
5.2.1 • Public • Published

This is not free software. This plugin uses the Onyx sofware development kits (SDKs) for Android and iOS. It requires a license agreement with:

Diamond Fortress Technologies, Inc.


This plugin defines a global navigator.onyx object, which provides an API for capturing a fingerprint image, for in-app fingerprint enrollment and verification, and for fingerprint template generation for server side fingerprint authentication.

Although the object is attached to the global scoped navigator, it is not available until after the deviceready event.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {


Contact Diamond Fortress Technologies, Inc. and sign a license agreement to obtain a license key.

This requires cordova 5.0+

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-onyx
meteor add cordova:cordova-plugin-onyx@5.0.0

Additonal steps for iOS

Run the app for a device to build the app. From your meteor project directory

meteor run ios-device

Install the CocoaPod dependencies Open a terminal and navigate to the folder containing the project that was just created. From your meteor project directory

cd .meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios/

pod install

Then open the project .xcworkspace file to run the app on an iOS device from XCode.

Quick Use Example

MeteorJS applications

Create a settings.json file to load at runtime.

    "public": {
        "onyxLicense": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x-x"

Reference the Onyx license when you execute an Onyx action.

var onyxOptions = {
    onyxLicense = Meteor.settings.public.onyxLicense;
    action = Onyx.ACTION.CAPTURE;
navigator.onyx.exec(onyxOptions, onyxSuccessCallback, onyxErrorCallback);

Run the application on a mobile device

meteor run android-device --settings settings.json

API Reference


onyx.exec(options, successCallback, errorCallback)

Executes onyx with the specified options.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS

Kind: static method of [onyx](#module_onyx)

Param Type Description
options [OnyxOptions](#module_onyx.OnyxOptions) Parameters telling onyx what to execute.
successCallback [onSuccess](#module_onyx.onSuccess)
errorCallback [onError](#module_onyx.onError)


navigator.onyx.exec(onyxOptions, onyxSuccess, onyxError);

onyx.onError : function

Callback function that provides an error message.

Kind: static typedef of [onyx](#module_onyx)

Param Type Description
error Object An error object containing an error code and message.

onyx.onSuccess : function

Callback function that provides the image data.

Kind: static typedef of [onyx](#module_onyx)

Param Type Description
onyxResult [onyx](#module_onyx.OnyxResult) Object containing the results of the executed action.


// Display an image of the processed fingerprint
function onyxSuccess(onyxResult) {
    if (onyxResult.action === Onyx.ACTION.CAPTURE) {
        var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
           image.src = onyxResult.processedFingerprintDataUri;    


Onyx.OnyxOptions : JSON Object

Optional parameters to customize onyx configuration.

Kind: static typedef of [onyx](#module_onyx)

