This is not free software. This plugin uses the Onyx sofware development kits (SDKs) for Android and iOS. It requires a license agreement with:
Diamond Fortress Technologies, Inc.
This plugin defines a global navigator.onyx
object, which provides an API for capturing a fingerprint image, for in-app fingerprint enrollment and verification, and for fingerprint template generation for server side fingerprint authentication.
Although the object is attached to the global scoped navigator
, it is not available until after the deviceready
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
Contact Diamond Fortress Technologies, Inc. and sign a license agreement to obtain a license key.
This requires cordova 5.0+
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-onyx
meteor add cordova:cordova-plugin-onyx@5.0.0
Additonal steps for iOS
Run the app for a device to build the app. From your meteor project directory
meteor run ios-device
Install the CocoaPod dependencies Open a terminal and navigate to the folder containing the project that was just created. From your meteor project directory
cd .meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios/
pod install
Then open the project .xcworkspace
file to run the app on an iOS device from XCode.
Quick Use Example
MeteorJS applications
Create a settings.json file to load at runtime.
"public": {
"onyxLicense": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x-x"
Reference the Onyx license when you execute an Onyx action.
var onyxOptions = {
onyxLicense = Meteor.settings.public.onyxLicense;
action = Onyx.ACTION.CAPTURE;
navigator.onyx.exec(onyxOptions, onyxSuccessCallback, onyxErrorCallback);
Run the application on a mobile device
meteor run android-device --settings settings.json
API Reference
- .exec(options, successCallback, errorCallback)
- .onError :
- .onSuccess :
- .OnyxOptions :
JSON Object
- .OnyxResult :
JSON Object
- .CaptureMetrics :
JSON Object
- .NfiqMetrics :
JSON Object
- .FillProperties :
JSON Object
- .OnyxOptions :
onyx.exec(options, successCallback, errorCallback)
Executes onyx with the specified options.
Supported Platforms
- Android
- iOS
Kind: static method of [onyx](#module_onyx)
Param | Type | Description |
options | [OnyxOptions](#module_onyx.OnyxOptions) |
Parameters telling onyx what to execute. |
successCallback | [onSuccess](#module_onyx.onSuccess) |
errorCallback | [onError](#module_onyx.onError) |
navigator.onyx.exec(onyxOptions, onyxSuccess, onyxError);
onyx.onError : Callback function that provides an error message.
Kind: static typedef of [onyx](#module_onyx)
Param | Type | Description |
error | Object |
An error object containing an error code and message. |
onyx.onSuccess : Callback function that provides the image data.
Kind: static typedef of [onyx](#module_onyx)
Param | Type | Description |
onyxResult | [onyx](#module_onyx.OnyxResult) |
Object containing the results of the executed action. |
// Display an image of the processed fingerprint
function onyxSuccess(onyxResult) {
if (onyxResult.action === Onyx.ACTION.CAPTURE) {
var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
image.src = onyxResult.processedFingerprintDataUri;
JSON Object
Onyx.OnyxOptions : Optional parameters to customize onyx configuration.
Kind: static typedef of [onyx](#module_onyx)
Name | Type | Default | Platform | Description |
onyxLicense | string |
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x-x |
Both | Required Your license key for Onyx. |
action | [Action](#module_Onyx.ACTION) |
undefined |
Both | Required Choose the action for onyx to execute. |
returnRawImage | boolean |
false |
Both | Indicates if the raw fingerprint image will be returned. |
returnGrayRawImage | boolean |
false |
iOS | Indicates if the gray raw fingerprint image will be returned. |
returnProcessedImage | boolean |
false |
Both | Indicates if the processed fingerprint image will be returned. |
returnEnhancedImage | boolean |
false |
Both | Indicates if the enhanced fingerprint image will be returned. |
returnBlackWhiteProcessedImage | boolean |
false |
iOS | Indicates if the black and white processed fingerprint image will be returned. |
returnFingerprintTemplate | boolean |
false |
Both | Indicates if the base64 encoded fingerprint template will be returned. |
returnWSQ | boolean |
false |
Both | Indicates if the base64 encoded WSQ fingerprint will be returned. |
returnGrayRawWSQ | boolean |
false |
iOS | Indicates if the base64 encoded gray raw WSQ fingerprint will be returned. |
shouldSegment | boolean |
false |
Android | Indicates if the fingerprint image should be segmented to remove background noise from the fingerprint image. |
shouldConvertToISOTemplate | boolean |
false |
Android | Indicates that the fingerprint template should be returned in ISO format. |
imageRotation | number |
IMAGE_ROTATION.NONE | Both | Integer value of 90 degrees (0, 90, 180, or 270) to rotate the fingerprint image output. |
fingerDetectMode | number |
FINGER_DETECT_MODE.LIVE_FINGER | Both | Integer value of 0 or 1. Determines threshold level of finger coloration for autocapture. |
wholeFingerCrop | boolean |
false |
Android | Will crop less of the image to return more of the fingerprint. |
useManualCapture | boolean |
false |
Both | Disables the auto-capture feature. User must tap the screen to trigger capture. |
useOnyxLive | boolean |
false |
Both | Will send the raw fingerprint image to the Onyx Liveness service to receive a liveness confidence score. |
