
3.1.14 • Public • Published

Journey for Cordova

npm version License: GPL v3

Cordova plugin for using Journey. This plugin uses the native SDK Android and iOS.

Actually, it's not possible to use Journey for Cordova with a Tab Bar (iOS) or a Bottom Navigation (Android)


This plugin uses native SDKs. Since those SDKs are private, you will need to get access credentials to our artifactory. This plugin uses Cocoapods to manage dependencies for iOS, please install it first:

Credentials configuration

Once you have credentials to access our artifactory, one further step is required before installing the plugin. Please follow one of these steps to configure the credentials properly. The <YOUR_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME> and <YOUR_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD> should be replaced with your username and password!

Using Config.xml preferences

In the Config.xml file of your project, add these lines:


Using environment variables

Define two global environment variables as follows:


Using global properties files (MacOS users only)


In the Home directory, open .netrc file (if not found, create a new file) and add this line:


In the ~/.gradle directory, open gradle.propertiesfile (if not found, create a new file) andd these lines:



Use this command to install the plugin cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-navitia-sdk-ui

Setup for Android platform

This plugin uses Google Maps and requires a Google API key in case you're targeting the Android platform with your cordova application. You can get your own API key using this link:

You need to update your config.xml file as follows:

<widget ......... xmlns:android="">
    <platform name="android">
        <config-file parent="/manifest/application" target="AndroidManifest.xml">
            <meta-data android:name="" android:value="YOUR_API_KEY" />

Note that you have to change YOUR_API_KEY with your own API key!


Configuration - NavitiaSDKUI.init(config, success, failure)

Parameters Type Required Description Default
config Object Configuration
config.token String Navitia token (generate a token on
config.coverage String Name of search area
config.environment String Navitia environment "PROD"
config.primaryColor String To set the main color of the module
config.secondaryColor String To set the color of some components primaryColor
config.originColor String To set the color of the origin at the roadmap departure bloc
config.originBackgroundColor String To set the color of the origin at the roadmap departure bloc originColor
config.originIconColor String To set the color of the origin icon transparent (no color filter)
config.destinationColor String To set the color of the destination at the roadmap arrival bloc
config.destinationBackgroundColor String To set the color of the destination at the roadmap arrival bloc destinationColor
config.destinationIconColor String To set the color of the destination icon transparent (no color filter)
config.isFormEnabled Boolean To set the display of search form false
config.isMultiNetworkEnabled Boolean To set the display of the network name in the roadmap false
config.isEarlierLaterFeatureEnabled Boolean To set the display of "Earlier" and "Later" buttons false
config.isNextDeparturesFeatureEnabled Boolean To set the display of next departures by default false
config.maxHistory Int To set the maximum number of autocomplete history inputs 10
config.transportModes Object To customize the search form
config.disruptionContributor String To filter traffic disruptions
config.customTitles Object To set screen titles
success Function Success callback function function() {}
failure Function Failure callback function function(error) {}

For the supported environments, please check the table below:

Environment Value
Prod "PROD"
Customer "CUSTOMER"
Dev "DEV"
Internal "INTERNAL"
Custom titles

You can customize the screens titles. A string ressource ID is required and should be passed within the CustomTitles Object.

Parameters Type Required Description Example
customTitle Object CustomTitles
customTitle.form String To set the form screen title 'form_screen_title'
customTitle.journeys String To set the journeys list screen title 'journeys_screen_title'
customTitle.roadmap String To set the roadmap screen title 'roadmap_screen_title'
customTitle.ridesharing String To set the ridesharing offers screen title 'ridesharing_screen_title'
customTitle.autocomplete String To set the autocomplete screen title 'autocomplete_screen_title'


var config = {
    environment: 'CUSTOMER',
    token: 'my-token',
    coverage: 'my-coverage',
    backgroundColor: '#e67e22',
    originColor: '#2980b9',
    destinationColor: '#d35400',