Name Type Default Platform Description
onyxLicense string xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x-x Both Required
Your license key for Onyx.
action [Action](#module_Onyx.ACTION) undefined Both Required
Choose the action for onyx to execute.
returnRawImage boolean false Both Indicates if the raw fingerprint image will be returned.
returnGrayRawImage boolean false iOS Indicates if the gray raw fingerprint image will be returned.
returnProcessedImage boolean false Both Indicates if the processed fingerprint image will be returned.
returnEnhancedImage boolean false Both Indicates if the enhanced fingerprint image will be returned.
returnBlackWhiteProcessedImage boolean false iOS Indicates if the black and white processed fingerprint image will be returned.
returnFingerprintTemplate boolean false Both Indicates if the base64 encoded fingerprint template will be returned.
returnWSQ boolean false Both Indicates if the base64 encoded WSQ fingerprint will be returned.
returnGrayRawWSQ boolean false iOS Indicates if the base64 encoded gray raw WSQ fingerprint will be returned.
shouldSegment boolean false Android Indicates if the fingerprint image should be segmented to remove background noise from the fingerprint image.
shouldConvertToISOTemplate boolean false Android Indicates that the fingerprint template should be returned in ISO format.
imageRotation number IMAGE_ROTATION.NONE Both Integer value of 90 degrees (0, 90, 180, or 270) to rotate the fingerprint image output.
fingerDetectMode number FINGER_DETECT_MODE.LIVE_FINGER Both Integer value of 0 or 1. Determines threshold level of finger coloration for autocapture.
wholeFingerCrop boolean false Android Will crop less of the image to return more of the fingerprint.
useManualCapture boolean false Both Disables the auto-capture feature. User must tap the screen to trigger capture.
useOnyxLive boolean false Both Will send the raw fingerprint image to the Onyx Liveness service to receive a liveness confidence score.
useFlash boolean true Both Sets the flash to torch mode to illuminate the finger and help determine alignment with the reticle.
showLoadingSpinner boolean false Both Shows a loading spinner while Onyx is doing asynchronous requests before the capture screen is presented.
reticleOrientation string RETICLE_ORIENTATION.LEFT Both Sets the direction of the finger reticle on the capture screen.
reticleAngle number 0 Android Requires LAYOUT_PREFERENCE.FULL
Integer value.
Adjusts the angle of the finger reticle.
reticleScale number 1.0 Android Float value from 0 to 1.
Adjusts the scale of the finger reticle.
backgroundColorHexString string #3698D3 Both Hex color value for the background color of the bottom two-thirds of the capture screen.
showBackButton boolean false Android Displays a back button on the capture screen.
backButtonText string "Back" Both Set text to use for back button (localization).
showManualCaptureText boolean true Both Show or hide the manual capture text.
manualCaptureText string "Touch the screen to capture." Both Set custom text to use for manual capture (localization).
infoText string undefined Both Set custom text to display on the capture screen.
infoTextColorHexString string undefined Both Set the color of the text to display on the capture screen. Defaults to black or white depending on the tint of backgroundColorHexString
base64ImageData string undefined Both Base64 encoded data string of image to display on the capture screen.
cropFactor float 0.8 Both Adjusts the zoom level of the fingerprint image. Higher numbers increase the zoom level.
cropSize JSON Object

width: number,
height: number
width: 512
height: 300
Both Sets the dimensions of the fingerprint image.
layoutPreference string LAYOUT_PREFERENCE.UPPER_THIRD Both Sets the display of the camera view.
probe string undefined Both Required for Onyx.ACTION.MATCH
Base64 encoded WSQ data to match against a reference fingerprint template.
reference string undefined Both Required for Onyx.ACTION.MATCH
Base64 encoded fingerprint template to match against a probe fingerprint template.
pyramidScales Array<string> ["0.8", "1.0", "1.2"] Both Optional for Onyx.ACTION.MATCH
Array of string representations of float values for image pyramiding during matching.

Example Interface

export interface IOnyxConfiguration {
  action?: string,
  onyxLicense?: string,
  returnRawImage?: boolean,
  returnGrayRawImage?: boolean,
  returnProcessedImage?: boolean,
  returnEnhancedImage?: boolean,
  returnBlackWhiteProcessedImage?: boolean,
  returnFingerprintTemplate?: boolean,
  returnWSQ?: boolean,
  returnGrayRawWSQ?: boolean,
  shouldSegment?: boolean,
  shouldConvertToISOTemplate?: boolean,
  imageRotation?: number,
  fingerDetectMode?: number,
  wholeFingerCrop?: boolean,
  useManualCapture?: boolean,
  useOnyxLive?: boolean,
  useFlash?: boolean,
  showLoadingSpinner?: boolean,
  reticleOrientation?: string,
  reticleAngle?: number,
  reticleScale?: number,
  backgroundColorHexString?: string,
  showBackButton?: boolean,
  showManualCaptureText?: boolean,
  manualCaptureText?: string,
  backButtonText?: string,
  infoText?: string,
  infoTextColorHexString?: string,
  base64ImageData?: string,
  cropFactor?: number,
  cropSize?: { width?: number, height?: number },
  layoutPreference?: string,
  probe?: string,
  reference?: string,
  pyramidScales?: Array<string>

Onyx.ACTION : Enum

Kind: static constants for actions of [Onyx](#module_Onyx)

Name Type Value Description
CAPTURE string "capture" Launches the Onyx Camera to capture a fingerprint and return an [OnyxResult](#module_onyx.OnyxResult) object. Requires OnyxOptions.onyxLicense
MATCH string "match" Performs on-device matching of the probe and reference fingerprint templates. Requires OnyxOptions.reference and OnyxOptions.probe


Kind: static constants for reticleOrientation of [OnyxOptions](#module_Onyx.OnyxOptions)

Name Type Value Description
LEFT string "LEFT" default
Finger reticle on the capture screen will be oriented for a left hand capture.
RIGHT string "RIGHT" Finger reticle on the capture screen will be oriented for a right hand capture.


