A convenience transformer to turn every GeneratorFunction
into a Promise.coroutine
coroutiner = require('coroutiner')
obj = {
fn: function*() {
yield Promise.delay(500)
return new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(1000) })
normalFn: function() { return 5 }
coroutiner( obj )
obj.fn().then(function(number) {
number // returns 1000
Promise.coroutine(function*() {
yield obj.fn() // returns 1000
obj.normalFn() // returns 5
Instead of calling Promise.coroutine
on every generator function, just call coroutiner on a parent object. This allows one to build an application utilizing yield
much more conveniently when every generator is already promisified.
Just be careful what you run this over. When prototype: true
(default) is enabled this will work on class (){}.prototype
, function(){}.prototype
and {}.__proto__
, which includes instances of classes.
You can also do it recursively.
// Create a new coroutiner, which also enumerates over a functions prototype
coroutiner = require('coroutiner')
fn = function*() {}
fn.prop = 1
obj = {
fn: fn
anArray: [
fn: function*(){} // coroutined, due to { array: true }
klass: class Class {
fn: function*() {} // coroutined, due to { prototype: true }
// This is run on every matched GeneratorFunction
// Returning `false` will skip it from being transformed
validatorFunction = function(key, value, parent) {
if ( key.match(/idontwantyou/) ) {
return false // skipping
coroutiner.all(obj, validatorFunction)
// Properties of GeneratorFunctions will be copied over
obj.fn.prop // returns 1
Caveats and Warnings
Coroutiner will behave weirdly in this CoffeeScript example
class Test
fn: =>
# A bound function!
yield return
class NewTest extends Test
newFn: -> yield return
test = new NewTest()
coroutiner { test, NewTest }
yield test.fn() # Error, because .fn() never got coroutined before being extended
yield test.newFn() # Works because it was defined in NewTest's prototype
yield new NewTest().fn() # Works because the instance was created with the coroutined prototype
The transformer
Make sure require('bluebird')
works if you aren't specifying your own transformer. Bluebird's Promise.coroutine
is used as a transformer by default, but by creating your own coroutiner instance that can change.
coroutiner( obj, ?validatorFn?, ?types? )
Returned by require('coroutiner')
Transforms GeneratorFunctions
within the obj with the transformer. Will also enumerate over the fn.prototype
if prototypes are enabled.
This is not recursive.
coroutiner.all( obj, ?validator?, ?depth?, ?types? )
Recursively transforms properties, like coroutiner()
Be careful with this. Only run it over an object that exposes your generators. If this touches a library that expects generators then things will break.
coroutiner.Coroutiner( options )
Creates a new coroutiner instance.
options {Object}
validator {Function}
A default validator function -
transformer {Function}
A default transformer instead ofPromise.coroutine
array {Boolean} true
Whether to iterate over arrays items -
object {Boolean} true
Whether to iterate over object properties -
function {Boolean} true
Whether to iterate over function properties -
prototype {Boolean} true
Whether to iterate over function/object prototypes
This controls which properties are enumerated over to look for transformable properties.
coroutiner.create( fn, ?types? )
Create a coroutined function and copies over its properties into a new returned function.
This is called by coroutiner()
and coroutiner.all()
object: true, function: true, array: true
prototype: true, unowned: true, circular: false
as false
if you only want .hasOwnProperty
as true
will remove cyclic recursion protection