NavitiaSDKUI.init(config, function() {}, function(error) {

Example with custom form and custom titles

Parameters Type Required Description Example
Transport Mode Object Configuration
transportMode.title String To set the button title NavitiaSDKUI.TransportModeIcon.METRO
transportMode.type String To set the button type 'metro'
transportMode.icon String To set the button icon 'metro'
transportMode.selected Boolean To set the button is selected by default false
transportMode.firstSectionMode [String] To set mode to use at the begining by the button NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING
transportMode.lastSectionMode [String] To set mode to use at the end by the button NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING
transportMode.physicalMode [String] To set physical modes use by the button ['physical_mode:Metro']
transportMode.realTime Boolean To set the display of the availability in real time true
var transportModes = [{
      title: 'Metro',
      type: 'metro',
      icon: NavitiaSDKUI.TransportModeIcon.METRO,
      selected: true,
      firstSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING ],
      lastSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING ],
      physicalMode: ['physical_mode:Metro'],
      title: 'Bus',
      type: 'bus',
      icon: NavitiaSDKUI.TransportModeIcon.BUS,
      selected: true,
      firstSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING ],
      lastSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING ],
      physicalMode: ['physical_mode:Bus'],
      title: 'Train',
      type: 'train',
      icon: NavitiaSDKUI.TransportModeIcon.TRAIN,
      selected: true,
      firstSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING ],
      lastSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING ],
      physicalMode: ['physical_mode:RapidTransit', 'physical_mode:LocalTrain', 'physical_mode:Train', 'physical_mode:Shuttle'],
      title: 'Bike',
      type: 'bike',
      icon: NavitiaSDKUI.TransportModeIcon.BIKE,
      selected: false,
      firstSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BIKE ],
      lastSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BIKE ],
      physicalMode: ['physical_mode:Bike'],
      title: 'BSS',
      type: 'bss',
      icon: NavitiaSDKUI.TransportModeIcon.BSS,
      selected: false,
      firstSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BSS ],
      lastSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BSS ],
      physicalMode: ['physical_mode:Bss'],
      realTime: true,
      title: 'Car',
      type: 'car',
      icon: NavitiaSDKUI.TransportModeIcon.CAR,
      selected: false,
      firstSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.CAR ],
      lastSectionMode: [ NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.CAR ],
      physicalMode: ['physical_mode:Car'],
      realTime: true,
var customTitles = {
     form: "form_screen_title",
     journeys: "journeys_screen_title",
     roadmap: "roadmap_screen_title",
     ridesharing: "ridesharing_screen_title",
     autocomplete: "autocomplete_screen_title"

var config = {
    token: 'my-token',
    primaryColor: '#e67e22',
    secondaryColor: '#2980b9',
    destinationColor: '#d35400',
    transportModes: transportModes,
    customTitles: customTitles

NavitiaSDKUI.init(config, function() {}, function(error) {

Journeys request - NavitiaSDKUI.invokeJourneyResults(params, success, failure)

Parameters Type Required Description Example
params Object Parameters of the screen
params.originId String Origin coordinates, following the format lon;lat "2.3665844;48.8465337"
params.destinationId String Destination coordinates, following the format lon;lat "2.2979169;48.8848719"
params.originLabel String Origin label, if not set the address will be displayed "Home"
params.destinationLabel String Destination label, if not set the address will be displayed "Work"
params.datetime String Requested date and time (in UTC Timezone) for journey results new Date().toISOString()
params.datetimeRepresents String Can be NavitiaSDKUI.DatetimeRepresents.DEPARTURE (journeys after datetime) or NavitiaSDKUI.DatetimeRepresents.ARRIVAL (journeys before datetime). NavitiaSDKUI.DatetimeRepresents.DEPARTURE
params.travelerType String Can be NavitiaSDKUI.TravelerType.FAST (fast walker), NavitiaSDKUI.TravelerType.STANDARD (standard walker), NavitiaSDKUI.TravelerType.SLOW (slow walker), NavitiaSDKUI.TravelerType.LUGGAGE (traveler with luggage) or NavitiaSDKUI.TravelerType.WHEELCHAIR (traveler on wheelchair). NavitiaSDKUI.TravelerType.STANDARD
params.forbiddenUris [String] Used to avoid lines, modes, networks, etc in the Journey search (List of navitia uris) ['commercial_mode:Bus', 'line:1']
params.allowedId [String] If you want to use only a small subset of the public transport objects in the Journey search (List of navitia uris) ['commercial_mode:Bus', 'line:1']
params.firstSectionModes [String] List of modes to use at the begining of the journey [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.CAR, NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.RIDESHARING]
params.lastSectionModes [String] List of modes to use at the end of the journey [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BIKE, NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BSS]
params.count Integer The number of journeys that will be displayed 3
params.minNbJourneys Integer The minimum number of journeys that will be displayed 3
params.maxNbJourneys Integer The maximum number of journeys that will be displayed 10
params.addPoiInfos [String] Allow the display of the availability in real time for bike share and car park ['bss_stands', 'car_park']
params.directPath String To indicate if the journey is direct "only"
params.travelerType String To indicate the traveler type "slow_walker" or "standard" or "fast_walker" or "luggage" or "wheelchair"
success Function Success callback function function() {}
failure Function Failure callback function function(error) {}