Kind: static constants for layoutPreference of [OnyxOptions](#module_Onyx.OnyxOptions)

Name Type Value Description
UPPER_THRID string "UPPER_THRID" The camera view will only occupy the top third of the capture screen.
FULL string "FULL" The camera view will be full screen.


Kind: static constants for imageRotationof [OnyxOptions](#module_Onyx.OnyxOptions)

Name Type Value Description
ROTATE_NONE number 0 Default Does not rotate the image.
ROTATE_90_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE number 90 Rotates the image 90 degrees counter clockwise.
ROTATE_180 number 180 Rotates the image 180 degrees.
ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE number 270 Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise (270 degrees counter clockwise).


Kind: static constants for fingerDetectModeof [OnyxOptions](#module_Onyx.OnyxOptions)

Name Type Value Description
DEAD_FINGER number 0 Color threshold for dead fingers.
LIVE_FINGER number 1 default
Color threshold for live fingers.

Onyx.OnyxResult : JSON Object

Results return by Onyx.

Kind: Return type of [onyx.onSuccess](#module_onyx.onSuccess)

Name Type Description
action string The Onyx.ACTION that was specified in the OnyxOptions
rawFingerprintDataUri string DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the raw fingerprint image.
grayRawFingerprintDataUri string DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the gray raw fingerprint image.
processedFingerprintDataUri string DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the processed fingerprint image.
enhancedFingerprintDataUri string DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the enhanced fingerprint image.
blackWhiteProcessedFingerprintDataUri string DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the black and white processed fingerprint image.
base64EncodedWsqBytes string Base64 encoded bytes of the WSQ fingerprint image.
base64EncodedGrayRawWsqBytes string Base64 encoded bytes of the gray raw WSQ fingerprint image.
base64EncodedFingerprintTemplate string Base64 encoded bytes of the fingerprint template.
captureMetrics [Onyx.CaptureMetrics](#module_Onyx.CaptureMetrics) JSON Object containing the capture metrics.
isVerified boolean Indicates if the proble fingerprint template matched the reference fingerprint template
matchScore number Match score of the compared probe and reference fingerprint templates.

Example Interface

export interface IOnyxResult {
    action?: string,
    rawFingerprintDataUri?: string,
    grayRawFingerprintDataUri?: string,
    processedFingerprintDataUri?: string,
    enhancedFingerprintDataUri?: string,
    blackWhiteProcessedFingerprintDataUri?: string,
    base64EncodedFingerprintTemplate?: string,
    base64EncodedWsqBytes?: string,
    base64EncodedGrayRawWsqBytes?: string,
    captureMetrics?: {
        nfiqMetrics?: {
            nfiqScore?: number,
            mlpScore?: number
        livenessConfidence?: number,
        focusQuality?: number,
        distanceToCenter?: number,
        fillProperties?: {
            heightRatio?: number,
            overlapRatio?: number
    isVerified?: boolean,
    matchScore?: number

Onyx.CaptureMetrics : JSON Object

Kind: static typedef for [Onyx](#module_Onyx)

Name Type Description
nfiqMetrics [Onyx.NfiqMetrics](#module_Onyx.NfiqMetrics) JSON Object containing the NFIQ Metrics of nfiqScore and mlpScore.
livenessConfidence number Float value 0 - 1 indicating the percent confidence that the image captured was a real live fingerprint. Greater than 0.5 (50%) would suggest the finger was more real than fake. Less than 0.5 (50%) would suggest the finger was more fake than real.
focusQuality number
distanceToCenter number
fillProperties [Onyx.FillProperties](#module_Onyx.FillProperties) Android only
JSON Object containg the fill properties of heightRatio and overlapRatio.

Onyx.NfiqMetrics : JSON Object

Kind: static typedef for [Onyx](#module_Onyx)

Name Type Description
nfiqScore number NIST Fingerprint Image Quality. Integer value 1 - 5. A value of 5 being the lowest quality fingerprint image and should not be used for matching or saved as a biometric enrollment.
mlpScore number Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) Score is a float value from 0 - 1 describing the percent certainty of the NFIQ Score.

Onyx.FillProperties : JSON Object

Kind: static typedef for [Onyx](#module_Onyx)

Name Type Description
heightRatio number
overlapRatio number

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