
1.0.3 • Public • Published


cordova-live-update provides secure over-the-air web stack updates for Cordova applications. Many updates to hybrid applications involve only web stack (JavaScript/HTML/CSS/fonts) changes and no native code changes at all. With this package, you can provide your users convenient updates.

It works like this:

  1. Include this library in your Cordova/Ionic application
  2. Perform a periodic check by calling LiveUpdater.go()
  3. LiveUpdater will download, install, and then run updated code bundles

What's included in the bundles? For now, everything. I am looking at ways of providing secure deltas for reduced bandwidth, but for now the entire zip bundle of web stack logic is transmitted in the update.

A major security concern for live updates is the man-in-the-middle whereby some attacker pretends to serve an updated zip that is infact malaicious code. Until I implement code signing, I recommend using this package only during development and on trusted networks.


npm install cordova-live-update

Basic Usage

// Note that we must wrap inside `deviceready` because it uses Cordova features.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", (function() {
  updater = new LiveUpdate({...options, see below...});
  updater.go(); // Check for updates, install, and then launch
}), false);


Supply these options to the LiveUpdate constructor.

The following options are required.

Name Discussion
updateUrl Required. The URL where your update zips are located.
originalBuildId Required. The build ID of the bundled/packaged version that the app shipped with.

The following options are sent to sensible defaults but can be overridden if custom behavior is needed.

Name Discussion
appEntryPoint The entry point to use when running your updated app. Defaults to app.html
recheckTimeoutMs When LiveUpdate is set to check for udpates repeatedly, it will use this timeout between rechecks. Default 5 seconds. Note that this delay will happen between the end of one checkout and the beginning of the next.
afterUpdateAvailable Called when an update is available. Override by returning a promise that resolves if LiveUpdate should proceed with downloading and rejects if LiveUpdate should not proceed with downloading.
afterDownloadComplete Called when download and unzip is complete. Override by returning a promise that resolves if LiveUpdate should proceed with installation and rejects if LiveUpdate should not proceed with installation.
afterInstallComplete Called after installation has finished. At this point, an application reboot will load the new version. Override by returning a promise that resolves if LiveUpdate should proceed to the reboot step or rejects if LiveUpdate should proceed to the reboot step.
beforeReboot Called before LiveUpdate reboots the application. Override with a promise that resolves if LiveUpdater should reboot and rejects if LiveUpdater should not reboot.
getCurrentBuildId Function callback taking the form function(). Defaults to getting and setting build number from local storage, override if you would like to do something else.
setCurrentBuildId Function callback taking the form function(build_id). Defaults to local storage, override if you would like to do something else.
localStorageVar The variable name used to hold the current version number. Defaults to buildno. If you don't want to change the functions above, you can use this to alter just the variable name used.
bundleRoot The local file path to where bundles should be downloaded and unzipped. This must be a permanent storage location. Defaults to cordova.file.dataDirectory.

Overriding afterDownloadComplete can be useful if you wish to override the default confirm() behavior. Here is an Ionic confirmation example:

afterDownloadComplete: function(currentId, latestId) {
  var confirmPopup, d;
  d = $q.defer();
  confirmPopup = $ionicPopup.confirm({
    title: 'Update Available',
    template: sprintf("Version %d is available for download (you are running %d). Update now?", latestId, currentId),
    buttons: [
        text: 'Update Later',
        onTap: (function() {
          return d.reject();
      }, {
        text: 'Update Now',
        type: 'button-positive',
        onTap: (function() {
          return d.resolve();
  return d.promise;


Check for updates, install, and then launch.


Check for an update. If the update is

.then(function(current\_build\_id) {
  console.log("The current build ID is", current\_build\_id);


Check for updates repeatedly. Useful for debugging mode.


Creating, Testing, and Hosting Bundles

When you install the cordova-live-update package, it installs a few utilities in node_modules/.bin to help you create and test bundles.

By default, cordova-live-update will create bundles from what exists in platforms/ios/www and assign build IDs based on timestamps. If you want to do something different, you can customize that behavior below.

Creating a Bundle

To create a bundle, simply run this from the root of your Cordova/Ionic project:


You can optionally supply a build number as the first parameter:

./node_modules/.bin/liveupdate-bundle 123

By default, this will zip of everything in platforms/ios/www and place it in ./liveupdate/. It will create a liveupdate.json there too, which references the latest bundle available.

To cange this behavior, create a .env in your project root and use these variables:

BUNDLE_TARGET=`pwd`/liveupdate        # The path to where you would like your bundles to be stored locally for testing
BUNDLE_SRC=`pwd`/platforms/ios/www    # The path to the web stack files to bundle into your zip

Testing a Bundle

cordova-live-update comes with a mini express server to serve your bundles.

To start your local server, run the following command:


By default, this will listen on and will use a web root of ./liveupdate. Use BUNDLE_TARGET and BUNDLE_PORT environment variables if you wish to change either of those settings.

Lastly, you need to configure LiveUpdater to use your local testing environment. LiveUpdater expects you to provide a URL where updates live. It works like this:

  1. Fetch liveupdate.json from config URL. liveupdate.json contains a single integer build number.
  2. Compare build number in liveupdate.json with local build number. The initial local build number is supplied in the LiveUpdate config but LiveUpdate tracks the latest current build number after that. (If you want to override how LiveUpdate stores build numbers, look at the config section above).
  3. If the remote build is greater than the local build, LiveUpdate downloads <buildnumber>.zip from the remote source, unzips it, installs it, and then reboots the application. Youc an override the details of how LiveUpdate handles each of these steps. See the config above.

Hosting Bundles

Hosting bundles for production use is not recommended until code signing. That said, LiveUpdater will happily check and download bundles from any URL you specify.




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  • benallfree