corona-monitor 🦠
A Node.js CLI application for getting latest stats, news and history charts of corona (COVID-19)
- Get global corona (COVID-19) Statistics 🌎
- Get all countries corona (COVID-19) Statistics 🌐
- Get corona (COVID-19) Statistics for a country 🇩🇪
- Get latest corona (COVID-19) news for a country 📰
- Get corona (COVID-19) timeline chart for a country 📊
npm install -g corona-monitor
Getting help
corona-monitor --help
Getting help for a command
corona-monitor country:stats --help
Global stats
corona-monitor global:stats
All countries stats
corona-monitor country:stats
Single country stats
corona-monitor country:stats --name germany
News for a country
corona-monitor country:news --name germany
Timeline chart for a country
corona-monitor country:timeline --name germany
MIT © Yasir Khurshid