Cordova Flashlight / Torch plugin
1. Description
This is a fork of EddyVerbruggen/Flashlight-PhoneGap-Plugin
This plugin allows you to switch the flashlight / torch of the device on and off.
- Works on iOS 5+
- Works on Android 2+
- Android 6+ runtime permissions are handled automatically
- Works on WP8
- Depends on capabilities of the device, so you can test it with an API call
- Compatible with Cordova Plugman
- Pending review at PhoneGap Build
2. Installation
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-flashlight2
$ cordova plugin add
PhoneGap Build
Flashlight works with PhoneGap build too! Compatible with PhoneGap 3.0.0 and up.
Just add the following xml to your config.xml
to always use the latest version of this plugin:
<gap:plugin name="cordova-plugin-flashlight2" source="npm" />
3. Usage
Since version 3.2.0 of this plugin you can pass in an intensity
which needs to be anywhere between 0.0 and 1.0. Only on iOS this will affect the
brightness of the torch.
const flashlightPlugin = window.plugins.flashlight;
flashlightPlugin.available().then(result => {
if (result) {
// If available, switch the light on.
.switchOn({ intensity: 0.3 }) // optional as well
.then(() => {
// If successful, switch off after 3 seconds.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
.catch(() => {
// If it fails, show alert.
alert('Cannot switch the light on.');
} else {
alert('Flashlight not available on this device.');
As an alternative to switchOn
and switchOff
, you can use the toggle
{ intensity: 0.3 } // optional as well, used on iOS when switching on
.then(() => {}) // optional success callback
.catch(() => {}); // optional error callback
To know if the flashlight is on or off you can call isSwitchedOn
window.plugins.flashlight.isSwitchedOn(); // returns true/false
A hint for Android developers
: you'll want to make sure the torch is switched off when the app is exited via the backbutton.
Otherwise, the camera may be locked so it can't be used by other apps:
// pass exitApp as callbacks to the switchOff method
() => window.plugins.flashlight.switchOff().finally(exitApp),
function exitApp() {;
- This plugin was streamlined and enhanced for Plugman / PhoneGap Build by Eddy Verbruggen.
- The Android code was inspired by the PhoneGap Torch plugin.
- Thanks to HuaHub for making me fix a camera lock issue on Android.
- The iOS code was inspired by Tom Schreck.