var journeyParams = {
    originId: '2.3665844;48.8465337',
    destinationId: '2.2979169;48.8848719',
    originLabel: 'My Home',
    firstSectionModes: [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.WALKING, NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.CAR, NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BIKE, NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BSS, NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.RIDESHARING],
    addPoiInfos: ['bss_stand', 'car_park'],
    count: 5,

NavitiaSDKUI.invokeJourneyResults(journeyParams, function() {}, function(error) {
Public transport
var journeyParams = {
    originId: '2.3665844;48.8465337',
    destinationId: '2.2979169;48.8848719',
var journeyParams = {
    originId: '2.3665844;48.8465337',
    destinationId: '2.2979169;48.8848719',
    forbiddenUris: ['physical_mode:Bus', ‘physical_mode:Tramway’, ‘physical_mode:Metro’]
    firstSectionModes: [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BIKE],
    lastSectionModes: [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BIKE],
var journeyParams = {
    originId: '2.3665844;48.8465337',
    destinationId: '2.2979169;48.8848719',
    forbiddenUris: ['physical_mode:Bus', ‘physical_mode:Tramway’, ‘physical_mode:Metro’]
    firstSectionModes: [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BSS],
    lastSectionModes: [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.BSS],
    addPoiInfos: ['bss_stand'],
var journeyParams = {
    originId: '2.3665844;48.8465337',
    destinationId: '2.2979169;48.8848719',
    firstSectionModes: [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.CAR],
    addPoiInfos: ['car_park'],
var journeyParams = {
    originId: '2.3665844;48.8465337',
    destinationId: '2.2979169;48.8848719',
    firstSectionModes: [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.RIDESHARING],
    lastSectionModes: [NavitiaSDKUI.SectionMode.RIDESHARING],

Colors configuration

Actually, three color parameters can be customized for the SDK. These parameters must be added to the "config" object as indicated in the table above.

Customize icons

Some module icons can be customized using a JSON configuration. Please note that all ressources should be added to the platform main assets/bundle folder.


Object Type Required Description
code String Navitia line code
icon_res String Icon ressource name
commercial Commercial Navitia commercial mode
Object Type Required Description
icon_res String Icon ressource name
commercial Commercial Navitia commercial mode
Object Type Required Description
name String Commercial mode name
id String Commercial mode ID
Object Type Required Description
id String Navitia provider ID
icon_res String Icon ressource name
var transportConfiguration = `{
    "lines": [
        "code": "6",
        "icon_res": "ic_metro_6",
        "commercial": {
          "name": "Métro",
          "id": "commercial_mode:Metro"
    "modes": [
        "icon_res": "ic_metro",
        "commercial": {
          "name": "Métro",
          "id": "commercial_mode:Metro"
    "providers": [
          "id": "ridesharing_provider",
          "icon_res": "ic_ridesharing"

var config = {
    token: 'my-token',
    primaryColor: '#e67e22',
    secondaryColor: '#2980b9',
    destinationColor: '#d35400',
    transportConfiguration: transportConfiguration

NavitiaSDKUI.init(config, function() {}, function(error) {


Force gradle wrapper version before build

In terminal, before building :


Specific android tools version : 29

In case you are having problems building and getting this kind of problems :

platforms/android/build/intermediates/res/merged/debug/values-v24/values-v24.xml:3: AAPT: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name ...

You may try to override your android compiler environment variables :

export ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_cdvCompileSdkVersion=android-28
export ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_cdvBuildToolsVersion=29.0.0

More information on Cordova website

Manifest merger issue

This usually happens if you change the API key in the config.xml file. The build fails and you're getting this kind of error:

Element at AndroidManifest.xml:xx:xx-xx duplicated with element declared at AndroidManifest.xml:xx:xx-xx

You may try to remove the Android platform and add it back again.

Android building problem : Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined

In the file /platforms/android/cordova/lib/emulator.js, replace :

var num = target.split(’(API level ‘)[1].replace(’)’, ‘’);

By :

var num = target.match(/\d+/)[0];


Check out the Cordova plugin License here.

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  • navitiasdkteam