useFlash | boolean |
true |
Both | Sets the flash to torch mode to illuminate the finger and help determine alignment with the reticle. |
showLoadingSpinner | boolean |
false |
Both | Shows a loading spinner while Onyx is doing asynchronous requests before the capture screen is presented. |
reticleOrientation | string |
RETICLE_ORIENTATION.LEFT | Both | Sets the direction of the finger reticle on the capture screen. |
reticleAngle | number |
0 |
Android | Requires LAYOUT_PREFERENCE.FULL Integer value. Adjusts the angle of the finger reticle. |
reticleScale | number |
1.0 |
Android | Float value from 0 to 1. Adjusts the scale of the finger reticle. |
backgroundColorHexString | string |
#3698D3 |
Both | Hex color value for the background color of the bottom two-thirds of the capture screen. |
showBackButton | boolean |
false |
Android | Displays a back button on the capture screen. |
backButtonText | string |
"Back" |
Both | Set text to use for back button (localization). |
showManualCaptureText | boolean |
true |
Both | Show or hide the manual capture text. |
manualCaptureText | string |
"Touch the screen to capture." |
Both | Set custom text to use for manual capture (localization). |
infoText | string |
undefined |
Both | Set custom text to display on the capture screen. |
infoTextColorHexString | string |
undefined |
Both | Set the color of the text to display on the capture screen. Defaults to black or white depending on the tint of backgroundColorHexString |
base64ImageData | string |
undefined |
Both | Base64 encoded data string of image to display on the capture screen. |
cropFactor | float |
0.8 |
Both | Adjusts the zoom level of the fingerprint image. Higher numbers increase the zoom level. |
cropSize | JSON Object { width: number ,height: number } |
width: 512 height: 300 |
Both | Sets the dimensions of the fingerprint image. |
layoutPreference | string |
LAYOUT_PREFERENCE.UPPER_THIRD | Both | Sets the display of the camera view. |
probe | string |
undefined |
Both | Required for Onyx.ACTION.MATCH Base64 encoded WSQ data to match against a reference fingerprint template. |
reference | string |
undefined |
Both | Required for Onyx.ACTION.MATCH Base64 encoded fingerprint template to match against a probe fingerprint template. |
pyramidScales | Array<string> |
["0.8", "1.0", "1.2"] |
Both | Optional for Onyx.ACTION.MATCH Array of string representations of float values for image pyramiding during matching. |
Example Interface
export interface IOnyxConfiguration { action?: string, onyxLicense?: string, returnRawImage?: boolean, returnGrayRawImage?: boolean, returnProcessedImage?: boolean, returnEnhancedImage?: boolean, returnBlackWhiteProcessedImage?: boolean, returnFingerprintTemplate?: boolean, returnWSQ?: boolean, returnGrayRawWSQ?: boolean, shouldSegment?: boolean, shouldConvertToISOTemplate?: boolean, imageRotation?: number, fingerDetectMode?: number, wholeFingerCrop?: boolean, useManualCapture?: boolean, useOnyxLive?: boolean, useFlash?: boolean, showLoadingSpinner?: boolean, reticleOrientation?: string, reticleAngle?: number, reticleScale?: number, backgroundColorHexString?: string, showBackButton?: boolean, showManualCaptureText?: boolean, manualCaptureText?: string, backButtonText?: string, infoText?: string, infoTextColorHexString?: string, base64ImageData?: string, cropFactor?: number, cropSize?: { width?: number, height?: number }, layoutPreference?: string, probe?: string, reference?: string, pyramidScales?: Array<string>}
Onyx.ACTION : Kind: static constants for actions of [Onyx](#module_Onyx)
Name | Type | Value | Description |
CAPTURE | string |
"capture" | Launches the Onyx Camera to capture a fingerprint and return an [OnyxResult](#module_onyx.OnyxResult) object. Requires OnyxOptions.onyxLicense |
MATCH | string |
"match" | Performs on-device matching of the probe and reference fingerprint templates. Requires OnyxOptions.reference and OnyxOptions.probe |
Onyx.RETICLE_ORIENTATION : Kind: static constants for reticleOrientation of [OnyxOptions](#module_Onyx.OnyxOptions)
Name | Type | Value | Description |
LEFT | string |
"LEFT" | default Finger reticle on the capture screen will be oriented for a left hand capture. |
RIGHT | string |
"RIGHT" | Finger reticle on the capture screen will be oriented for a right hand capture. |
Onyx.LAYOUT_PREFERENCE : Kind: static constants for layoutPreference of [OnyxOptions](#module_Onyx.OnyxOptions)
Name | Type | Value | Description |
UPPER_THRID | string |
"UPPER_THRID" | The camera view will only occupy the top third of the capture screen. |
FULL | string |
"FULL" | The camera view will be full screen. |
Onyx.IMAGE_ROTATION : Kind: static constants for imageRotation
of [OnyxOptions](#module_Onyx.OnyxOptions)
Name | Type | Value | Description |
ROTATE_NONE | number |
0 |
Default Does not rotate the image. |
90 |
Rotates the image 90 degrees counter clockwise. |
ROTATE_180 | number |
180 |
Rotates the image 180 degrees. |
ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE | number |
270 |
Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise (270 degrees counter clockwise). |
Onyx.IMAGE_ROTATION : Kind: static constants for fingerDetectMode
of [OnyxOptions](#module_Onyx.OnyxOptions)
Name | Type | Value | Description |
DEAD_FINGER | number |
0 | Color threshold for dead fingers. |
LIVE_FINGER | number |
1 | default Color threshold for live fingers. |
JSON Object
Onyx.OnyxResult : Results return by Onyx.
