must be deployed to a Covata Platform instance. Copying a single theme's subdirectory from your local output folder to the themes directory of the SafeShare web application will not work.

Upgrading the WebApp Theme Builder tool

Ensure you have completed the Getting Started procedure above before proceeding.

  1. Run the command sudo npm update covata-theme-builder -g to update the WebApp Theme Builder tool.

    Note: Check to ensure that this command has upgraded the WebApp Theme Builder tool to the version indicated on this page by running the command buildthemes --version. If this npm update did not successfully upgrade the tool, run the following commands: 10. sudo npm uninstall covata-theme-builder -g 20. sudo npm install covata-theme-builder -g

    To verify you have the updated version of the tool, run buildthemes --version again.

  2. Ensure your local 'working' sources directory is up to date (since this is required for updated versions of the WebApp Theme Builder tool to function correctly). To do this:

    1. Identify the directory where the WebApp Theme Builder tool was installed by the npm command. This directory should be named covata-theme-builder.

      Note: On Mac OS X / Linux-based computers, this directory is typically within /usr/local/lib/node_modules. On Microsoft Windows-based computers, this directory is the location of the node.exe binary.

    2. Change directory into the sources/system subdirectory of covata-theme-builder.

    3. Ensure that the types of image/logo files and properties in the file in each subdirectory of your local 'working' sources directory are consistent with those in this sources/system subdirectory of covata-theme-builder (which will contain any updates from the previous npm update step).

      Tip: It might be easier opening your local 'working' sources directory in a separate window to perform this substep.

      • For any new image/logo files and properties of the file in the sources/system subdirectory that do not exist in the subdirectories of your 'working' sources directory, copy these across to each of these subdirectories.

      • ( Optional, but recommended for tidiness ) Similarly, for any image/logo files and properties of the file in the subdirectories of your 'working' sources directory that do not exist in the sources/system subdirectory, remove the relevant files/properties in from the subdirectories of your 'working' sources directory.

Additional buildthemes command options

The buildthemes command has some additional options.

For help on what you can do with the tool, type the command:

buildthemes --help

Command option details

  1. -o, --output - allows you to specify a different location and name to which the content of the output directory will be generated.

    • Example for Mac OS X or Linux: buildthemes -o /User/someuser/safesharethemes/output

    • Example for Windows: buildthemes -o C:\Users\someuser\safesharethemes\output

    • Simply specify the directory name (eg. buildthemes -o output) to generate the output directory within your current directory.

  2. -s, --source - allows you to specify a different location and name to which the content of the sources directory will be read from.

    • Example on Mac or Linux: buildthemes -s /User/someuser/safesharethemes/sources.

    • Example on Windows: buildthemes -s C:\Users\someuser\ safesharethemes\sources.

    • Simply specify the directory name (eg. buildthemes -o sources) if the sources directory is located within your current directory.

  3. -c, --config - allows you to specify a different location and name for the settings.json file. This file 'pre-defines' the location and name of your sources and output directories.

    • Example for Mac OS X or Linux: buildthemes -c /User/someuser/safesharethemes/settings.json

    • Example for Windows: buildthemes -c C:\Users\someuser\safesharethemes\settings.json

    • Simply specify the name of this file (eg. buildthemes -c settings.json) if this file is located within your current directory.


Changes in 0.1.12 - 0.1.14

  • Introduced a new field to customise the Create Button Color, and file updates.

Changes in 0.1.11

  • Introduced a new footer-logo-white logo/image that appears after user login, and file updates.

Changes in 0.1.10

  • file updates - Content/detail improvements and corrections.

Changes in 0.1.9

  • buildthemes now allows the colors of success messages (which appear temporarily over the header) to be customised.

Changes in 0.1.8

  • Fixed a bug in which the SIGN IN button was determined by the primary-button-color property instead of primary-color. buildthemes now correctly uses the primary-color property value for its color.

Changes in 0.1.3 - 0.1.7

  • file updates - Minor formatting fixes + content/detail improvements and corrections.

Changes in 0.1.2

  • file updates - Added new sections - one on 'Upgrading the WebApp Theme Builder tool' and another for this Changelog.

  • Fixed the functionality of the builthemes command's --version option.

Changes in 0.1.1

  • file updates - Documented the footer customisation changes in 0.1.0.

Changes in 0.1.0

  • buildthemes now allows the footer's background and text colors to be customised.




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