Kind: Return type of [onyx.onSuccess](#module_onyx.onSuccess)
Name | Type | Description |
action | string |
The Onyx.ACTION that was specified in the OnyxOptions |
rawFingerprintDataUri | string |
DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the raw fingerprint image. |
grayRawFingerprintDataUri | string |
DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the gray raw fingerprint image. |
processedFingerprintDataUri | string |
DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the processed fingerprint image. |
enhancedFingerprintDataUri | string |
DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the enhanced fingerprint image. |
blackWhiteProcessedFingerprintDataUri | string |
DataUri prefixed, base64 encoded string representation of the black and white processed fingerprint image. |
base64EncodedWsqBytes | string |
Base64 encoded bytes of the WSQ fingerprint image. |
base64EncodedGrayRawWsqBytes | string |
Base64 encoded bytes of the gray raw WSQ fingerprint image. |
base64EncodedFingerprintTemplate | string |
Base64 encoded bytes of the fingerprint template. |
captureMetrics | [Onyx.CaptureMetrics](#module_Onyx.CaptureMetrics) |
JSON Object containing the capture metrics. |
isVerified | boolean |
Indicates if the proble fingerprint template matched the reference fingerprint template |
matchScore | number |
Match score of the compared probe and reference fingerprint templates. |
Example Interface
export interface IOnyxResult { action?: string, rawFingerprintDataUri?: string, grayRawFingerprintDataUri?: string, processedFingerprintDataUri?: string, enhancedFingerprintDataUri?: string, blackWhiteProcessedFingerprintDataUri?: string, base64EncodedFingerprintTemplate?: string, base64EncodedWsqBytes?: string, base64EncodedGrayRawWsqBytes?: string, captureMetrics?: { nfiqMetrics?: { nfiqScore?: number, mlpScore?: number }, livenessConfidence?: number, focusQuality?: number, distanceToCenter?: number, fillProperties?: { heightRatio?: number, overlapRatio?: number } }, isVerified?: boolean, matchScore?: number}
JSON Object
Onyx.CaptureMetrics : Kind: static typedef for [Onyx](#module_Onyx)
Name | Type | Description |
nfiqMetrics | [Onyx.NfiqMetrics](#module_Onyx.NfiqMetrics) |
JSON Object containing the NFIQ Metrics of nfiqScore and mlpScore . |
livenessConfidence | number |
Float value 0 - 1 indicating the percent confidence that the image captured was a real live fingerprint. Greater than 0.5 (50%) would suggest the finger was more real than fake. Less than 0.5 (50%) would suggest the finger was more fake than real. |
focusQuality | number |
distanceToCenter | number |
fillProperties | [Onyx.FillProperties](#module_Onyx.FillProperties) |
Android only JSON Object containg the fill properties of heightRatio and overlapRatio . |
JSON Object
Onyx.NfiqMetrics : Kind: static typedef for [Onyx](#module_Onyx)
Name | Type | Description |
nfiqScore | number |
NIST Fingerprint Image Quality. Integer value 1 - 5. A value of 5 being the lowest quality fingerprint image and should not be used for matching or saved as a biometric enrollment. |
mlpScore | number |
Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) Score is a float value from 0 - 1 describing the percent certainty of the NFIQ Score. |
JSON Object
Onyx.FillProperties : Kind: static typedef for [Onyx](#module_Onyx)
Name | Type | Description |
heightRatio | number |
overlapRatio | number |